In favour of Vault Agent Injector
More info how to use with OpenShift:
oc project hashicorp
oc apply -f build/webhook-build.yaml
oc start-build vault-agent-webhook --follow
Create the sidecar vault agent configuration
oc apply -f build/sidecar-configmap.yaml
Process Mutating WebHook Template.
The template is going to create the following resources:
- vault-agent-webhook-psp PodSecurityPolicy
- vault-agent-webhook-clusterrole ClusterRole
- vault-agent-webhook ServiceAccount
- vault-agent-webhook-rolebinding ClusterRoleBinding
- vault-agent-webhook Service
- vault-agent-webhook DeploymentConfig
- vault-agent-webhook MutatingWebhookConfiguration
2.1 Get service-ca.crt from the configmap ca-bundle.
oc extract configmap/vault-agent-webhook-cabundle --confirm export CA_BUNDLE=$(cat service-ca.crt | base64 | tr -d '\n')
2.2 Process the webhook-template
oc process -f build/webhook-template.yaml -p CA_BUNDLE=${CA_BUNDLE} | oc apply -f -
PARAMETER DEFAULT DESCRIPTION CA_BUNDLE CA used by kubernetes to trust the webhook VAULT_NAMESPACE hashicorp Hashicorp Vault Namespac GIN_MODE release Http server startup mode gin-gonic LOG_LEVEL INFO Log level from logrus
Label the target project where you want the webhook to inject the vault agent sidecar container.
oc label namespace app
Add the annotation with value true to the pod template spec to enable injection.
oc patch dc/thorntail-example -p '{ "spec": { "template": { "metadata": { "annotations": { "": "true", "": "secret/example", "": "application.yaml", "": "example" } } } } }'
The vault agent webhook will:
- Create or Update the vault agent configmap
- Inject Vault agent sidecar container
- Inject Vault secret fetcher sidecar container
- Mount Vault volume to the app container