Blog fix, adds community member profile. #3498
reviewdog [vale] report
reported by reviewdog 🐶
Findings (7)
_community_members/|23 col 3| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Shahar. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_community_members/|23 col 10| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Shaked. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_community_members/|24 col 3| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Parth. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_community_members/|24 col 21| [OpenSearch.SpacingPunctuation] There should be no space before and one space after the punctuation mark in 'Sr.Technical'.
_community_members/|24 col 89| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Parth. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_community_members/|24 col 174| [Vale.Terms] Use 'OpenSearch' instead of 'Opensearch'.
_community_members/|24 col 174| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Opensearch. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
Filtered Findings (3168)
_posts/|100 col 390| [OpenSearch.LatinismsSubstitution] Use 'one-time' instead of 'ad hoc'.
_posts/|100 col 393| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: hoc. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/|118 col 45| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Adi. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/|118 col 49| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Suresh. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/|120 col 4| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: dinujoh. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/|120 col 43| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Dinu. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/|121 col 4| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: dlvenable. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/|121 col 53| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Venable. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/|124 col 4| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: kkondaka. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/|124 col 53| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Kondaka. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/|125 col 4| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: oeyh. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/|125 col 37| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Hai. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/|125 col 41| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Yan. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/|126 col 4| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: srikanthjg. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/|126 col 49| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Srikanth. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/|126 col 58| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Govindarajan. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/|127 col 4| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Utkarsh. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/|127 col 59| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Agarwal. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/|16 col 225| [Vale.Terms] Use 'Security plugin' instead of 'security plugin'.
_posts/|22 col 534| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Nmslib. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/|34 col 67| [OpenSearch.SubstitutionsError] Use 'time-series data' instead of 'time series data'.
_posts/|34 col 587| [OpenSearch.SubstitutionsError] Use 'time-series data' instead of 'time series data'.
_posts/|9 col 65| [Vale.Terms] Use 'Tracetest' instead of 'tracetest'.
_posts/|24 col 62| [OpenSearch.SetupVerb] Use 'set up' as a verb instead of 'setup'.
_posts/|30 col 13| [Vale.Terms] Use 'Tracetest' instead of 'tracetest'.
_posts/|39 col 18| [Vale.Terms] Use 'Docker' instead of 'docker'.
_posts/|40 col 42| [Vale.Terms] Use 'Docker' instead of 'docker'.
_posts/|54 col 5| [Vale.Terms] Use 'Docker Compose' instead of 'docker compose'.
_posts/|67 col 20| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: http. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/|89 col 10| [OpenSearch.SpacingPunctuation] There should be no space before and one space after the punctuation mark in 'http.status'.
_posts/|89 col 106| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: everytime. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/|105 col 84| [Vale.Terms] Use 'Tracetest' instead of 'tracetest'.
_posts/2022-05-10-oracle-cloud-infrastructure-search-service.markdown|24 col 73| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: hyperscale. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/|43 col 247| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: datasource. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/|16 col 180| [Vale.Terms] Use 'Faiss' instead of 'faiss'.
_posts/|16 col 187| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: nmslib. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/|30 col 106| [Vale.Terms] Use 'Faiss' instead of 'faiss'.
_posts/|30 col 115| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: nmslib. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/|32 col 241| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: nmslib. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2021-09-30-opensearch-py-js-go.markdown|14 col 320| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: npm. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2021-09-30-opensearch-py-js-go.markdown|34 col 57| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: npm. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2021-09-30-opensearch-py-js-go.markdown|54 col 5| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: golang. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2021-09-30-opensearch-py-js-go.markdown|70 col 232| [Vale.Terms] Use 'Elasticsearch' instead of 'elasticsearch'.
_posts/2021-09-30-opensearch-py-js-go.markdown|70 col 297| [Vale.Terms] Use 'Elasticsearch' instead of 'elasticsearch'.
_posts/2021-09-30-opensearch-py-js-go.markdown|70 col 369| [Vale.Terms] Use 'Elasticsearch' instead of 'elasticsearch'.
_posts/2021-09-30-opensearch-py-js-go.markdown|82 col 86| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: rushiagr. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2021-09-30-opensearch-py-js-go.markdown|82 col 127| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: axeoman. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2021-09-30-opensearch-py-js-go.markdown|82 col 209| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: deztructor. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2021-09-30-opensearch-py-js-go.markdown|82 col 391| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: ananzh. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2021-09-30-opensearch-py-js-go.markdown|82 col 474| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: hansott. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2021-09-30-opensearch-py-js-go.markdown|82 col 517| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: henvic. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/|380 col 4| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Mingshi. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/|380 col 12| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Liu. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2019-11-04-Open-Distro-for-Elasticsearch-1.2.1-released.markdown|28 col 10| [OpenSearch.SpacingPunctuation] There should be no space before and one space after the punctuation mark in 'build.gradle'.
