Jepsen testing Onyx. Work in progress
We wrote a blog post describing our experience using Jepsen: Onyx Straps in For a Jepsening
To run:
Set onyx dependency versions for the peers in project.clj. Snapshot versions are acceptable, but be sure to lein install them before running your tests as you may end up downloading a snapshot jar from clojars.
If not using Linux, install Docker Machine.
Then create a new "machine":
Tune disk size, memory size and cpu counts to taste.
docker-machine create --driver vmwarefusion --vmwarefusion-disk-size 50000 --vmwarefusion-memory-size 20000 --vmwarefusion-cpu-count "6" jepsen-onyx
docker-machine create --driver virtualbox --virtualbox-disk-size 50000 --virtualbox-memory 20000 --virtualbox-cpu-count 4 jepsen-onyx
- Set docker-machine env:
eval "$(docker-machine env jepsen-onyx)"
- Uberjar peers and start docker in docker instance:
- Run from inside docker in docker.
script/ TEST_NS
Where TEST_NS is currently either onyx-jepsen.onyx-basic-test
or onyx-jepsen.onyx-aggregation-test
When running a new test, exit the docker instance, and restart the process from 4. The docker containers have everything setup perfectly so that nothing needs to be downloaded or installed before running a test. The jepsen test does not clean up after itself so a new container must be started before running a new test.
onyx-jepsen uses a custom jepsen docker image built specifically to test Onyx. This includes pre-installed ZooKeeper. See the README in the docker directory for more details.
Uses peers with the following configuration to avoid resource starvation running on a single machine:
-D"aeron.threading.mode=SHARED" -server -XX:+UseG1GC
See script/ for settings.
A memorial to those bugs destroyed by Jepsen, or at large, so far:
- Peer join race condition #453 Resolved.
- [Peers that crash on component/start will not reboot #437] (onyx-platform/onyx#437) Resolved.
- [Ensure peer restarts after ZooKeeper connection loss/errors #423] (onyx-platform/onyx#423) Resolved.
- [BookKeeper state log / key filter interaction issue #382] (onyx-platform/onyx#382) Known, but theoretical issue, proven to be an issue by jepsen. Resolved.
- [Failed async BookKeeper writes should cause peer to to restart #390] (onyx-platform/onyx#390) Known issue, but shown to be resolved by jepsen.
- Boot out dead peers when the replica doesn't reflect the cluster state. #526 Kill -9 test
onyx-bookkeeper plugin:
- [Handle case where peer is restored, but all messages fully acked #4] (onyx-platform/onyx-bookkeeper#4) Unresolved, low priority.
- [Plugin should wait until producer channel has completely finished #3] (onyx-platform/onyx-bookkeeper#3) Resolved.
- Plugins using producer threads must be able to pass exceptions back to task #435 Resolved in onyx-bookkeeper, also fixed in onyx-datomic, onyx-seq, onyx-kafka.
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