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feat: add BitVec.toInt_sub
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This requires us to expand the theory of `Int.bmod`, add `Int.natCast_sub`, as
well as `Int.ofNat_sub_ofNat` and a couple of related theorems.
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tobiasgrosser committed Oct 19, 2024
1 parent 682173d commit 2f5ce55
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Showing 4 changed files with 81 additions and 6 deletions.
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions src/Init/Data/BitVec/Lemmas.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -316,6 +316,12 @@ theorem getLsbD_ofNat (n : Nat) (x : Nat) (i : Nat) :
simp [Nat.sub_sub_eq_min, Nat.min_eq_right]

@[simp] theorem sub_add_bmod_cancel {x y : BitVec w} :
((((2 ^ w : Nat) - y.toNat) : Int) + x.toNat).bmod (2 ^ w) =
((x.toNat : Int) - y.toNat).bmod (2 ^ w) := by
rw [Int.sub_eq_add_neg, Int.add_assoc, Int.add_comm, Int.bmod_add_cancel, Int.add_comm,

private theorem lt_two_pow_of_le {x m n : Nat} (lt : x < 2 ^ m) (le : m ≤ n) : x < 2 ^ n :=
Nat.lt_of_lt_of_le lt (Nat.pow_le_pow_of_le_right (by trivial : 0 < 2) le)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1974,6 +1980,10 @@ theorem sub_def {n} (x y : BitVec n) : x - y = .ofNat n ((2^n - y.toNat) + x.toN
@[simp] theorem toNat_sub {n} (x y : BitVec n) :
(x - y).toNat = (((2^n - y.toNat) + x.toNat) % 2^n) := rfl

@[simp, bv_toNat] theorem toInt_sub (x y : BitVec w) :
(x - y).toInt = (x.toInt - y.toInt).bmod (2^w) := by
simp [toInt_eq_toNat_bmod, Int.natCast_sub (2 ^ w) y.toNat (by omega)]

-- We prefer this lemma to `toNat_sub` for the `bv_toNat` simp set.
-- For reasons we don't yet understand, unfolding via `toNat_sub` sometimes
-- results in `omega` generating proof terms that are very slow in the kernel.
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30 changes: 30 additions & 0 deletions src/Init/Data/Int/DivModLemmas.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1125,6 +1125,17 @@ theorem emod_add_bmod_congr (x : Int) (n : Nat) : Int.bmod (x%n + y) n = Int.bmo
simp [Int.emod_def, Int.sub_eq_add_neg]
rw [←Int.mul_neg, Int.add_right_comm, Int.bmod_add_mul_cancel]

theorem emod_sub_bmod_congr (x : Int) (n : Nat) : Int.bmod (x%n - y) n = Int.bmod (x - y) n := by
simp [Int.emod_def, Int.sub_eq_add_neg]
rw [←Int.mul_neg, Int.add_right_comm, Int.bmod_add_mul_cancel]

theorem sub_emod_bmod_congr (x : Int) (n : Nat) : Int.bmod (x - y%n) n = Int.bmod (x - y) n := by
simp [Int.emod_def]
rw [Int.sub_eq_add_neg, Int.neg_sub, Int.sub_eq_add_neg, ← Int.add_assoc, Int.add_right_comm,
Int.bmod_add_mul_cancel, Int.sub_eq_add_neg]

theorem emod_mul_bmod_congr (x : Int) (n : Nat) : Int.bmod (x%n * y) n = Int.bmod (x * y) n := by
simp [Int.emod_def, Int.sub_eq_add_neg]
Expand All @@ -1140,9 +1151,28 @@ theorem bmod_add_bmod_congr : Int.bmod (Int.bmod x n + y) n = Int.bmod (x + y) n
rw [Int.sub_eq_add_neg, Int.add_right_comm, ←Int.sub_eq_add_neg]

theorem bmod_sub_bmod_congr : Int.bmod (Int.bmod x n - y) n = Int.bmod (x - y) n := by
rw [Int.bmod_def x n]
next p =>
simp only [emod_sub_bmod_congr]
next p =>
rw [Int.sub_eq_add_neg, Int.sub_eq_add_neg, Int.add_right_comm, ←Int.sub_eq_add_neg, ← Int.sub_eq_add_neg]
simp [emod_sub_bmod_congr]

@[simp] theorem add_bmod_bmod : Int.bmod (x + Int.bmod y n) n = Int.bmod (x + y) n := by
rw [Int.add_comm x, Int.bmod_add_bmod_congr, Int.add_comm y]