_posts/2019-11-04-Open-Distro-for-Elasticsearch-1.2.1-released.markdown|28 col 16| [Vale.Terms] Use 'Gradle' instead of 'gradle'.
_posts/2019-11-04-Open-Distro-for-Elasticsearch-1.2.1-released.markdown|34 col 16| [Vale.Terms] Use 'Kibana' instead of 'KIBANA'.
_posts/2019-11-04-Open-Distro-for-Elasticsearch-1.2.1-released.markdown|36 col 18| [Vale.Terms] Use 'JSON' instead of 'json'.
_posts/2019-11-04-Open-Distro-for-Elasticsearch-1.2.1-released.markdown|39 col 7| [Vale.Terms] Use 'Performance Analyzer' instead of 'PERFORMANCE ANALYZER'.
_posts/2019-11-04-Open-Distro-for-Elasticsearch-1.2.1-released.markdown|47 col 62| [OpenSearch.LatinismsSubstitution] Use 'using, through, by accessing, or by choosing' instead of 'via'.
_posts/2019-11-04-Open-Distro-for-Elasticsearch-1.2.1-released.markdown|57 col 16| [Vale.Terms] Use 'Kibana' instead of 'KIBANA'.
_posts/2019-11-04-Open-Distro-for-Elasticsearch-1.2.1-released.markdown|60 col 10| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: opendistro_security. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2019-11-04-Open-Distro-for-Elasticsearch-1.2.1-released.markdown|61 col 51| [Vale.Terms] Use 'Kibana' instead of 'kibana'.
_posts/2019-11-04-Open-Distro-for-Elasticsearch-1.2.1-released.markdown|61 col 51| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: kibana. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2019-11-04-Open-Distro-for-Elasticsearch-1.2.1-released.markdown|72 col 7| [Vale.Terms] Use 'Job Scheduler' instead of 'JOB SCHEDULER'.
_posts/2019-11-04-Open-Distro-for-Elasticsearch-1.2.1-released.markdown|79 col 35| [Vale.Terms] Use 'JSON' instead of 'json'.
_posts/2019-11-04-Open-Distro-for-Elasticsearch-1.2.1-released.markdown|111 col 31| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: alolitas. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/|16 col 104| [OpenSearch.SubstitutionsError] Use 'ingest pipeline' instead of 'ingestion pipeline'.
_posts/|21 col 57| [OpenSearch.SubstitutionsError] Use 'ingest pipeline' instead of 'ingestion pipeline'.
_posts/|29 col 20| [OpenSearch.TableHeadings] 'Number Who Use' is a table heading and should be in sentence case.
_posts/|35 col 16| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: auditd. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/|37 col 15| [Vale.Terms] Use 'NetFlow' instead of 'Netflow'.
_posts/|38 col 15| [Vale.Terms] Use 'NGINX' instead of 'Nginx'.
_posts/|38 col 15| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Nginx. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/|41 col 17| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: http. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/|47 col 17| [Vale.Terms] Use 'NGINX' instead of 'Nginx'.
_posts/|47 col 17| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Nginx. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/|59 col 255| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: commuity. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/|61 col 84| [OpenSearch.LatinismsSubstitution] Use 'using, through, by accessing, or by choosing' instead of 'via'.
_posts/|20 col 342| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: roundtable. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/|20 col 437| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: unconference. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/|24 col 57| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Mukul. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/|24 col 63| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Karnik. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/|24 col 192| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Hariharan. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2022-06-06-wtit.markdown|15 col 540| [OpenSearch.SpacingPunctuation] There should be no space before and one space after the punctuation mark in 'Cloud.Red'.
_posts/2022-06-06-wtit.markdown|19 col 1| [OpenSearch.DashSpacing] There should be no spaces around the dash in 'program -- our'.
_posts/2022-06-06-wtit.markdown|21 col 113| [OpenSearch.SpacingPunctuation] There should be no space before and one space after the punctuation mark in 'Cloud.Red'.
_posts/2022-06-06-wtit.markdown|21 col 492| [OpenSearch.SpacingPunctuation] There should be no space before and one space after the punctuation mark in 'Cloud.Red'.
