This is a working implementation of @matthis-d tutorial of a REST web service backend using:
- springboot (spring 4)
- postgresql
as seen at
It was hard to find documentation (a.k.a. tutorials) of how to ideally doing this mix without an embedded database, thank you very much.
I changed it a bit,
- instead of application.yml
- Generated a Tomcat 7 war instead of jar
- /bobsboots context
- boobsboots postgresql schema
I was using NetBeans (that's why there is an nb-configuration.xml) New Maven > Java Application
- Include HikariCP (
- Exclude Hibernate, please.
- Add a REST client to the webapp folder
I'm also not sharing the database ddl, sorry. But I autoincrement the id in the database and all columns are lowercase, character varying and I used bigint for the id.