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FW-CADIS Weight Window Generation with Random Ray (#3273)
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Co-authored-by: Olek <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Paul Romano <[email protected]>
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3 people authored Jan 28, 2025
1 parent 2bea7f3 commit a8768b7
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Showing 16 changed files with 1,351 additions and 69 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/source/io_formats/settings.rst
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Expand Up @@ -1398,7 +1398,7 @@ mesh-based weight windows.
*Default*: true

Method used to update weight window values (currently only 'magic' is supported)
Method used to update weight window values (one of 'magic' or 'fw_cadis')

*Default*: magic

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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions docs/source/methods/index.rst
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Expand Up @@ -20,4 +20,5 @@ Theory and Methodology
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions docs/source/methods/random_ray.rst
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Expand Up @@ -1060,6 +1060,8 @@ random ray and Monte Carlo, however.
develop the scattering source by way of inactive batches before beginning
active batches.

.. _adjoint:

Adjoint Flux Solver Mode
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134 changes: 134 additions & 0 deletions docs/source/methods/variance_reduction.rst
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.. _methods_variance_reduction:

Variance Reduction

.. _methods_variance_reduction_intro:


Transport problems can sometimes involve a significant degree of attenuation
between the source and a detector (tally) region, which can result in a flux
differential of ten orders of magnitude (or more) throughout the simulation
domain. As Monte Carlo uncertainties tend to be inversely proportional to the
physical flux density, it can be extremely difficult to accurately resolve
tallies in locations that are optically far from the source. This issue is
particularly common in fixed source simulations, where some tally locations may
not experience a single scoring event, even after billions of analog histories.

Variance reduction techniques aim to either flatten the global uncertainty
distribution, such that all regions of phase space have a fairly similar
uncertainty, or to reduce the uncertainty in specific locations (such as a
detector). There are two strategies available in OpenMC for variance reduction:
the Monte Carlo MAGIC method and the FW-CADIS method. Both strategies work by
developing a weight window mesh that can be utilized by subsequent Monte Carlo
solves to split particles heading towards areas of lower flux densities while
terminating particles in higher flux regions---all while maintaining a fair

MAGIC Method

The Method of Automatic Generation of Importances by Calculation, or `MAGIC
method <>`_, is an iterative
technique that uses spatial flux information :math:`\phi(r)` obtained from a
normal Monte Carlo solve to produce weight windows :math:`w(r)` that can be
utilized by a subsequent iteration of Monte Carlo. While the first generation of
weight windows produced may only help to reduce variance slightly, use of these
weights to generate another set of weight windows results in a progressively
improving iterative scheme.

Equation :eq:`magic` defines how the lower bound of weight windows
:math:`w_{\ell}(r)` are generated with MAGIC using forward flux information.
Here, we can see that the flux at location :math:`r` is normalized by the
maximum flux in any group at that location. We can also see that the weights are
divided by a factor of two, which accounts for the typical :math:`5\times`
factor separating the lower and upper weight window bounds in OpenMC.

.. math::
:label: magic
w_{\ell}(r) = \frac{\phi(r)}{2\,\text{max}(\phi(r))}
A major advantage of this technique is that it does not require any special
transport machinery; it simply uses multiple Monte Carlo simulations to
iteratively improve a set of weight windows (which are typically defined on a
mesh covering the simulation domain). The downside to this method is that as the
flux differential increases between areas near and far from the source, it
requires more outer Monte Carlo iterations, each of which can be expensive in
itself. Additionally, computation of weight windows based on regular (forward)
neutron flux tally information does not produce the most numerically effective
set of weight windows. Nonetheless, MAGIC remains a simple and effective
technique for generating weight windows.


As discussed in the previous section, computation of weight windows based on
regular (forward) neutron flux tally information does not produce the most
numerically efficient set of weight windows. It is highly preferable to generate
weight windows based on spatial adjoint flux :math:`\phi^{\dag}(r)`
information. The adjoint flux is essentially the "reverse" simulation problem,
where we sample a random point and assume this is where a particle was absorbed,
and then trace it backwards (upscattering in energy), until we sample the point
where it was born from.

The Forward-Weighted Consistent Adjoint Driven Importance Sampling method, or
`FW-CADIS method <>`_, produces weight windows
for global variance reduction given adjoint flux information throughout the
entire domain. The weight window lower bound is defined in Equation
:eq:`fw_cadis`, and also involves a normalization step not shown here.

.. math::
:label: fw_cadis
w_{\ell}(r) = \frac{1}{2\phi^{\dag}(r)}
While the algorithm itself is quite simple, it requires estimates of the global
adjoint flux distribution, which is difficult to generate directly with Monte
Carlo transport. Thus, FW-CADIS typically uses an alternative solver (often
deterministic) that can be more readily adapted for generating adjoint flux
information, and which is often much cheaper than Monte Carlo given that a rough
solution is often sufficient for weight window generation.