_posts/2022-06-06-wtit.markdown|21 col 555| [OpenSearch.DashSpacing] There should be no spaces around the dash in 'more -- making'.
_posts/2022-06-06-wtit.markdown|25 col 41| [OpenSearch.SpacingPunctuation] There should be no space before and one space after the punctuation mark in 'Cloud.Red'.
_posts/2022-06-06-wtit.markdown|27 col 68| [OpenSearch.SpacingPunctuation] There should be no space before and one space after the punctuation mark in 'Cloud.Red'.
_posts/2019-11-26-random-cut-forests.markdown|20 col 174| [OpenSearch.SpacingPunctuation] There should be no space before and one space after the punctuation mark in 'features. Individual'.
_posts/2019-11-26-random-cut-forests.markdown|23 col 238| [OpenSearch.SubstitutionsError] Use 'dataset' instead of 'data set'.
_posts/2019-11-26-random-cut-forests.markdown|44 col 515| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Gaussians. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2019-11-26-random-cut-forests.markdown|56 col 11| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Aggarwal. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2019-11-26-random-cut-forests.markdown|59 col 8| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Amari. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2019-11-26-random-cut-forests.markdown|59 col 21| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Nagaoka. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2019-11-26-random-cut-forests.markdown|62 col 8| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Amit. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2019-11-26-random-cut-forests.markdown|62 col 20| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Geman. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2019-11-26-random-cut-forests.markdown|65 col 8| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Breiman. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2019-11-26-random-cut-forests.markdown|68 col 8| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Breiman. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2019-11-26-random-cut-forests.markdown|68 col 39| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Olshen. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2019-11-26-random-cut-forests.markdown|71 col 8| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Chandola. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2019-11-26-random-cut-forests.markdown|71 col 38| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Kumar. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2019-11-26-random-cut-forests.markdown|71 col 78| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Comput. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2019-11-26-random-cut-forests.markdown|74 col 8| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Ghare. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2019-11-26-random-cut-forests.markdown|74 col 18| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Guha. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2019-11-26-random-cut-forests.markdown|74 col 44| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Tokle. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2019-11-26-random-cut-forests.markdown|74 col 58| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Satish. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2019-11-26-random-cut-forests.markdown|77 col 8| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Guha. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2019-11-26-random-cut-forests.markdown|77 col 17| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Indyk. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2019-11-26-random-cut-forests.markdown|80 col 8| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Guha. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2019-11-26-random-cut-forests.markdown|80 col 17| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Kalki. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2019-11-26-random-cut-forests.markdown|80 col 31| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Satish. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2019-11-26-random-cut-forests.markdown|83 col 9| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Guha. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2019-11-26-random-cut-forests.markdown|83 col 35| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Venkatasubramanian. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2019-11-26-random-cut-forests.markdown|86 col 9| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Guha. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2019-11-26-random-cut-forests.markdown|86 col 18| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Mishra. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2019-11-26-random-cut-forests.markdown|86 col 41| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Schrijver. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2019-11-26-random-cut-forests.markdown|89 col 20| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Tibshirani. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2019-11-26-random-cut-forests.markdown|92 col 9| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Ishwaran. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2019-11-26-random-cut-forests.markdown|95 col 12| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Kleinberg. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2019-11-26-random-cut-forests.markdown|98 col 12| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Liu. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2019-11-26-random-cut-forests.markdown|98 col 39| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Zhou. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2019-11-26-random-cut-forests.markdown|98 col 91| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Knowl. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2019-11-26-random-cut-forests.markdown|98 col 98| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Discov. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2019-11-26-random-cut-forests.markdown|101 col 66| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Kriging. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2019-11-26-random-cut-forests.markdown|104 col 9| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Zhu. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2019-11-26-random-cut-forests.markdown|104 col 17| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Lafferty. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2019-11-26-random-cut-forests.markdown|104 col 34| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Ghahramani. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2019-11-26-random-cut-forests.markdown|104 col 99| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: ing. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2019-11-26-random-cut-forests.markdown|104 col 109| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: gaussian. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/|24 col 312| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Neiman. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/|15 col 177| [OpenSearch.Inclusive] Use 'cluster manager' instead of 'master' because the latter is an offensive term.
_posts/|15 col 190| [OpenSearch.Inclusive] Use 'deny list' instead of 'blacklist' because the latter is an offensive term.
_posts/|15 col 200| [OpenSearch.Inclusive] Use 'allow list' instead of 'whitelist' because the latter is an offensive term.
