opencog | singnet |
The Unified Rule Engine, URE for short, is a term rewriting engine for OpenCog. It can be used to implement any logic. As of today it is used for PLN, the Pattern Miner and Relex2Logic.
The strengths of the URE are
- Reads/writes knowledge directly from/to the AtomSpace.
- It is generic, can be used to implement any logic, even higher order logics with some limitations.
- Comes with a powerful control mechanism to speed up reasoning.
Effort has been shifted to Hyperon Chainer.
To build the URE you need to first build and install:
- The AtomSpace
- The term unifier
See Building-and-installing-the-AtomSpace for more information.
Be sure to install the pre-requisites first! Perform the following steps at the shell prompt:
cd ure
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j
Libraries will be built into subdirectories within build, mirroring the structure of the source directory root.
To build and run the unit tests, from the ./build
directory enter
(after building opencog as above):
make -j test
Tests can be run in parallel as well:
make -j test ARGS=-j4
After building, you must install the URE.
sudo make install
Examples can be found in this repository under
for PLN in particular.
The primary documentation for the URE is here: