Javascript library to generate particles using the canvas API. It has the following features:
- No dependencies
- Superlight
- High performance
- Built with ES6, so you may need a transpiler for old browser support
It's inspired by particles.js library but lighter and with better performance, in order to be more flexible and customizable.
- NPM or Yarn to install the package and the dependencies
npm install @oom/particles
import Generator from './vendors/@oom/particles/src/generator.js';
import Canvas from './vendors/@oom/particles/src/canvas.js';
//The particles generator:
const generator = new Generator()
speed: 2,
sync: true,
direction: 'right',
outMode: 'bounce',
.size(10, {
speed: 1,
to: 5,
.opacity(1, {
speed: 0.5,
to: 0,
.strokeWidth(3, {
speed: 0.5,
to: 1,
//The canvas where the particles will be drawn
const element = document.querySelector('#canvas');
//Options to configure the number of particles, density, etc
const options = {
number: 150,
densityArea: 400
const canvas = new Canvas(element, generator, options);
//Start the animation
//Pause the animation
//Resume the animation;
There's many ways to generate random values for color, opacity, size etc:
const generator = new Generator();
//Use an array with the available values:
generator.color(["#333", "blue", "white", "rgb(234,111,0)"]);
//Use an object to generate random values with a min and max value:
min: 0.1,
max: 0.8,
//To generate integer values:
min: 2,
max: 20,
round: true
//You can also pass a function that returns the value
generator.opacity(() => Math.random());
To run the demo, just clone this repository, enter in the directory and execute:
npm install
npm start
You should see something in http://localhost:8080/
There's an online demo here: