This as a tool based on Symfony to translate csv files with the DeepL Api.
Checkout repo in a Webspace or use symfony binary.
If you use a Webspace: Set Root dir to PROJECT_ROOT/public
Install composer dependencies:
composer install
Generate a Secret. DO NOT COMMIT or expose to the public:
For DEV envoirnment:
php bin/console secrets:generate-keys
Or for PROD envoirnment:
APP_RUNTIME_ENV=prod php bin/console secrets:generate-keys
Save your DeepL Api Key:
php bin/console secrets:set DEEPL_KEY --local
(you get prompted to insert the key)
Upload the csv files to PROJECT_ROOT/files with filename: input.csv (Create dir "files" if it doesn't exist).
In config/packages/deepl_translate_csv.yaml change the translate array to the columns you want to get translated. Skip the columns that don't need translation.
In your browser acces the project. CSV gets translated immediatley!