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Okuro3499 committed Dec 11, 2024
1 parent b8fcf7c commit b62f96c
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Showing 2 changed files with 90 additions and 102 deletions.
188 changes: 88 additions & 100 deletions app/src/main/java/org/ole/planet/myplanet/base/BaseRecyclerFragment.kt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,40 +2,37 @@ package org.ole.planet.myplanet.base

import android.content.Context.MODE_PRIVATE
import android.content.SharedPreferences
import android.os.Build
import android.os.Bundle
import android.text.TextUtils
import android.view.LayoutInflater
import android.view.View
import android.view.ViewGroup
import android.widget.TextView
import androidx.annotation.RequiresApi
import androidx.lifecycle.lifecycleScope
import androidx.recyclerview.widget.LinearLayoutManager
import androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView
import io.realm.Case
import io.realm.RealmList
import io.realm.RealmModel
import io.realm.RealmObject
import io.realm.RealmResults
import io.realm.kotlin.ext.query
import io.realm.kotlin.types.RealmObject
import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers
import kotlinx.coroutines.launch
import kotlinx.coroutines.withContext
import org.ole.planet.myplanet.MainApplication.Companion.realm
import org.ole.planet.myplanet.R
import org.ole.planet.myplanet.callback.OnRatingChangeListener
import org.ole.planet.myplanet.datamanager.DatabaseService
import org.ole.planet.myplanet.model.*
import org.ole.planet.myplanet.model.RealmCourseProgress
import org.ole.planet.myplanet.model.RealmMyCourse
import org.ole.planet.myplanet.model.RealmMyCourse.Companion.createMyCourse
import org.ole.planet.myplanet.model.RealmMyCourse.Companion.getMyCourse
import org.ole.planet.myplanet.model.RealmMyCourse.Companion.getMyCourseByUserId
import org.ole.planet.myplanet.model.RealmMyCourse.Companion.getOurCourse
import org.ole.planet.myplanet.model.RealmMyLibrary
import org.ole.planet.myplanet.model.RealmMyLibrary.Companion.createFromResource
import org.ole.planet.myplanet.model.RealmMyLibrary.Companion.getMyLibraryByUserId
import org.ole.planet.myplanet.model.RealmMyLibrary.Companion.getOurLibrary
import org.ole.planet.myplanet.model.RealmRemovedLog.Companion.onAdd
import org.ole.planet.myplanet.model.RealmStepExam
import org.ole.planet.myplanet.model.RealmSubmission
import org.ole.planet.myplanet.model.RealmTag
import org.ole.planet.myplanet.service.UserProfileDbHandler
import org.ole.planet.myplanet.utilities.Constants.PREFS_NAME
import org.ole.planet.myplanet.utilities.Utilities.toast
Expand All @@ -59,20 +56,18 @@ abstract class BaseRecyclerFragment<LI> : BaseRecyclerParentFragment<Any?>(), On
var courseLib: String? = null

abstract fun getLayout(): Int

abstract fun getAdapter(): RecyclerView.Adapter<*>

override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
arguments?.let {
isMyCourseLib = it.getBoolean("isMyCourseLib")
courseLib = it.getString("courseLib")
val json = it.getString("resources")
resources = (json?.let {
resources = json?.let {
val type = object : TypeToken<ArrayList<RealmMyLibrary>>() {}.type
Gson().fromJson<ArrayList<RealmMyLibrary>>(json, type)
} ?: arrayListOf())
} ?: arrayListOf()

Expand All @@ -90,56 +85,77 @@ abstract class BaseRecyclerFragment<LI> : BaseRecyclerParentFragment<Any?>(), On
selectedItems = mutableListOf()
list = mutableListOf()
realmService = DatabaseService()
mRealm = realmService.realmInstance
realm = realmService.realmInstance
profileDbHandler = UserProfileDbHandler(requireActivity())
model = profileDbHandler.userModel!!
val adapter = getAdapter()
recyclerView.adapter = adapter
if (isMyCourseLib && adapter.itemCount != 0 && courseLib == "courses") {
resources?.let { showDownloadDialog(it) }
} else if (isMyCourseLib && courseLib == null && !isSurvey) {
return v

private fun initDeleteButton() {
tvDelete?.let {
it.visibility = View.VISIBLE
it.setOnClickListener { deleteSelected(false) }
it.setOnClickListener {
lifecycleScope.launch {

override fun onRatingChanged() {
recyclerView.adapter = getAdapter()