The FW-CADIS implementation in OpenMC utilizes its own internal random ray
multigroup transport solver to generate the adjoint source distribution. No
coupling to any external transport is solver is necessary. The random ray solver
operates on the same geometry as the Monte Carlo solver, so no redefinition of
the simulation geometry is required. More details on how the adjoint flux is
computed are given in the :ref:`adjoint methods section <adjoint>`.

More information on the workflow is available in the :ref:`user guide
<variance_reduction>`, but generally production of weight windows with FW-CADIS
involves several stages (some of which are highly automated). These tasks
include generation of approximate multigroup cross section data for use by the
random ray solver, running of the random ray solver in normal (forward flux)
mode to generate a source for the adjoint solver, running of the random ray
solver in adjoint mode to generate adjoint flux tallies, and finally the
production of weight windows via the FW-CADIS method. As is discussed in the
user guide, most of these steps are automated together, making the additional
burden on the user fairly small.

The major advantage of this technique is that it typically produces much more
numerically efficient weight windows as compared to those generated with MAGIC,
sometimes with an order-of-magnitude improvement in the figure of merit
(Equation :eq:`variance_fom`), which accounts for both the variance and the
execution time. Another major advantage is that the cost of the random ray
solver is typically negligible compared to the cost of the subsequent Monte
Carlo solve itself, making it a very cheap method to deploy. The downside to
this method is that it introduces a second transport method into the mix (random
ray), such that there are more free input parameters for the user to know about
and adjust, potentially making the method more complex to use. However, as many
of the parameters have natural choices, much of this parameterization can be
handled automatically behind the scenes without the need for the user to be
aware of this.

.. math::
:label: variance_fom
\text{FOM} = \frac{1}{\text{Time} \times \sigma^2}
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions docs/source/usersguide/index.rst
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Expand Up @@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ essential aspects of using OpenMC to perform simulations.

191 changes: 184 additions & 7 deletions docs/source/usersguide/random_ray.rst
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Expand Up @@ -435,10 +435,11 @@ Inputting Multigroup Cross Sections (MGXS)
Multigroup cross sections for use with OpenMC's random ray solver are input the
same way as with OpenMC's traditional multigroup Monte Carlo mode. There is more
information on generating multigroup cross sections via OpenMC in the
:ref:`multigroup materials <create_mgxs>` user guide. You may also wish to
use an existing multigroup library. An example of using OpenMC's Python
interface to generate a correctly formatted ``mgxs.h5`` input file is given
in the `OpenMC Jupyter notebook collection
:ref:`multigroup materials <create_mgxs>` user guide. You may also wish to use
an existing ``mgxs.h5`` MGXS library file, or define your own given a known set
of cross section data values (e.g., as taken from a benchmark specification). An
example of using OpenMC's Python interface to generate a correctly formatted
``mgxs.h5`` input file is given in the `OpenMC Jupyter notebook collection

.. note::
Expand All @@ -447,6 +448,184 @@ in the `OpenMC Jupyter notebook collection
separate materials can be defined each with a separate multigroup dataset
corresponding to a given temperature.

.. _mgxs_gen:

Generating Multigroup Cross Sections (MGXS)

OpenMC is capable of generating multigroup cross sections by way of flux
collapsing data based on flux solutions obtained from a continuous energy Monte
Carlo solve. While it is a circular excercise in some respects to use continuous
energy Monte Carlo to generate cross sections to be used by a reduced-fidelity
multigroup transport solver, there are many use cases where this is nonetheless
highly desirable. For instance, generation of a multigroup library may enable
the same set of approximate multigroup cross section data to be used across a
variety of problem types (or through a multidimensional parameter sweep of
design variables) with only modest errors and at greatly reduced cost as
compared to using only continuous energy Monte Carlo.

We give here a quick summary of how to produce a multigroup cross section data
file (``mgxs.h5``) from a starting point of a typical continuous energy Monte
Carlo input file. Notably, continuous energy input files define materials as a
mixture of nuclides with different densities, whereas multigroup materials are
simply defined by which name they correspond to in a ``mgxs.h5`` library file.

To generate the cross section data, we begin with a continuous energy Monte
Carlo input deck and add in the required tallies that will be needed to generate
our library. In this example, we will specify material-wise cross sections and a
two group energy decomposition::

# Define geometry
geometry = openmc.Geometry()

# Initialize MGXS library with a finished OpenMC geometry object
mgxs_lib = openmc.mgxs.Library(geometry)

# Pick energy group structure
groups = mgxs.EnergyGroups(mgxs.GROUP_STRUCTURES['CASMO-2'])
mgxs_lib.energy_groups = groups

# Disable transport correction
mgxs_lib.correction = None

# Specify needed cross sections for random ray
mgxs_lib.mgxs_types = ['total', 'absorption', 'nu-fission', 'fission',
'nu-scatter matrix', 'multiplicity matrix', 'chi']

