Pipelines as Code version v0.26.0
OpenShift Pipelines as Code v0.26.0 has been released 🥳
This is a major release with major new changes:
Passing arguments to /test, /retest or gitops comments. You can now pass argument as key/value to the gitops commands to let you redefined the standard params or custom params. PR Doc
ConfigMap is now getting watched on changse instead of read every time on every requests, which should generate less loads on the cluster PR
Pipelines-as-Code random entropy has now increased from 4 to 6 which should avoid name conflicts when there is a lot of pipelineruns PR
Validation Error of a PipelineRuns are now reported properly to the events stream of the user PR
When there is a initial failure with Pipelines as Code when for example there is an issue with the cluster, the error was previously left after doing a /retest until we update the PR with a new SHA, this now should get cleared PR
When we were doing gitops commands (like /test /retest or others) we were previously acting on deleted comments, we are now only acting on newly created comment PR
A lot of refactoring under the hood to make the code a bit more optimised.
To install this version you can install the release.yaml with kubectl
for your platform :
kubectl apply -f https://github.com/openshift-pipelines/pipelines-as-code/releases/download/v0.26.0/release.yaml
kubectl apply -f https://github.com/openshift-pipelines/pipelines-as-code/releases/download/v0.26.0/release.k8s.yaml
The documentation for this release is available here :
- bf0a99c: Add doc for passing arguments to GitOps commands (@chmouel)
- 755cbbd: Add e2e for pass-arguments-to-gitops-comments (@chmouel)
- d9750b2: Adds configutils package to validate and assign config (@sm43)
- 5ecb9ea: Cleanup unused code (@sm43)
- 25443d2: Console UI: define a copy of pacopts instead from run (@sm43)
- 77935d3: Custom Console ui: removes SetPacInfo func with a NewCustomConsole (@sm43)
- 9e41b50: Do not run e2e tests as unit tests (@chmouel)
- 2e6478a: Filter some of the noises from the logs (@chmouel)
- df22211: Fix e2e tag for gitops_commands_test file (@savitaashture)
- 6ca12e7: Fix matching proper PipelineRun with /test (@chmouel)
- d87b05f: Fix some links in the documentation (@chmouel)
- b69cf31: Fixes pacopts pointer usage in reconciler (@sm43)
- 318d7e3: Fixes race condition for accessing info.pacopts (@sm43)
- 8f18421: Fixes setting pacopts for detected provider while starting from queue (@sm43)
- 9237056: Increase the entropy in generated pac secrets (@chmouel)
- 28178ab: Make sure we get the oldest repository (@chmouel)
- ca26fcb: Move consoleui inside a lock since its based on dynamic config (@sm43)
- e1942e2: Only act on events for newly created comments (@chmouel)
- d568d99: Puts a mutex lock in ConfigToSettings to avoid race condition (@sm43)
- d291f32: Refactor info/pacopts: init params run with default values (@sm43)
- 0b91ecd: Refactors configure repo: moves config check inside provider pkg (@sm43)
- 655c751: Report tekton yaml validation error to the user (@chmouel)
- 1fe9f45: Resolve inconsistent status of a PipelineRun after a failure (@savitaashture)
- 459a40b: Setup pac config syncer (#1662) (@sm43)
- 2053951: Skips using Info.Pac and switch to GetPacOpts (@sm43)
- 6a90a1b: Switch PacOpts to a pointer (@sm43)
- bcfd5e9: Switch sinker, match, pipelineascode to use pacopts copy (@sm43)
- 59881f6: Switch to using GetPacInfo for pacopts (@sm43)
- 230cdfe: Update all dependencies (@chmouel)
- 2b6614a: Update providers to use a copy of pacopts (@sm43)
- e553256: Update sort package to latest & adds nil check for PRun before sorting (@sm43)
- 19f33c3: Use debug instead of info when we are skiping the doublons (@chmouel)
- cad06ec: Use pacopts from provider instead of run (@sm43)
- f10ee61: add golangci-lint errcheck warning (@chmouel)
- c703cd8: fix TestGithubPushRequestGitOpsCommentCancel (@chmouel)
- 3274759: github.provider.token, cache github.ListRepos (@chmouel)
- 9aeb4b2: increase pvc size (@chmouel)
- 28cbb70: move to golang official image from dockerhub (@chmouel)
- 39e9eee: pass arguments as parameters to gitops comments (@chmouel)
- c684849: report error to slack when running e2e on nightly (@chmouel)
- 32a8ddf: report only scheduled runs to slack (@chmouel)
- d1dbd12: try to fix documentation for cloudfare docs (@chmouel)