Artifacts /ˈärtəˌfakts/ are generally something you find when you're searching. These artifacts are things I found I wanted to do; but there was no available tool at the time; so, I rolled my own.
Relax - these particular artifacts are of the CouchDB variety.
- couch-feeds /kouCH-fēdʒ/ - is for accessing, listening to (or not, as the case may be), and the manipulating of either the _changes or the _externals feeds of CouchDB.
- couch-express /kouCH-ikˈspres/ - is an email send/receive artifact; couch-feeds makes use of it in it's primary use case.
- couch-? /kouCH-?/ - give me a snazzy idea for the next couch-artifacts.
I've put somethought into this and have two types of artifacts I'm planning on researching.
- first, I've been playing with heroku a lot recently; so I thought I might make a few heroku helpers for the things I do most.
- second, I've been looking for a reason to get back into the swing of nodejitsu.
- third, maybe I should revisit couchbase-server and see if anything else would benefit from the 'artifact' way of doing things.