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Crowdin Action

Crowdin Action #1010

Workflow file for this run

name: Crowdin Action
branches: [ crowdin-trigger ]
- cron: "0 22 * * *"
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: crowdin action
uses: crowdin/[email protected]
continue-on-error: true
# Upload sources to Crowdin
upload_sources: true
# Upload translations to Crowdin
upload_translations: false #default false
# Use this option to upload translations for a single specified language
upload_language: en
# Automatically approves uploaded translations
auto_approve_imported: true
# Defines whether to add translation if it is equal to source string in Crowdin project
import_eq_suggestions: true
# download translation options
download_translations: true
# Use this option to download translations for a single specified language
# download_language: # optional
# Skip untranslated strings in exported files (does not work with .docx, .html, .md and other document files)
skip_untranslated_strings: false
# Omit downloading not fully downloaded files
skip_untranslated_files: false
# Include approved translations only in exported files. If not combined with --skip-untranslated-strings option, strings without approval are fulfilled with the source language
# export_only_approved: # default is false
# Download translations with pushing to branch
push_translations: true
# Commit message for download translations
commit_message: "chore: New Crowdin translations"
# To download translations to the specified version branch
localization_branch_name: l10n_develop
# Make pull request of Crowdin translations
# Create pull request after pushing to branch
create_pull_request: true
# The title of the new pull request
pull_request_title: "chore: New Crowdin translations to review and merge"
# The contents of the pull request
# pull_request_body: # optional
# To add labels for created pull request
pull_request_labels: "translations"
# Create pull request to specified branch instead of default one
pull_request_base_branch_name: develop
# global options
# Option to upload or download files to the specified version branch in your Crowdin project
# crowdin_branch_name: # optional
# Option to specify a path to user-specific credentials, without / at the beginning
# identity: # optional
# Option to specify a path to the configuration file, without / at the beginning
# config: # optional
# Option to preview the list of managed files
# dryrun_action: # default is false
# Numerical ID of the project
# project_id: # optional
# Personal access token required for authentication
# token: # optional
# Base URL of Crowdin server for API requests execution
#base_url: ''
# Path to your project directory on a local machine
#base_path: '/openfoodfacts'