@[simp] theorem sub_bmod_bmod : Int.bmod (x - Int.bmod y n) n = Int.bmod (x - y) n := by
rw [Int.bmod_def y n]
next p =>
simp [sub_emod_bmod_congr]
next p =>
rw [Int.sub_eq_add_neg, Int.sub_eq_add_neg, Int.neg_add, Int.neg_neg, ← Int.add_assoc, ← Int.sub_eq_add_neg]
simp [sub_emod_bmod_congr]

theorem bmod_mul_bmod : Int.bmod (Int.bmod x n * y) n = Int.bmod (x * y) n := by
rw [bmod_def x n]
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39 changes: 39 additions & 0 deletions src/Init/Data/Int/Lemmas.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,6 +21,15 @@ theorem subNatNat_of_sub_eq_zero {m n : Nat} (h : n - m = 0) : subNatNat m n =
theorem subNatNat_of_sub_eq_succ {m n k : Nat} (h : n - m = succ k) : subNatNat m n = -[k+1] := by
rw [subNatNat, h]

theorem subNatNat_of_sub {m n : Nat} (h : n ≤ m) : subNatNat m n = ↑(m - n) := by
rw [subNatNat, ofNat_eq_coe]
case h_1 _ _ =>
case h_2 _ h' =>
rw [Nat.sub_eq_zero_of_le h] at h'
simp at h'

@[simp] protected theorem neg_zero : -(0:Int) = 0 := rfl

@[norm_cast] theorem ofNat_add (n m : Nat) : (↑(n + m) : Int) = n + m := rfl
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -54,8 +63,32 @@ theorem negOfNat_eq : negOfNat n = -ofNat n := rfl

/- ## some basic functions and properties -/

def eq_add_one_iff_neg_eq_negSucc {m n : Nat} : m = n + 1 ↔ -↑m = -[n+1] := by
simp [Neg.neg, instNegInt, Int.neg, negOfNat]
split <;> simp [Nat.add_one_inj]

@[norm_cast] theorem ofNat_inj : ((m : Nat) : Int) = (n : Nat) ↔ m = n := ⟨ofNat.inj, congrArg _⟩

@[local simp] theorem ofNat_sub_ofNat (m n : Nat) (h : n ≤ m) : (↑m - ↑n : Int) = ↑(m - n) := by
simp only [HSub.hSub, instHSub, Sub.sub, instSub, Int.sub]
simp only [HAdd.hAdd, instHAdd, Add.add, instAdd, Int.add]
simp only [add_eq, ofNat_eq_coe, succ_eq_add_one, sub_eq]
case h_1 ia ib na nb ha hb =>
simp only [ofNat_eq_coe] at ha hb
symm at hb
have := (@ofNat_inj nb 0).mp
cases n <;> simp_all
case h_2 ia ib na nb ha hb =>
have h' := eq_add_one_iff_neg_eq_negSucc.mpr hb
have h'' := (@ofNat_inj m na).mp ha
rw [h'] at h
rw [h''] at h
rw [subNatNat_of_sub h]
congr <;> simp_all
· simp_all
· simp_all

theorem ofNat_eq_zero : ((n : Nat) : Int) = 0 ↔ n = 0 := ofNat_inj

theorem ofNat_ne_zero : ((n : Nat) : Int) ≠ 0 ↔ n ≠ 0 := not_congr ofNat_eq_zero
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -528,6 +561,12 @@ theorem natCast_one : ((1 : Nat) : Int) = (1 : Int) := rfl
-- so it still makes sense to tag the lemmas with `@[simp]`.

@[simp] theorem natCast_sub (a b : Nat) (h : b ≤ a) :
((a - b : Nat) : Int) = (a : Int) - (b : Int) := by
simp [h]
-- Note this only works because of local simp attributes in this file,
-- so it still makes sense to tag the lemmas with `@[simp]`.

@[simp] theorem natCast_mul (a b : Nat) : ((a * b : Nat) : Int) = (a : Int) * (b : Int) := by

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8 changes: 2 additions & 6 deletions src/Init/Omega/Int.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -94,13 +94,9 @@ theorem ofNat_sub_dichotomy {a b : Nat} :
b ≤ a ∧ ((a - b : Nat) : Int) = a - b ∨ a < b ∧ ((a - b : Nat) : Int) = 0 := by
by_cases h : b ≤ a
· left
have t := Int.ofNat_sub h
simp at t
exact ⟨h, t⟩
simp [h]
· right
have t := h
simp [Int.ofNat_sub_eq_zero h]
exact t
simp [Int.ofNat_sub_eq_zero,, h]

theorem ofNat_congr {a b : Nat} (h : a = b) : (a : Int) = (b : Int) := congrArg _ h

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