The purpose of this role is to deploy MariaDB onto Ubuntu. There is also an support for an experimental "dockerized" deployment. This dockerized deployment copies the role to the target machine and uses the original ansible-based functionality to build a docker image, and then uses recent ansible features to manage the running service. The dockerized deployment can theoretically deploy to any Linux platform with a running docker install and the docker-py python client library installed.
Travis status above refers only to the non-dockerized deployment, as docker does not (easily) run on travis.
Configuration variables are shown below along with default values.
- mariadb_repository_mirror:
- mariadb_version: 10.0
- mariadb_mysql_root_password: random value
- mariadb_bind_address:
- mariadb_port: 3306
The variables below only affect the dockerized deployment:
- mariadb_dockerized_deployment: false
- mariadb_docker_username: default
- mariadb_docker_imagename: mariadb
- mariadb_docker_containername: mariadb
- hosts: all
sudo: True
- marklee77.mariadb