s module creates an aws launch configuration, an aws auto-scaling group and cloudwatch alarms for the auto-scaling group. It also allows for a blue green deployment if the module is imported twice under a blue and a green configuration name.
module "rapidpro-blue" {
source = "../../modules/asg-compute"
asg_max_size = "${var.blue_asg_max_size}"
asg_min_size = "${var.blue_asg_min_size}"
deployment = "blue"
deployed = "${var.deploy_blue}"
env = "${var.env}"
project = "${var.project}"
project_id = "${var.project_id}"
owner = "${var.owner}"
end_date = "${var.end_date}"
ssh_key_name = "${var.ssh_key_name}"
ami = "${var.blue_ami}"
instance_type = "${var.instance_type}"
attached_volume_size = "${var.attached_volume_size}"
cloudwatch_alarm_actions = "${var.cloudwatch_alarm_actions}"
target_group_arns = "${module.rapidpro.target_group_arns}"
security_groups = "${module.rapidpro.security_groups}"
subnet_ids = "${module.rapidpro-vpc.subnet_ids}"
user_data = "${data.template_cloudinit_config.rapidpro.rendered}"
module "rapidpro-green" {
source = "../../modules/asg-compute"
asg_max_size = "${var.green_asg_max_size}"
asg_min_size = "${var.green_asg_min_size}"
deployment = "green"
deployed = "${var.deploy_green}"
env = "${var.env}"
project = "${var.project}"
project_id = "${var.project_id}"
owner = "${var.owner}"
end_date = "${var.end_date}"
ssh_key_name = "${var.ssh_key_name}"
ami = "${var.green_ami}"
instance_type = "${var.instance_type}"
attached_volume_size = "${var.attached_volume_size}"
cloudwatch_alarm_actions = "${var.cloudwatch_alarm_actions}"
target_group_arns = "${module.rapidpro.target_group_arns}"
security_groups = "${module.rapidpro.security_groups}"
subnet_ids = "${module.rapidpro-vpc.subnet_ids}"
user_data = "${data.template_cloudinit_config.rapidpro.rendered}"
A cloudinit config template can be provided for the auto-scaling group instances. For example:
data "template_cloudinit_config" "rapidpro" {
gzip = true
base64_encode = true
part {
content_type = "text/x-shellscript"
content = <<-EOF
. /home/rapidpro/.virtualenvs/rapidpro/bin/activate
. /home/rapidpro/app/django.sh
cd /home/rapidpro/app
python manage.py migrate --noinput
python manage.py collectstatic --noinput
systemctl reload nginx.service
systemctl enable rapidpro.service
systemctl start rapidpro.service
Make sure the EC2 instances that are created using this module are attached to an IAM role (using the ec2_instance_role
variable) that has the following permissions:
- ec2:DeleteTags
- ec2:CreateTags
- All ec2:Describe* permissions
These permissions are needed by sre-tooling to update the details of the tags of the instances from within the instances.