"This repository encompasses the comprehensive codebase for 'The Foodie Zone' food ordering application, developed utilizing a technology stack that includes React JS, Redux Toolkit, Material UI, Firebase, and Parcel. It offers a wide range of sophisticated functionalities and features."
For an optimal experience, please access the website in desktop view, as it is currently not responsive. 👀
Live Project : https://food-ordering-app-gilt.vercel.app/
- React JS
- Redux Toolkit
- Firebase Authentication
- Material UI
- Parcel
- User Registration and Authentication
- Username after sign Up
- Browse Restaurants
- Search Restaurants
- Shimmer UI
- View Restaurant Menus
- Add Items to the Cart
Follow these steps to set up and run the application locally:
- npm (Node Package Manager) installed.
- Parcel Bundler installed.
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/your-username/FOOD ORDERING APP.git cd FOOD ORDERING APP
Install dependencies:
cd FOOD ORDERING APP npm install
run this-- npm start "start" stands to parcel index.html mentioned it in your package.json file like - "start": "parcel index.html" then run "npm start"
Demo Screenshots :