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feat: incremental elaboration of definition headers, bodies, and tact…
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…ics (leanprover#3940)

Extends Lean's incremental reporting and reuse between commands into
various steps inside declarations:
* headers and bodies of each (mutual) definition/theorem
* `theorem ... := by` for each contained tactic step, including
recursively inside supported combinators currently consisting of
  * `·` (cdot), `case`, `next`
  * `induction`, `cases`
  * macros such as `next` unfolding to the above

![Recording 2024-05-10 at 11 07

*Incremental reuse* means not recomputing any such steps if they are not
affected by a document change. *Incremental reporting* includes the
parts seen in the recording above: the progress bar and messages. Other
language server features such as hover etc. are *not yet* supported
incrementally, i.e. they are shown only when the declaration has been
fully processed as before.


Co-authored-by: Scott Morrison <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
Kha and kim-em authored May 22, 2024
1 parent 23a202b commit f97a7d4
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Showing 53 changed files with 1,761 additions and 644 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ This file contains work-in-progress notes for the upcoming release, as well as p
Please check the [releases]( page for the current status
of each version.

v4.9.0 (development in progress)

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion doc/examples/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
source ../../tests/

exec_check lean -j 0 -Dlinter.all=false "$f"
exec_check lean -Dlinter.all=false "$f"
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion nix/bootstrap.nix
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ rec {
ln -sf ${lean-all}/* .
buildPhase = ''
ctest --output-junit test-results.xml --output-on-failure -E 'leancomptest_(doc_example|foreign)' -j$NIX_BUILD_CORES
ctest --output-junit test-results.xml --output-on-failure -E 'leancomptest_(doc_example|foreign)|leanlaketest_init' -j$NIX_BUILD_CORES
installPhase = ''
mkdir $out
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/CMakeLists.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ project(LEAN CXX C)
set(LEAN_VERSION_IS_RELEASE 0) # This number is 1 in the release revision, and 0 otherwise.
set(LEAN_VERSION_IS_RELEASE 1) # This number is 1 in the release revision, and 0 otherwise.
set(LEAN_SPECIAL_VERSION_DESC "" CACHE STRING "Additional version description like 'nightly-2018-03-11'")
Expand Down
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions src/Init/Data/String/Basic.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -951,6 +951,10 @@ def beq (ss1 ss2 : Substring) : Bool :=

instance hasBeq : BEq Substring := ⟨beq⟩

/-- Checks whether two substrings have the same position and content. -/
def sameAs (ss1 ss2 : Substring) : Bool :=
ss1.startPos == ss2.startPos && ss1 == ss2

end Substring

namespace String
Expand Down
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions src/Init/Prelude.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3644,6 +3644,17 @@ def getPos? (info : SourceInfo) (canonicalOnly := false) : Option String.Pos :=
| synthetic (pos := pos) .., false => some pos
| _, _ => none

Gets the end position information from a `SourceInfo`, if available.
If `originalOnly` is true, then `.synthetic` syntax will also return `none`.
def getTailPos? (info : SourceInfo) (canonicalOnly := false) : Option String.Pos :=
match info, canonicalOnly with
| original (endPos := endPos) .., _
| synthetic (endPos := endPos) (canonical := true) .., _
| synthetic (endPos := endPos) .., false => some endPos
| _, _ => none

end SourceInfo

Expand Down
33 changes: 33 additions & 0 deletions src/Init/System/IO.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -264,6 +264,13 @@ local macro "nonempty_list" : tactic =>
/-- Helper method for implementing "deterministic" timeouts. It is the number of "small" memory allocations performed by the current execution thread. -/
@[extern "lean_io_get_num_heartbeats"] opaque getNumHeartbeats : BaseIO Nat

Adjusts the heartbeat counter of the current thread by the given amount. This can be useful to give
allocation-avoiding code additional "weight" and is also used to adjust the counter after resuming
from a snapshot.
@[extern "lean_io_add_heartbeats"] opaque addHeartbeats (count : UInt64) : BaseIO Unit

