You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 4
kmizu edited this page Jan 8, 2013
1 revision
The followings are EBNF-like syntax of Onion
block_comment ::= '/*'
([^*])* '*'
('*' | ([^*/] ([^*])* '*'))* '/'
line_comment ::= '//' ([^\r\n])*
shell_comment ::= '#!' ([^\r\n])*
compile_unit ::= module? import? (
| 'interface'
| 'statement'
| 'function'
| 'global_var'
module ::= 'module' id (. id)* ;
fqcn ::= id (. id)+
import ::= 'import' {
(fqcn ; | id = fqcn ;)*
access ::= 'public'
| 'protected'
| 'private'
modifier ::= 'final'
| 'internal'
| 'volatile'
| 'synchronized'
| 'static'
| 'inherited'
type ::= primitive
| id
| '#<' fqcn '>'
| type ('[]')+
primitive ::= 'byte'
| 'short'
| 'char'
| 'int'
| 'long'
| 'float'
| 'double'
| 'boolean'
| 'void'
class ::= modifier* 'class' id
('extends' type)?
('conforms' type (, type)*)? {
| method
| constructor
(access :
| method
| constructor
interface ::= modifier* 'interface' id
('conforms' type (, type)*)? {
(id ('('
(var_decl (, var_decl)*)?
')')? (: type)? ;)*
field ::= modifier* ('forward')?
field_id : type [= expr] ;
method ::= modifier* id ( '(' (arg_list)? ')' )?
(: type)? (; | block)
constructor ::= modifier* new ( '(' (arg_list)? ')' )?
(: '(' [expr_list] ')' )? block
function ::= modifier* def id
('(' (arg_list)? ')')? (: type)? block
global_var ::= modifier* var id : type (= expr)? ;
statement ::= if| cond | select | while | for
| foreach | sync | try
| break | continue | return | throw
| block | empty | expr_stmt | var_decl
if ::= 'if' expr block (else block)?
cond ::= 'cond' { (expr block)+ (else block)? }
select ::= 'select' expr {
('case' expr_list block)*
[else block]
while ::= 'while' expr block
for ::= 'for'
(var_decl | expr_stmt) expr ; (expr)?
foreach ::= 'foreach' var_decl : expr block
sync ::= 'synchronized' expr block
try ::= 'try' block
('rec' id : type block)*
'fin' block
break ::= 'break' ;
continue ::= 'continue' ;
return ::= 'return' (expr)? ;
throw ::= 'throw' expr ;
block ::= { statement* }
empty ::= ;
expr_stmt ::= expr ;
var_decl ::= id : type (= expr)? ;
arg_list ::= id : type (, id : type)*
expr ::= expr binary_op expr
| expr assign_op expr
| unary_op expr
| expr (. id ( '(' (expr_list)? ')')?)*
| new type '[' expr_list ']'
| new type ( '(' (expr_list)? ')' )?
| type :: id ( '(' (expr_list)? ')' )?
| expr ('[' expr ']')*
| '(' expr ')'
| id ( '(' (expr_list)? ')' )?
| expr 'is' type
| expr $ type
| self
| closure
| integer_literal
| float_literal
| character_literal
| string_literal
| boolean_literal
| list_literal
| null_literal
closure ::= # type . id ( '(' [arg_list]')' )?
list_literal ::= '[' (expr_list)? ']'
expr_list ::= expr (, expr)*
unary_op ::= ! | - | + | ~
binary_op ::= +
| -
| *
| /
| %
| <<
| >>
| >>>
| ^
| &
| '|'
| <
| >
| <=
| >=
| ==
| !=
| ===
| !==
| '||'
| &&
assign_op ::= =
| +=
| -=
| *=
| /=
| %=
letter ::= [a-z] | [A-Z] | _
id ::= letter (letter | [0-9])*
field_id ::= @ id