This is a container with a full graphite/grafana stack. It runs go-carbon, and carbonapi and grafana.
Issue this command to pull the latest version of the container:
docker pull opentokix/metrics:latest
- user: admin
- password: admin
This will get your metrics stack running, and accessible on these ports, however your data will be lost if you kill the container. Warning
docker run -p 2003:2003 -p 3000:3000 -d opentokix/metrics:latest
This is a more useful command, and will let you save your data in /srv/metrics and some subfolders in the host machine.
docker run -d -v /srv/metrics:/data -p 2003:2003 -p 3000:3000 opentokix/metrics:latest
To install plugins, enter the container with: docker exec -it containerID /bin/bash then execute:
grafana-cli --pluginsDir=/data/grafana/plugins plugins install neocat-cal-heatmap-panel
When you have installed all your plugins, kill the container and restart it and your plugin will be available (or issue service restart grafana-server inside container)
Then you can send metrics to to port 2003 on the form "prefix.suffix value timestamp\n" as normal collectd/carbon.
First you have to do it add a datasource (Since grafana.db gets created upon first start). Add a graphite data source with the default localhost:8080 endpoint, everything else at default.