_posts/|20 col 2| [OpenSearch.Inclusive] Use 'cluster manager' instead of 'master' because the latter is an offensive term.
_posts/|21 col 2| [OpenSearch.Inclusive] Use 'deny list' instead of 'blacklist' because the latter is an offensive term.
_posts/|22 col 2| [OpenSearch.Inclusive] Use 'allow list' instead of 'whitelist' because the latter is an offensive term.
_posts/|26 col 109| [OpenSearch.LatinismsElimination] Using 'etc.' is unnecessary. Remove.
_posts/|21 col 494| [OpenSearch.SignatureV4] 'Signature Version 4': Use 'AWS Signature Version 4' instead of 'SigV4' on first appearance. Then, Signature Version 4 may be used. Only use SigV4 when space is limited.
_posts/|25 col 117| [OpenSearch.Inclusive] Use 'cluster manager' instead of 'master' because the latter is an offensive term.
_posts/|27 col 91| [OpenSearch.SignatureV4] 'Signature Version 4': Use 'AWS Signature Version 4' instead of 'sigv4' on first appearance. Then, Signature Version 4 may be used. Only use SigV4 when space is limited.
_posts/|31 col 77| [OpenSearch.SignatureV4] 'Signature Version 4': Use 'AWS Signature Version 4' instead of 'sigv4' on first appearance. Then, Signature Version 4 may be used. Only use SigV4 when space is limited.
_posts/|33 col 39| [OpenSearch.SignatureV4] 'Signature Version 4': Use 'AWS Signature Version 4' instead of 'SigV4' on first appearance. Then, Signature Version 4 may be used. Only use SigV4 when space is limited.
_posts/|187 col 144| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: SDK's. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/|249 col 91| [Vale.Repetition] 'the' is repeated!
_posts/|313 col 145| [OpenSearch.SignatureV4] 'Signature Version 4': Use 'AWS Signature Version 4' instead of 'SigV4' on first appearance. Then, Signature Version 4 may be used. Only use SigV4 when space is limited.
_posts/_2021-02-01-fork-update.markdown|16 col 134| [Vale.Terms] Use 'GitHub' instead of 'Github'.
_posts/_2021-02-01-fork-update.markdown|16 col 134| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Github. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/|20 col 149| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: transformative. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/|32 col 116| [OpenSearch.SubstitutionsError] Use 'indexes' instead of 'indices'.
_posts/|32 col 174| [OpenSearch.SubstitutionsError] Use 'indexes' instead of 'indices'.
_posts/|32 col 357| [OpenSearch.SubstitutionsError] Use 'indexes' instead of 'indices'.
_posts/|34 col 65| [OpenSearch.SubstitutionsError] Use 'indexes' instead of 'indices'.
_posts/|34 col 91| [OpenSearch.SubstitutionsError] Use 'indexes' instead of 'indices'.
_posts/|56 col 284| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: rebrand. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/|41 col 243| [OpenSearch.LatinismsSubstitution] Use 'using, through, by accessing, or by choosing' instead of 'via'.
_posts/|45 col 21| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: dataSource. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/|82 col 66| [OpenSearch.SignatureV4] 'AWS Signature Version 4': Use 'AWS Signature Version 4' instead of 'AWS Sigv4' on first appearance. Then, Signature Version 4 may be used. Only use SigV4 when space is limited.
_posts/|87 col 1| [OpenSearch.SubstitutionsError] Use 'for more information about' instead of 'For more information on'.
_posts/2021-11-24-setup-multinode-cluster-kubernetes.markdown|18 col 162| [OpenSearch.SetupVerb] Use 'set up' as a verb instead of 'setup'.
_posts/2021-11-24-setup-multinode-cluster-kubernetes.markdown|18 col 283| [OpenSearch.SetupVerb] Use 'set up' as a verb instead of 'setup'.
_posts/2021-11-24-setup-multinode-cluster-kubernetes.markdown|18 col 289| [OpenSearch.SpacingWords] There should be one space between words in 'a three'.
_posts/2021-11-24-setup-multinode-cluster-kubernetes.markdown|18 col 334| [OpenSearch.Inclusive] Use 'cluster manager' instead of 'master' because the latter is an offensive term.
_posts/2021-11-24-setup-multinode-cluster-kubernetes.markdown|22 col 256| [Vale.Terms] Use 'Minikube' instead of 'minikube'.
_posts/2021-11-24-setup-multinode-cluster-kubernetes.markdown|22 col 366| [OpenSearch.LatinismsElimination] Using 'etc.' is unnecessary. Remove.
