ADD #753 : Allows uploading custom flows to OpenML via OpenML-Python.
ADD #777 : Allows running a flow on pandas dataframes (in addition to numpy arrays).
ADD #888 : Allow passing a task_id
to run_model_on_task
ADD #894 : Support caching of datasets using feather format as an option.
ADD #929 : Add edit_dataset
and fork_dataset
to allow editing and forking of uploaded datasets.
ADD #866 , #943 : Add support for scikit-learn's passthrough
and drop
when uploading flows to OpenML.
ADD #879 : Add support for scikit-learn's MLP hyperparameter layer_sizes
ADD #894 : Support caching of datasets using feather format as an option.
ADD #945 : PEP 561 compliance for distributing Type information.
DOC #660 : Remove nonexistent argument from docstring.
DOC #901 : The API reference now documents the config file and its options.
DOC #912 : API reference now shows create_task
DOC #954 : Remove TODO text from documentation.
DOC #960 : document how to upload multiple ignore attributes.
FIX #873 : Fixes an issue which resulted in incorrect URLs when printing OpenML objects after switching the server.
FIX #885 : Logger no longer registered by default. Added utility functions to easily register logging to console and file.
FIX #890 : Correct the scaling of data in the SVM example.
MAINT #371 : list_evaluations
default size
changed from None
to 10_000
MAINT #767 : Source distribution installation is now unit-tested.
MAINT #781 : Add pre-commit and automated code formatting with black.
MAINT #804 : Rename arguments of list_evaluations to indicate they expect lists of ids.
MAINT #836 : OpenML supports only pandas version 1.0.0 or above.
MAINT #865 : OpenML no longer bundles test files in the source distribution.
MAINT #881 : Improve the error message for too-long URIs.
MAINT #897 : Dropping support for Python 3.5.
MAINT #916 : Adding support for Python 3.8.
MAINT #920 : Improve error messages for dataset upload.
MAINT #921 : Improve hangling of the OpenML server URL in the config file.
MAINT #925 : Improve error handling and error message when loading datasets.
MAINT #928 : Restructures the contributing documentation.
MAINT #936 : Adding support for scikit-learn 0.23.X.
MAINT #945 : Make OpenML-Python PEP562 compliant.
MAINT #951 : Converts TaskType class to a TaskType enum.
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