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MPAS Project Controller

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The MPAS Project controller is part of the Multi-Platform Automation System (MPAS). It is a Kubernetes controller that manages the lifecycle of MPAS projects. It is responsible for creating and deleting projects and managing the project's resources. MPAS, and the Project Controller, are designed to be used with the Open Component Model and Flux.

The project controller provides a Project Custom Resource Definition (CRD) to enable the following features:

  • Create a Kubernetes namespace for project resources.
  • Create a Project ServiceAccount and associated RBAC.
  • Create a git repository for the project. GitHub, GitLab, and Gitea are supported.
    • The repository is bootstrapped with the necessary folder structure and files to enable Flux to manage the project.
    • Project owners can specify maintainers for the repository, which will automatically be added to the CODEOWNERS file.
  • A Flux GitRepository source is created for the project Git repository created above.
  • Flux Kustomizations are configured for each of the bootstrapped folders in the project Git repository.

Quick Start


  • Docker, KIND, and kubectl are required.
  • Create a kind cluster: kind create cluster
  • Install the git-controller: see open-component-model/git-controller
  • Install Flux by running flux install
  • Install the Project Controller

In this tutorial, we'll create a project called "my-project" that will be managed by Flux. A GitHub repository will be created for the project, and Flux will be configured to manage the project's resources.

To get started create a Secret with your GitHub credentials. The password should be a personal access token with repo permissions. The username and password should be base64 encoded.

# github-creds.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: github-creds
  namespace: mpas-system
type: Opaque
  username: <base64 encoded username>
  password: <base64 encoded password>

Apply the secret to the cluster:

kubectl apply -f github-creds.yaml

Create a Project resource:

# my-project.yaml
kind: Project
  name: my-project
  namespace: mpas-system
    interval: 5m
    provider: github
    owner: <github_username>
    isOrganization: false
    - <github_username>
    visibility: private
    existingRepositorypolicy: adopt
        name: github-creds
  prune: true

Apply the project to the cluster:

kubectl apply -f my-project.yaml

The project controller will create a namespace for the project, a service account, and RBAC. It will also create a GitHub repository for the project, and configure Flux to manage the project's resources.

View the resources created by the project controller:

kubectl get ns mpas-my-project
kubectl get sa,rolebinding -n mpas-my-project
kubectl get repositories,gitrepositories,kustomizations,rolebindings -n mpas-system

Expected output:

$ kubectl get ns mpas-my-project
NAME                STATUS   AGE
mpas-my-project   Active   1m

$ kubectl get sa,rolebinding -n mpas-my-project
NAME                               SECRETS   AGE
serviceaccount/default             0         1m
serviceaccount/mpas-my-project   0         1m

NAME                                                                  ROLE                                    AGE               Role/mpas-my-project                  1m   ClusterRole/mpas-projects-clusterrole   1m

$ kubectl get repositories,gitrepositories,kustomizations,rolebindings -n mpas-system
NAME                                             AGE   1m

NAME                                                       URL                           AGE   READY   STATUS   1m    True   stored artifact for revision 'main@sha1:112e4b27aa05b114a3adfe1b16d81bf49706ab42'

NAME                                                                        AGE   READY   STATUS      1m    True   Source is not ready, artifact not found        1m    True   Source is not ready, artifact not found   1m    True   Source is not ready, artifact not found         1m    True   Source is not ready, artifact not found

NAME                                                                ROLE                                     AGE   Role/mpas-project-leader-election-role   1m             ClusterRole/mpas-projects-clusterrole    1m

A GitHub repository should also exist at <username>/my-project.


Run tests with make: make test


A Tiltfile is provided to make it easy to run the project controller locally. To run the project controller locally:

  • Install Tilt
  • Clone the git-controller into the parent directory of the mpas-project-controller: git clone ../git-controller
  • Export GITHUB_USER, GITHUB_EMAIL, and GITHUB_TOKEN environment variables. repo permissions are required for the GITHUB_TOKEN.
  • Create a kind cluster: kind create cluster.
  • Run tilt up from the mpas-project-controller directory.

Changes made during development will be automatically synced to the pod running in your local cluster via Tilt.

Support, Feedback, Contributing

This project is open to feature requests/suggestions, bug reports etc. via GitHub issues. Contribution and feedback are encouraged and always welcome. For more information about how to contribute, the project structure, as well as additional contribution information, see our Contribution Guidelines.

Code of Conduct

We as members, contributors, and leaders pledge to make participation in our community a harassment-free experience for everyone. By participating in this project, you agree to abide by its Code of Conduct at all times.


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