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MediaMP is a media player for Compose Multiplatform. It is an wrapper over popular media player libraries like ExoPlayer on each platform.

The goal is to provide a unified media player abstraction for commonMain, as well as supporting backend-specific features and direct access with the underlying media player library for advanced use cases.

Supported targets and backends:

Platform Architecture(s) Implementation
Android Any ExoPlayer
JVM on Windows x86_64 VLC
JVM on macOS x86_64, AArch64 VLC

Platforms that are not listed above are not supported yet. Feel free to file an issue if you need them.

A unified MPV backend is in active development, and will be available soon.


This is a work in progress.

No API/ABI guarantees are provided before v0.1.0 release, but we would still like to hear your feedback. Please open an issue if you have any suggestions or find any bugs.

Quick Installation

The latest version is: Maven Central

// settings.gradle.kts
dependencyResolutionManagement {
    repositories {
    versionCatalogs {
        create("mediampLibs") {
            from("org.openani.mediamp:catalog:0.0.4") // replace with the latest version

// build.gradle.kts
kotlin {
    sourceSets.commonMain.dependencies {
        implementation(mediampLibs.api) // Does not depend on Compose. Can be used in data/domain-layer
        implementation(mediampLibs.compose) // In UI-layer
    sourceSets.androidMain.dependencies {
        implementation(mediampLibs.exoplayer) // To use ExoPlayer on Android

        // If needed, include additional ExoPlayer libraries
    sourceSets.jvmMain.dependencies {
        // See below

Follow the detailed guide below if you need more information.

Detailed Installation

The latest version is: Maven Central

1. Add Version Catalog

In settings.gradle.kts, add:

dependencyResolutionManagement {
    repositories {
    versionCatalogs {
        create("mediampLibs") {
            from("org.openani.mediamp:catalog:0.0.4") // replace with the latest version

After adding the version catalog, please re-sync the project in the IDE to get completion support for the catalog mediampLibs.

The catalog provides all the libraries you can use in your project:

  • mediampLibs.api: The common API for MediaMP. It does not depend on Compose, and thus can be used in non-UI modules.
  • mediampLibs.compose: Common Compose UI entrypoint like the MediampPlayer composable. It does not work alone, and requires a backend.

The catalog also provides accesses to backends.

  • mediampLibs.exoplayer: ExoPlayer backend for Android.
  • mediampLibs.vlc: VLC backend for JVM.

2. Add API dependencies

For multi-module apps

For app that is architected in a multi-module way, i.e. with separate modules for data/domain and UI:

  • Add mediampLibs.api to the data/domain layer, and
  • Add mediampLibs.compose to the UI layer.
// data-layer/build.gradle.kts
kotlin {
    sourceSets.commonMain.dependencies {

// ui-layer/build.gradle.kts
kotlin {
    sourceSets.commonMain.dependencies {

For single-module apps

For single-module apps, add both to the same module:

// app/build.gradle.kts
kotlin {
    sourceSets.commonMain.dependencies {

3. Add Backend dependencies

Mediamp supports different backends for different platforms. No backends are included by default, and a backend must be manually selected for each platform. The currently recommended backends are ExoPlayer for Android, and VLC for JVM.

kotlin {
    sourceSets.androidMain.dependencies {

        // If needed, include additional ExoPlayer libraries
    sourceSets.jvmMain.dependencies { // Desktop JVM
        // See below


fun main() = singleWindowApplication {
    val player = rememberMediampPlayer()
    Column {
        Button(onClick = {
        }) {

        MediampPlayerSurface(player, Modifier.fillMaxSize())


MediaMP is mainly licensed under the Apache License version 2. However, depending on the license of transitive dependencies, the backend-specific implementations may have different licenses.

A breakdown of the licenses:

  • mediamp-exoplayer: Apache License 2.0 (Apache-v2)
  • mediamp-vlc: GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3 (GPLv3)
  • mediamp-mpv: Apache License 2.0
  • All other modules: Apache License 2.0

You can find the full license text of Apache-v2 in the LICENSE file from the root of the repository, and that of GPLv3 from mediamp-vlc/LICENSE.