The mode of a file handle (i.e., a set of `open` flags and an `fdopen` mode).
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -786,6 +793,32 @@ instance : MonadLift (ST IO.RealWorld) BaseIO := ⟨id⟩
def mkRef (a : α) : BaseIO (IO.Ref α) :=
ST.mkRef a

Mutable cell that can be passed around for purposes of cooperative task cancellation: request
cancellation with `CancelToken.set` and check for it with `CancelToken.isSet`.
This is a more flexible alternative to `Task.cancel` as the token can be shared between multiple
structure CancelToken where
private ref : IO.Ref Bool

namespace CancelToken

/-- Creates a new cancellation token. -/
def new : BaseIO CancelToken := <$> IO.mkRef false

/-- Activates a cancellation token. Idempotent. -/
def set (tk : CancelToken) : BaseIO Unit :=
tk.ref.set true

/-- Checks whether the cancellation token has been activated. -/
def isSet (tk : CancelToken) : BaseIO Bool :=

end CancelToken

namespace FS
namespace Stream

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92 changes: 76 additions & 16 deletions src/Lean/CoreM.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import Lean.Eval
import Lean.ResolveName
import Lean.Elab.InfoTree.Types
import Lean.MonadEnv
import Lean.Elab.Exception

namespace Lean
register_builtin_option diagnostics : Bool := {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -85,6 +86,13 @@ structure Context where
Use the `set_option diag true` to set it to true.
diag : Bool := false
/-- If set, used to cancel elaboration from outside when results are not needed anymore. -/
cancelTk? : Option IO.CancelToken := none
If set (when `showPartialSyntaxErrors` is not set and parsing failed), suppresses most elaboration
errors; see also `logMessage` below.
suppressElabErrors : Bool := false
deriving Nonempty

/-- CoreM is a monad for manipulating the Lean environment.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -201,16 +209,45 @@ instance : MonadTrace CoreM where
getTraceState := return (← get).traceState
modifyTraceState f := modify fun s => { s with traceState := f s.traceState }

/-- Restore backtrackable parts of the state. -/
def restore (b : State) : CoreM Unit :=
modify fun s => { s with env := b.env, messages := b.messages, infoState := b.infoState }
structure SavedState extends State where
/-- Number of heartbeats passed inside `withRestoreOrSaveFull`, not used otherwise. -/
passedHearbeats : Nat
deriving Nonempty

def saveState : CoreM SavedState := do
let s ← get
return { toState := s, passedHearbeats := 0 }

Restores full state including sources for unique identifiers. Only intended for incremental reuse
between elaboration runs, not for backtracking within a single run.
Incremental reuse primitive: if `reusableResult?` is `none`, runs `cont` with an action `save` that
on execution returns the saved monadic state at this point including the heartbeats used by `cont`
so far. If `reusableResult?` on the other hand is `some (a, state)`, restores full `state` including
heartbeats used and returns `a`.
The intention is for steps that support incremental reuse to initially pass `none` as
`reusableResult?` and call `save` as late as possible in `cont`. In a further run, if reuse is
possible, `reusableResult?` should be set to the previous state and result, ensuring that the state
after running `withRestoreOrSaveFull` is identical in both runs. Note however that necessarily this
is only an approximation in the case of heartbeats as heartbeats used by `withRestoreOrSaveFull`, by
the remainder of `cont` after calling `save`, as well as by reuse-handling code such as the one
supplying `reusableResult?` are not accounted for.
def restoreFull (b : State) : CoreM Unit :=
set b
@[specialize] def withRestoreOrSaveFull (reusableResult? : Option (α × SavedState))
(cont : (save : CoreM SavedState) → CoreM α) : CoreM α := do
if let some (val, state) := reusableResult? then
set state.toState
IO.addHeartbeats state.passedHearbeats.toUInt64
return val

let startHeartbeats ← IO.getNumHeartbeats
cont (do
let s ← get
let stopHeartbeats ← IO.getNumHeartbeats
return { toState := s, passedHearbeats := stopHeartbeats - startHeartbeats })

