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Omnia Creator

A cross platform C/C++ IDE for Makers

Windows Guide
Linux Guide
Mac Guide

Windows Guide


Please replace ${xxx} variables with the appropriate path


  1. Clone with Git
  2. cd ${clonedir}
  3. git clone --recursive
  4. Open ${clonedir}\ide\qt-creator-src\ with QtCreator
  5. Set the debug build directory to ${clonedir}\ide\qt-creator-build (click details to show)
  6. Set the release build directory to ${clonedir}\ide\qt-creator-build (click details to show)
  7. Using the Mode Selector (the left side bar) click Projects
  8. Select Desktop Qt x.x.x MinGW ... Build
  9. Set Edit build configuration to Debug 1. Under Build Steps edit the Make step by overriding mingw32-make.exe with
    • Leave Make arguments blank 2. Under Build Steps click Add Build Step and select Custom Process Step
    1. Set Command to python
    2. Set Arguments to %{sourceDir}\..\
      ${qt-installdir}\Tools\QtCreator\bin\jom.exe debug
    3. Set Working directory to %{buildDir} 3. Under Clean Steps edit the Make step by overriding mingw32-make.exe with
    • Leave Make arguments blank 4. Under Clean Steps click Add Build Step and select Custom Process Step
    1. Set Command to python
    2. Set Arguments to %{sourceDir}\..\
      ${qt-installdir}\Tools\QtCreator\bin\jom.exe clean
    3. Set Working directory to %{buildDir} 5. Under Build Steps edit the qmake step by adding additional arguments CONFIG+=c++11
  10. Set Edit build configuration to Release 1. Under Build Steps edit the Make step by overriding mingw32-make.exe with
    • Leave Make arguments blank 2. Under Build Steps click Add Build Step and select Custom Process Step
    1. Set Command to python
    2. Set Arguments to %{sourceDir}\..\
      ${qt-installdir}\Tools\QtCreator\bin\jom.exe release
    3. Set Working directory to %{buildDir} 3. Under Clean Steps edit the Make step by overriding mingw32-make.exe with
    • Leave Make arguments blank 4. Under Clean Steps click Add Build Step and select Custom Process Step
    1. Set Command to python
    2. Set Arguments to %{sourceDir}\..\
      ${qt-installdir}\Tools\QtCreator\bin\jom.exe clean
    3. Set Working directory to %{buildDir} 5. Under Build Steps edit the qmake step by adding additional arguments CONFIG+=c++11
  11. Select Desktop Qt x.x.x MinGW ... Run
  12. Under Deployment click Add and select Deploy Configuration 1. Rename the new Deployment configuration to Install 2. Click Add Deploy Step and select Custom Process Step
    1. Set Command to python
    2. Set Arguments to %{sourceDir}\..\
      ${qt-installdir}\Tools\QtCreator\bin\jom.exe release -I
    3. Set Working directory to %{buildDir}
  13. Under Deployment click Add and select Deploy Configuration 1. Rename the new Deployment configuration to Install-Build 2. Click Add Deploy Step and select Custom Process Step
    1. Set Command to python
    2. Set Arguments to %{sourceDir}\..\
      ${qt-installdir}\Tools\QtCreator\bin\jom.exe release -I -B
    3. Set Working directory to %{buildDir}
    Under Deployment click Add and select Deploy Configuration 1. Rename the new Deployment configuration to Install-Build-Sign 2. Click Add Deploy Step and select Custom Process Step
    1. Set Command to python
    2. Set Arguments to %{sourceDir}\..\
      ${qt-installdir}\Tools\QtCreator\bin\jom.exe release -I -B
      -S ${sign-password}
    3. Set Working directory to %{buildDir}
    Under Deployment click Add and select Deploy Configuration 1. Rename the new Deployment configuration to Install-Build-Sign-Upload 2. Click Add Deploy Step and select Custom Process Step
    1. Set Command to python
    2. Set Arguments to %{sourceDir}\..\
      ${qt-installdir}\Tools\QtCreator\bin\jom.exe release -I -B
      -S ${sign-password} -U ${upload-password}
    3. Set Working directory to %{buildDir}
  16. Under Deployment set Method to Deploy locally
  17. Under Run set Run configuration to app
  18. Using the Mode Selector (the left side bar) click Run

Please replace ${xxx} variables with the appropriate path

Linux Guide

Omnia Creator has not been ported to Linux yet.

Mac Guide

Omnia Creator has not been ported to Mac yet.