# Specify a "cell" domain type for the cross section tally filters
mgxs_lib.domain_type = "material"

# Specify the cell domains over which to compute multi-group cross sections = geom.get_all_materials().values()

# Do not compute cross sections on a nuclide-by-nuclide basis
mgxs_lib.by_nuclide = False

# Check the library - if no errors are raised, then the library is satisfactory.

# Construct all tallies needed for the multi-group cross section library

# Create a "tallies.xml" file for the MGXS Library
tallies = openmc.Tallies()
mgxs_lib.add_to_tallies_file(tallies, merge=True)

# Export


When selecting an energy decomposition, you can manually define group boundaries
or pick out a group structure already known to OpenMC (a list of which can be
found at :class:`openmc.mgxs.GROUP_STRUCTURES`). Once the above input deck has
been run, the resulting statepoint file will contain the needed flux and
reaction rate tally data so that a MGXS library file can be generated. Below is
the postprocessing script needed to generate the ``mgxs.h5`` library file given
a statepoint file (e.g., ``statepoint.100.h5``) file and summary file (e.g.,
``summary.h5``) that resulted from running our previous example::

import openmc
import openmc.mgxs as mgxs

summary = openmc.Summary('summary.h5')
geom = summary.geometry
mats = summary.materials

statepoint_filename = 'statepoint.100.h5'
sp = openmc.StatePoint(statepoint_filename)

groups = mgxs.EnergyGroups(mgxs.GROUP_STRUCTURES['CASMO-2'])
mgxs_lib = openmc.mgxs.Library(geom)
mgxs_lib.energy_groups = groups
mgxs_lib.correction = None
mgxs_lib.mgxs_types = ['total', 'absorption', 'nu-fission', 'fission',
'nu-scatter matrix', 'multiplicity matrix', 'chi']

# Specify a "cell" domain type for the cross section tally filters
mgxs_lib.domain_type = "material"

# Specify the cell domains over which to compute multi-group cross sections = geom.get_all_materials().values()

# Do not compute cross sections on a nuclide-by-nuclide basis
mgxs_lib.by_nuclide = False

# Check the library - if no errors are raised, then the library is satisfactory.

# Construct all tallies needed for the multi-group cross section library


names = []
for mat in names.append(

# Create a MGXS File which can then be written to disk
mgxs_file = mgxs_lib.create_mg_library(xs_type='macro', xsdata_names=names)

# Write the file to disk using the default filename of "mgxs.h5"

Notably, the postprocessing script needs to match the same
:class:`openmc.mgxs.Library` settings that were used to generate the tallies,
but otherwise is able to discern the rest of the simulation details from the
statepoint and summary files. Once the postprocessing script is successfully
run, the ``mgxs.h5`` file can be loaded by subsequent runs of OpenMC.

If you want to convert continuous energy material objects in an OpenMC input
deck to multigroup ones from a ``mgxs.h5`` library, you can follow the below
example. Here we begin with the original continuous energy materials we used to
generate our MGXS library::

fuel = openmc.Material(name='UO2 (2.4%)')
fuel.set_density('g/cm3', 10.29769)
fuel.add_nuclide('U234', 4.4843e-6)
fuel.add_nuclide('U235', 5.5815e-4)
fuel.add_nuclide('U238', 2.2408e-2)
fuel.add_nuclide('O16', 4.5829e-2)

water = openmc.Material(name='Hot borated water')
water.set_density('g/cm3', 0.740582)
water.add_nuclide('H1', 4.9457e-2)
water.add_nuclide('O16', 2.4672e-2)
water.add_nuclide('B10', 8.0042e-6)
water.add_nuclide('B11', 3.2218e-5)

materials = openmc.Materials([fuel, water])

Once the ``mgxs.h5`` library file has been generated, we can then manually make
the necessary edits to the material definitions so that they load from the
multigroup library instead of defining their isotopic contents, as::

# Instantiate some Macroscopic Data
fuel_data = openmc.Macroscopic('UO2 (2.4%)')
water_data = openmc.Macroscopic('Hot borated water')

# Instantiate some Materials and register the appropriate Macroscopic objects
fuel= openmc.Material(name='UO2 (2.4%)')
fuel.set_density('macro', 1.0)

water= openmc.Material(name='Hot borated water')
water.set_density('macro', 1.0)

# Instantiate a Materials collection and export to XML
materials = openmc.Materials([fuel, water])
materials.cross_sections = "mgxs.h5"

In the above example, our ``fuel`` and ``water`` materials will now load MGXS
data from the ``mgxs.h5`` file instead of loading continuous energy isotopic
cross section data.

Linear Sources
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -597,9 +776,7 @@ estimator, the following code would be used:
Adjoint Flux Mode

The adjoint flux random ray solver mode can be enabled as:
The adjoint flux random ray solver mode can be enabled as::

settings.random_ray['adjoint'] = True

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