/-- Restore backtrackable parts of the state. -/
def SavedState.restore (b : SavedState) : CoreM Unit :=
modify fun s => { s with env := b.env, messages := b.messages, infoState := b.infoState }

private def mkFreshNameImp (n : Name) : CoreM Name := do
let fresh ← modifyGet fun s => (s.nextMacroScope, { s with nextMacroScope := s.nextMacroScope + 1 })
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -241,10 +278,18 @@ instance [MetaEval α] : MetaEval (CoreM α) where
protected def withIncRecDepth [Monad m] [MonadControlT CoreM m] (x : m α) : m α :=
controlAt CoreM fun runInBase => withIncRecDepth (runInBase x)

builtin_initialize interruptExceptionId : InternalExceptionId ← registerInternalExceptionId `interrupt

Throws an internal interrupt exception if cancellation has been requested. The exception is not
caught by `try catch` but is intended to be caught by `Command.withLoggingExceptions` at the top
level of elaboration. In particular, we want to skip producing further incremental snapshots after
the exception has been thrown.
@[inline] def checkInterrupted : CoreM Unit := do
if (← IO.checkCanceled) then
-- should never be visible to users!
throw <| Exception.error .missing "elaboration interrupted"
if let some tk := (← read).cancelTk? then
if (← tk.isSet) then
throw <| .internal interruptExceptionId

register_builtin_option debug.moduleNameAtTimeout : Bool := {
defValue := true
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -289,18 +334,26 @@ def getMessageLog : CoreM MessageLog :=
return (← get).messages

Returns the current log and then resets its messages but does NOT reset `MessageLog.hadErrors`. Used
Returns the current log and then resets its messages while adjusting `MessageLog.hadErrors`. Used
for incremental reporting during elaboration of a single command.
def getAndEmptyMessageLog : CoreM MessageLog :=
modifyGet fun log => ({ log with msgs := {} }, log)
modifyGet fun s => (s.messages, { s with
messages.unreported := {}
messages.hadErrors := s.messages.hasErrors })

instance : MonadLog CoreM where
getRef := getRef
getFileMap := return (← read).fileMap
getFileName := return (← read).fileName
hasErrors := return (← get).messages.hasErrors
logMessage msg := do
if (← read).suppressElabErrors then
-- discard elaboration errors, except for a few important and unlikely misleading ones, on
-- parse error
unless (· matches `Elab.synthPlaceholder | `Tactic.unsolvedGoals) do

let ctx ← read
let msg := { msg with data := MessageData.withNamingContext { currNamespace := ctx.currNamespace, openDecls := ctx.openDecls } };
modify fun s => { s with messages := s.messages.add msg }
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -408,19 +461,26 @@ def ImportM.runCoreM (x : CoreM α) : ImportM α := do
let (a, _) ← (withOptions (fun _ => ctx.opts) x).toIO { fileName := "<ImportM>", fileMap := default } { env := ctx.env }
return a

/-- Return `true` if the exception was generated by one our resource limits. -/
/-- Return `true` if the exception was generated by one of our resource limits. -/
def Exception.isRuntime (ex : Exception) : Bool :=
ex.isMaxHeartbeat || ex.isMaxRecDepth

/-- Returns `true` if the exception is an interrupt generated by `checkInterrupted`. -/
def Exception.isInterrupt : Exception → Bool
| Exception.internal id _ => id == Core.interruptExceptionId
| _ => false

Custom `try-catch` for all monads based on `CoreM`. We don't want to catch "runtime exceptions"
in these monads, but on `CommandElabM`. See issues #2775 and #2744 as well as `MonadAlwayExcept`.
Custom `try-catch` for all monads based on `CoreM`. We usually don't want to catch "runtime
exceptions" these monads, but on `CommandElabM`. See issues #2775 and #2744 as well as
`MonadAlwaysExcept`. Also, we never want to catch interrupt exceptions inside the elaborator.
@[inline] protected def Core.tryCatch (x : CoreM α) (h : Exception → CoreM α) : CoreM α := do
catch ex =>
if ex.isRuntime then
if ex.isInterrupt || ex.isRuntime then

throw ex -- We should use `tryCatchRuntimeEx` for catching runtime exceptions
h ex
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