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Welcome to the GameList Aggregator project! This open-source initiative aggregates data about video games from various trusted sources, making it freely accessible and user-driven.


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Open Video Game Data

Welcome to the GameList Aggregator project! This open-source initiative aggregates data about video games from various trusted sources, making it freely accessible and user-driven. The project is powered by ASP.NET Blazor, providing a dynamic, interactive user experience.

🌟 Overview

  • Goal: Collect curated lists (from journalists and critics) in a single platform.
  • Contribution: Anyone can add their personal lists or submit lists from reputable sources.
  • Ranking: The site generates a final ranked list for each category based on aggregated community submissions.

🚀 Tech Stack

  • Frontend: ASP.NET Blazor
  • Backend: .NET Core
  • Database: PostgreSQL
  • Authentication: Google OAuth
  • External API: IGDB
  • Hosting: Heroku

🏗️ Installation

  1. Clone the repo:

    git clone
    cd OpenVideoGameData
  2. Configure appsettings.json with:

    1. ConnectionStrings PostgreSQL: Provide your PostgreSQL database details here.

      • Host: The database host (e.g., localhost or an IP address).
      • Database: The name of your PostgreSQL database (e.g., OpenVideoGameDataDB).
      • Username: Your PostgreSQL username.
      • Password: Your PostgreSQL password.
    2. IGDB

      • ClientId: Your IGDB Client ID, obtained after registering an application at IGDB.
      • ClientSecret: The client secret associated with your IGDB account. This is used to authenticate calls to the IGDB API.
    3. GoogleAuth

      • ClientId: Your Google OAuth client ID, usually from the Google Cloud Console.
      • ClientSecret: The client secret for your Google OAuth application.
      • These credentials enable Google sign-in for user authentication on Open Video Game Data.
    "ConnectionStrings": {
        "PostgreSQL": "Host=localhost;Database=OpenVideoGameDataDB;Username=YOUR_USER;Password=YOUR_PASSWORD"
    "IGDB": {
        "ClientId": "YOUR_IGDB_CLIENT_ID",
        "ClientSecret": "YOUR_IGDB_CLIENT_SECRET"
    "GoogleAuth": {
        "ClientId": "YOUR_GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID",
        "ClientSecret": "YOUR_GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET"

    Important: Keep your credentials private and never commit them to a public repository. Whenever possible, use environment variables or another secure method to store sensitive information.

  3. Build and run:

    dotnet build
    dotnet run

The application will be available at https://localhost:5124.

🛠️ Database Migrations

If you plan to modify database schema, you may install the .NET EF tool globally:

dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef

Then create and apply migrations:

dotnet ef migrations add InitialCreate
dotnet ef database update

🌐 Deployment (Heroku + Docker)

Below are commands you can use if deploying to Heroku using a Docker container:

heroku login
docker ps
heroku container:login
heroku container:push web --app openvideogamedata
heroku container:release web --app openvideogamedata
heroku logs --tail --app openvideogamedata

📝 How It Works

  1. Login via Google: All accounts use Google OAuth for simplicity.
  2. Find a Category: Example: “Best PlayStation 5 Games.”
  3. Add a List: Click on “Critic Lists.” Enter the URL of the list you want to add. If the list is new, continue to add games (max 15 per list).
  4. Vote & Approval: Submissions are visible to users for upvotes/downvotes; admins review them before final acceptance.

📋 Rules for Submitting Critic Lists

  • Must represent a journalist’s/critic’s opinion (not personal).
  • Must be enumerated and ranked.
  • Must not be based on another aggregate list (e.g., “based on Metacritic”).
  • Maximum of 15 games per list. If the source has fewer than 15, include the entire list.

🎨 Resources & Icons

  • We use icons from various packs, including OpenIconic Cheat Sheet to enhance the UI.

🤝 Contributing

  1. Fork this repository.
  2. Create a new branch for your feature or fix.
  3. Commit and push your changes.
  4. Open a Pull Request and describe your changes.
  5. Feel free to open issues for bugs or feature requests.

🔒 License

This project is licensed under the MIT License — enjoy and feel free to contribute!

❤️ Thanks

  • Together, André and Diego are the driving forces behind OpenVideoGameData, combining technical expertise, creativity, and a shared commitment to open-source.
  • IGDB for providing the game database API.
  • Our community for continued support and contribution.
  • Everyone who helps to keep the project running!


Welcome to the GameList Aggregator project! This open-source initiative aggregates data about video games from various trusted sources, making it freely accessible and user-driven.








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