What's Changed
- (feat) O3-4043: Dispensing: Allow backdating dispense events for RDE by @mogoodrich in #121
- (feat) O3-4043: Dispensing: Additional tweaks to allow backdating dispense events for RDE by @mogoodrich in #122
- (feat) O3-4219: Add ability to print patient prescriptions by @Omoshlawi in #125
- (feat) O3-4222: Display patient age in prescriptions table by @Omoshlawi in #126
- (feat) O3-4239: Add extension slot for medication dispensing actions by @donaldkibet in #128
- (feat) Use snackbars for notifications by @denniskigen in #132
- (feat): Sort inventory items by expiration date by @FelixKiprotich350 in #139
- (refactor) O3-4251: Update dispensing app to use workspaces for launch forms by @donaldkibet in #130
Bug fixes
- (fix) Fix exhaustive-deps and rules-of-hooks warnings by @denniskigen in #124
- (fix) Various fixes to translations and forms by @denniskigen in #133
- (fix) Update default valueSet UUIDs by @denniskigen in #140
- (chore) Update translations from Transifex by @github-actions in #134
New contributors
- @Omoshlawi made their first contribution in #126
- @github-actions made their first contribution in #134
Full Changelog: v1.5.0...v1.6.0