fun addToMyList() {
suspend fun addToMyList() {
for (i in selectedItems?.indices!!) {
val `object` = selectedItems?.get(i) as RealmObject
if (`object` is RealmMyLibrary) {
val myObject = mRealm.where(
.equalTo("resourceId", `object`.resourceId).findFirst()
createFromResource(myObject, mRealm, model?.id)
onAdd(mRealm, "resources", profileDbHandler.userModel?.id, myObject?.resourceId)
val myObject = realm.query<RealmMyLibrary>("resourceId == $0", `object`.resourceId).first().find()
createFromResource(myObject, realm, model?.id)
onAdd(realm, "resources", profileDbHandler.userModel?.id, myObject?.resourceId)
toast(activity, getString(R.string.added_to_my_library))
} else {
val myObject = getMyCourse(mRealm, (`object` as RealmMyCourse).courseId)
createMyCourse(myObject, mRealm, model?.id)
onAdd(mRealm, "courses", profileDbHandler.userModel?.id, myObject?.courseId)
val myObject = getMyCourse(realm, (`object` as RealmMyCourse).courseId)
createMyCourse(myObject, realm, model?.id)
onAdd(realm, "courses", profileDbHandler.userModel?.id, myObject?.courseId)
toast(activity, getString(R.string.added_to_my_courses))
recyclerView.adapter = getAdapter()
showNoData(tvMessage, getAdapter().itemCount, "")

fun deleteSelected(deleteProgress: Boolean) {
for (i in selectedItems?.indices!!) {
if (!mRealm.isInTransaction()) mRealm.beginTransaction()
val `object` = selectedItems?.get(i) as RealmObject
deleteCourseProgress(deleteProgress, `object`)
suspend fun deleteSelected(deleteProgress: Boolean) {
withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
for (i in selectedItems?.indices!!) {
val `object` = selectedItems?.get(i) as RealmObject
if (deleteProgress && `object` is RealmMyCourse) {
val courseProgress = realm.query<RealmCourseProgress>("courseId == $0", `object`.courseId).find()
val examList = realm.query<RealmStepExam>("courseId == $0", `object`.courseId).find()
val submissionsToDelete = examList.flatMap { exam ->
realm.query<RealmSubmission>("parentId == $0 AND type != $1 AND uploaded == $2",, "survey", false).find()

realm.write {
courseProgress.forEach { delete(it) }
submissionsToDelete.forEach { delete(it) }

realm.write {

withContext(Dispatchers.Main) {
recyclerView.adapter = getAdapter()
showNoData(tvMessage, getAdapter().itemCount, "")
Expand All @@ -149,50 +165,38 @@ abstract class BaseRecyclerFragment<LI> : BaseRecyclerParentFragment<Any?>(), On
return selectedItems?.size ?: 0

private fun deleteCourseProgress(deleteProgress: Boolean, `object`: RealmObject) {
if (deleteProgress && `object` is RealmMyCourse) {
mRealm.where("courseId", `object`.courseId).findAll().deleteAllFromRealm()
val examList: List<RealmStepExam> = mRealm.where("courseId", `object`.courseId).findAll()
for (exam in examList) {
.notEqualTo("type", "survey").equalTo("uploaded", false).findAll()

override fun onDestroy() {

private fun checkAndAddToList(course: RealmMyCourse?, courses: MutableList<RealmMyCourse>, tags: List<RealmTag>) {
for (tg in tags) {
val count = mRealm.where("db", "courses").equalTo("tagId",
.equalTo("linkId", course?.courseId).count()
val count = realm.query<RealmTag>("db == $0 AND tagId == $1 AND linkId == $2", "courses",, course?.courseId).count().find()
if (count > 0 && !courses.contains(course)) {
course?.let { courses.add(it) }

private fun <LI : RealmModel> getData(s: String, c: Class<LI>): List<LI> {
private inline fun <reified LI : RealmObject> getData(s: String, c: Class<LI>): List<LI> {
val queryParts = s.split(" ").filterNot { it.isEmpty() }
return if (s.contains(" ")) {
val data: RealmResults<LI> = mRealm.where(c).findAll()
val data = realm.query<LI>().find()
data.filter { item ->
searchAndMatch(item, c, queryParts)
searchAndMatch(item, queryParts)
} else {
mRealm.where(c).contains(if (c == "title" else "courseTitle", s, Case.INSENSITIVE).findAll()
val field = if (c == "title" else "courseTitle"
realm.query<LI>("$field CONTAINS[c] $0", s).find()

private fun <LI : RealmModel> searchAndMatch(item: LI, c: Class<out RealmModel>, queryParts: List<String>): Boolean {
val title = if (c.isAssignableFrom( {
(item as RealmMyLibrary).title
} else {
(item as RealmMyCourse).courseTitle
private fun <LI : RealmObject> searchAndMatch(item: LI, queryParts: List<String>): Boolean {
val title = when (item) {
is RealmMyLibrary -> item.title
is RealmMyCourse -> item.courseTitle
else -> null
return queryParts.all { queryPart ->
title?.lowercase(Locale.getDefault())?.contains(queryPart.lowercase(Locale.getDefault())) == true
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -222,14 +226,14 @@ abstract class BaseRecyclerFragment<LI> : BaseRecyclerParentFragment<Any?>(), On
var list = getData(s,
list = if (isMyCourseLib) {
getMyCourseByUserId(model?.id, list)
getMyCourseByUserId(model?.id ?: "", list)
} else {
getOurCourse(model?.id, list)
getOurCourse(model?.id ?: "", list)
if (tags.isEmpty()) {
return list
val courses = RealmList<RealmMyCourse>()
val courses = mutableListOf<RealmMyCourse>()
list.forEach { course ->
checkAndAddToList(course, courses, tags)
Expand All @@ -242,39 +246,27 @@ abstract class BaseRecyclerFragment<LI> : BaseRecyclerParentFragment<Any?>(), On