_posts/2021-11-24-setup-multinode-cluster-kubernetes.markdown|33 col 39| [Vale.Terms] Use 'Docker' instead of 'docker'.
_posts/2021-11-24-setup-multinode-cluster-kubernetes.markdown|169 col 14| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: url. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2021-11-24-setup-multinode-cluster-kubernetes.markdown|173 col 111| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: kubectl. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2021-11-24-setup-multinode-cluster-kubernetes.markdown|173 col 119| [OpenSearch.LatinismsElimination] Using 'etc.' is unnecessary. Remove.
_posts/2021-11-24-setup-multinode-cluster-kubernetes.markdown|173 col 119| [OpenSearch.SpacingPunctuation] There should be no space before and one space after the punctuation mark in 'etc. After'.
_posts/2021-11-24-setup-multinode-cluster-kubernetes.markdown|173 col 308| [OpenSearch.SetupVerb] Use 'set up' as a verb instead of 'setup'.
_posts/2021-11-24-setup-multinode-cluster-kubernetes.markdown|173 col 685| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: helming. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/|36 col 180| [OpenSearch.LatinismsSubstitution] Use 'using, through, by accessing, or by choosing' instead of 'via'.
_posts/|64 col 31| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: readme. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/|65 col 31| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: readme. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2021-07-26-feature-highlight-opensearch-dashboards-notebooks.markdown|14 col 579| [OpenSearch.SpacingPunctuation] There should be no space before and one space after the punctuation mark in 'documentation. With'.
_posts/2021-07-26-feature-highlight-opensearch-dashboards-notebooks.markdown|20 col 253| [OpenSearch.SpacingPunctuation] There should be no space before and one space after the punctuation mark in 'easily. As'.
_posts/2021-07-26-feature-highlight-opensearch-dashboards-notebooks.markdown|20 col 408| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: devops. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2021-07-26-feature-highlight-opensearch-dashboards-notebooks.markdown|63 col 3| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: sql. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2021-07-26-feature-highlight-opensearch-dashboards-notebooks.markdown|72 col 3| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: ppl. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
... (Too many findings. Dropped some findings)
Check failure on line 23 in _community_members/
github-actions / vale
[vale] _community_members/
[OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Shahar. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
Raw output
{"message": "[OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Shahar. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.", "location": {"path": "_community_members/", "range": {"start": {"line": 23, "column": 3}}}, "severity": "ERROR"}
Check failure on line 23 in _community_members/
github-actions / vale
[vale] _community_members/
[OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Shaked. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
Raw output
{"message": "[OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Shaked. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.", "location": {"path": "_community_members/", "range": {"start": {"line": 23, "column": 10}}}, "severity": "ERROR"}
Check failure on line 24 in _community_members/
github-actions / vale
[vale] _community_members/
[OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Parth. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
Raw output
{"message": "[OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Parth. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.", "location": {"path": "_community_members/", "range": {"start": {"line": 24, "column": 3}}}, "severity": "ERROR"}
Check failure on line 24 in _community_members/
github-actions / vale
[vale] _community_members/
[OpenSearch.SpacingPunctuation] There should be no space before and one space after the punctuation mark in 'Sr.Technical'.
Raw output
{"message": "[OpenSearch.SpacingPunctuation] There should be no space before and one space after the punctuation mark in 'Sr.Technical'.", "location": {"path": "_community_members/", "range": {"start": {"line": 24, "column": 21}}}, "severity": "ERROR"}
Check failure on line 24 in _community_members/
github-actions / vale
[vale] _community_members/
[OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Parth. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
Raw output
{"message": "[OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Parth. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.", "location": {"path": "_community_members/", "range": {"start": {"line": 24, "column": 89}}}, "severity": "ERROR"}
Check failure on line 24 in _community_members/
github-actions / vale
[vale] _community_members/
[Vale.Terms] Use 'OpenSearch' instead of 'Opensearch'.
Raw output
{"message": "[Vale.Terms] Use 'OpenSearch' instead of 'Opensearch'.", "location": {"path": "_community_members/", "range": {"start": {"line": 24, "column": 174}}}, "severity": "ERROR"}
Check failure on line 24 in _community_members/
github-actions / vale
[vale] _community_members/
[OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Opensearch. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
Raw output
{"message": "[OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Opensearch. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.", "location": {"path": "_community_members/", "range": {"start": {"line": 24, "column": 174}}}, "severity": "ERROR"}