release 2.2.4
This is a maintenance release for the RelayProvider and relayer service.
Relayer Changes:
- Pagination for client and server log queries (#637) - to support networks that don't allow getLogs from block:1
- Server registration fix - validate stake before attempting to register/add workers (#647)
- Server keeps running after unstake to ensure it sends all funds to the owner (#655)
- Server tx boosting fixes (#657) (#696)
- Adding ownerAddress as required configuration parameter to the server (#665)
- Adding http request ‘/stats’ for basic availability information (#666)
- Server DB file size fix (#696)
Contract Changes
- Upgrading contracts to Solidity 0.8
- License change to MIT
- BaseRelayRecipient: now requires
instead of setting directlytrustedForwarder=f
- Adding sample paymasters package to main repo (and deprecated the gsn-paymasters git repo)