  • Install Git 2.0.1 for Mac (or better)
  • Install Qt 5.4.0 Online Installer for Mac (or better)
    1. Please deselect Qt when prompted
    2. Please select Qt -> Qt 5.4 -> clang 64-bit when prompted
    3. Please select Qt -> Qt 5.4 -> Source Components when prompted
    4. Please select Qt -> Qt 5.4 -> Qt WebEngine when prompted
    5. Please select Qt -> Tools when prompted
    6. Please select Qt -> Qt Cloud Services when prompted
    7. Please select Qt -> Qt Extras when prompted
  • Install CMake 3.1.0 for Mac (or better)
    1. sudo /Applications/
    2. Go to the Tools menu and select Install For Command Line Use
    3. Please select Install Command Line Links
  • Install BitRock InstallBuilder 9.5.4 Multiplatform (Professional) for Mac (or better)
    1. Add ${installbuilder-installdir}/bin to your path
    2. Add ${installbuilder-installdir}/autoupdate/bin to your path
  • Install Doxygen 1.8.9 for Mac (or better)
    1. Add ${doxygen-installdir}/Contents/Resources to your path
  • Install Graphviz 2.38.0 for Mac (or better)
    1. Add ${graphviz-installdir}/Contents/Resources to your path

Please replace ${xxx} variables with the appropriate path


  1. Clone with Git
  2. cd ${clonedir}
  3. git clone --recursive
  4. Open ${clonedir}/ide/qt-creator-src/ with QtCreator
  5. Set the debug build directory to ${clonedir}/ide/qt-creator-build (click details to show)
  6. Set the release build directory to ${clonedir}/ide/qt-creator-build (click details to show)
  7. Using the Mode Selector (the left side bar) click Projects
  8. Select Desktop Qt x.x.x MinGW ... Build
  9. Set Edit build configuration to Debug 1. Under Build Steps edit the Make step by adding make arguments -j 2. Under Build Steps click Add Build Step and select Custom Process Step
    1. Set Command to python
    2. Set Arguments to %{sourceDir}/../ /usr/bin/make debug
    3. Set Working directory to %{buildDir} 3. Under Clean Steps edit the Make step by adding make arguments -j 4. Under Clean Steps click Add Build Step and select Custom Process Step
    4. Set Command to python
    5. Set Arguments to %{sourceDir}/../ /usr/bin/make clean
    6. Set Working directory to %{buildDir} 5. Under Build Steps edit the qmake step by adding additional arguments CONFIG+=c++11
  10. Set Edit build configuration to Release 1. Under Build Steps edit the Make step by adding make arguments -j 2. Under Build Steps click Add Build Step and select Custom Process Step
    1. Set Command to python
    2. Set Arguments to %{sourceDir}/../ /usr/bin/make release
    3. Set Working directory to %{buildDir} 3. Under Clean Steps edit the Make step by adding make arguments -j 4. Under Clean Steps click Add Build Step and select Custom Process Step
    4. Set Command to python
    5. Set Arguments to %{sourceDir}/../ /usr/bin/make clean
    6. Set Working directory to %{buildDir} 5. Under Build Steps edit the qmake step by adding additional arguments CONFIG+=c++11
  11. Select Desktop Qt x.x.x MinGW ... Run
  12. Under Deployment click Add and select Deploy Configuration 1. Rename the new Deployment configuration to Install 2. Click Add Deploy Step and select Custom Process Step
    1. Set Command to python
    2. Set Arguments to %{sourceDir}/../ /usr/bin/make release -I
    3. Set Working directory to %{buildDir}
  13. Under Deployment click Add and select Deploy Configuration 1. Rename the new Deployment configuration to Install-Build 2. Click Add Deploy Step and select Custom Process Step
    1. Set Command to python
    2. Set Arguments to %{sourceDir}/../ /usr/bin/make release -I -B
    3. Set Working directory to %{buildDir}
    Under Deployment click Add and select Deploy Configuration 1. Rename the new Deployment configuration to Install-Build-Sign 2. Click Add Deploy Step and select Custom Process Step
    1. Set Command to python
    2. Set Arguments to %{sourceDir}/../ /usr/bin/make release -I -B
      -S ${sign-password}
    3. Set Working directory to %{buildDir}
    Under Deployment click Add and select Deploy Configuration 1. Rename the new Deployment configuration to Install-Build-Sign-Upload 2. Click Add Deploy Step and select Custom Process Step
    1. Set Command to python
    2. Set Arguments to %{sourceDir}/../ /usr/bin/make release -I -B
      -S ${sign-password} -U ${upload-password}
    3. Set Working directory to %{buildDir}
  16. Using the Mode Selector (the left side bar) click Run

Please replace ${xxx} variables with the appropriate path


Omnia Creator is a cross platform C/C++ IDE for Makers







No packages published