private fun filter(tags: List<RealmTag>, library: RealmMyLibrary?, libraries: MutableList<RealmMyLibrary>) {
for (tg in tags) {
val count = mRealm.where("db", "resources")
.equalTo("tagId","linkId", library?.id).count()
val count = realm.query<RealmTag>("db == $0 AND tagId == $1 AND linkId == $2", "resources",, library?.id).count().find()
if (count > 0 && !libraries.contains(library)) {
library?.let { libraries.add(it) }

fun applyFilter(libraries: List<RealmMyLibrary>): List<RealmMyLibrary> {
val newList: MutableList<RealmMyLibrary> = ArrayList()
for (l in libraries) {
if (isValidFilter(l)) newList.add(l)
return newList
return libraries.filter { isValidFilter(it) }

private fun applyCourseFilter(courses: List<RealmMyCourse>): List<RealmMyCourse> {
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(subjectLevel) && TextUtils.isEmpty(gradeLevel)) return courses
val newList: MutableList<RealmMyCourse> = ArrayList()
for (l in courses) {
if (TextUtils.equals(l.gradeLevel, gradeLevel) || TextUtils.equals(
l.subjectLevel, subjectLevel
) {
return courses.filter { course ->
TextUtils.equals(course.gradeLevel, gradeLevel) || TextUtils.equals(course.subjectLevel, subjectLevel)
return newList

private fun isValidFilter(l: RealmMyLibrary): Boolean {
val sub = subjects.isEmpty() || subjects.let { l.subject?.containsAll(it) } == true
val lev = levels.isEmpty() || l.level!!.containsAll(levels)
val sub = subjects.isEmpty() || subjects.let { l.subject.containsAll(it) } == true
val lev = levels.isEmpty() || l.level.containsAll(levels)
val lan = languages.isEmpty() || languages.contains(l.language)
val med = mediums.isEmpty() || mediums.contains(l.mediaType)
return sub && lev && lan && med
Expand All @@ -285,28 +277,24 @@ abstract class BaseRecyclerFragment<LI> : BaseRecyclerParentFragment<Any?>(), On

fun showNoData(v: View?, count: Int?, source: String) {
v ?: return
v.visibility = if (count == 0) {
} else {
when (source) {
"courses" -> (v as TextView).setText(R.string.no_courses)
"resources" -> (v as TextView).setText(R.string.no_resources)
"finances" -> (v as TextView).setText(R.string.no_finance_record)
"news" -> (v as TextView).setText(R.string.no_voices_available)
"teamCourses" -> (v as TextView).setText(R.string.no_team_courses)
"teamResources" -> (v as TextView).setText(R.string.no_team_resources)
"tasks" -> (v as TextView).setText(R.string.no_tasks)
"members" -> (v as TextView).setText(R.string.no_join_request_available)
"discussions" -> (v as TextView).setText(R.string.no_news)
"survey" -> (v as TextView).setText(R.string.no_surveys)
"submission" -> (v as TextView).setText(R.string.no_submissions)
"teams" -> (v as TextView).setText(R.string.no_teams)
"chatHistory" -> (v as TextView).setText(R.string.no_chats)
"feedback" -> (v as TextView).setText(R.string.no_feedback)
else -> (v as TextView).setText(R.string.no_data_available_please_check_and_try_again)
v.visibility = if (count == 0) View.VISIBLE else View.GONE
(v as TextView).setText(when (source) {
"courses" -> R.string.no_courses
"resources" -> R.string.no_resources
"finances" -> R.string.no_finance_record
"news" -> R.string.no_voices_available
"teamCourses" -> R.string.no_team_courses
"teamResources" -> R.string.no_team_resources
"tasks" -> R.string.no_tasks
"members" -> R.string.no_join_request_available
"discussions" -> R.string.no_news
"survey" -> R.string.no_surveys
"submission" -> R.string.no_submissions
"teams" -> R.string.no_teams
"chatHistory" -> R.string.no_chats
"feedback" -> R.string.no_feedback
else -> R.string.no_data_available_please_check_and_try_again

fun showNoFilter(v: View?, count: Int) {
Expand All @@ -315,4 +303,4 @@ abstract class BaseRecyclerFragment<LI> : BaseRecyclerParentFragment<Any?>(), On
(v as TextView).setText(R.string.no_course_matched_filter)
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -239,9 +239,9 @@ class RealmMyCourse : RealmObject {
return realm.query<RealmMyCourse>("courseId == $0", id).first().find()

fun createMyCourse(course: RealmMyCourse?, realm: Realm, id: String) {
fun createMyCourse(course: RealmMyCourse?, realm: Realm, id: String?) {
realm.writeBlocking {
course?.addUserId(id ?: "")

Expand Down

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