A curated list of awesome open-source libraries, applications, hardware and resources using OpenWeather APIs.
- esp32-weather-epd - e-paper weather display
- esp8266-weather-station - ThingPulse weather data display
- OpenWeatherMap-PHP-API - PHP wrapper for OpenWeather API to retrieve and parse global weather data
- pyowm - Python wrapper around the OpenWeather API
- polybar-scripts - weather data integration into Linux status bar via polybar
- forecastie - simple weather app for Android
- Weatherapp - 5 day forecast Android app
- DatWeatherDoe - simple menu bar weather app for macOS
- weather - Android weather app usning OpenWeather API
- HAsmartirrigation - smart irrigation component for Home Assistant based on weather data
- good-weather - weather app for Android
- FlutterWeather - Weather app created using Flutter and Dart
- openweathermap - OpenWeatherMap Go API
- WeatherApp-Android - Android Weather app
- simple-nodejs-weather-app - weather website using Node.js and Express
- open_weather_example_flutter - Flutter weather app example using the OpenWeather API