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WG Meeting 04 04 2024

David Ozog edited this page Apr 4, 2024 · 2 revisions


Sync on active topics and the OpenSHMEM v1.6 Milestone issues and PRs.


  • Reminder that April 26th is out next meeting, so official business must be announced by next Friday April 12th.
  • Kevin plans to read #511 (deprecate all "active-set" language) - added PR to the v1.6 Milestone
  • Dave plans to read the sessions proposal from scratch, keeping shmem_session_config_t with no parameters. Summarized results from the unofficial straw poll at the F2F:
  • Went through all v1.6 milestone items discussing positions, plans, and assignments
  • Dave tentatively volunteered to create a new graphic describing the OpenSHMEM spec ratification process
  • high-level summary: we're waiting to here from leaders of most v1.6 issue/PRs, but we probably want to consider spreading the workload to other committee members to have a better chance at targeting a release in time for SC24 Atlanta.

TODO: Kevin Waters volunteered to help with some tickets, but is perhaps not a collaborator on the Github project (username kwaters4). Perhaps he needs to be added by an admin? Then assigned the following tickets:

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