This is the official bco binding of openhab. Once added, it makes all BCO Units avalable to openhab. Therefore, BCO Units can be controlled via the sitemaps or other openhab UIs.
This binding requires a running instance of a bco openhab device manager (bco-manager-device-openhab) to work correctly.
To get a better overview about what is going on within the binding during development, this howto explains how the internal debug log of the bco binding can be accessed via the [karaf console|].
Connect to the host where openhab is running on.
ssh myopenhabhost
Ony directy form this host we are able to establish a connnection to the openhab console.
ssh -p 8101 openhab@localhost
accept key during first login. In case of a timeout, retry again.
The authenticity of host '[localhost]:8101 ([]:8101)' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is ea:db:38:d1:fb:f6:fd:8b:be:3a:74:40:24:b9:82:a5.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Default openhab console password: habopen
Within the karaf console, the log can be enabled via:
log:set DEBUG org.openbase
Then you can print the log via: