curl -L https://github.com/operator-framework/operator-lifecycle-manager/releases/download/0.10.0/install.sh -o install.sh
chmod +x install.sh
./install.sh 0.10.0
kubectl apply -f https://github.com/operator-framework/operator-lifecycle-manager/releases/download/0.10.0/crds.yaml
kubectl apply -f https://github.com/operator-framework/operator-lifecycle-manager/releases/download/0.10.0/olm.yaml
Change Log
0.10.0 (2019-05-22)
Closed issues:
- Operator lifecycle manager and operator-sdk connection #862
- I am getting error while installing OLM #854
- Generated Subscriptions should have an owner reference to created Subscription #832
- replaces meta data for operator will throw fatal error when no previous version of operator is found. #831
- Operator catalog is created but now shown in the OLM UI #822
- After it be installed the URL to connect/use it should be informed to the user #785
- Add 'operatorgroups' to edit and view clusterroles #743
- upstream deployment: olm pod keeps crashing #714
Other changes:
- bump version to 0.10.0 #865 (jpeeler)
- (refactor) Move csv set and replace to a package #860 (tkashem)
- fix(unit): Remove leftover println causing excessive log in unit test #859 (dinhxuanvu)
- fix(run_console_loca): Fix command and improve output message #858 (camilamacedo86)
- test(olm): test role aggregation for aggregate apiservices #856 (ecordell)
- fix(unit): TestUpdate no longer flakes #855 (ecordell)
- chore(deploy): fix release scripts #852 (ecordell)
- fix(operatorgroup): No targetNamespaces matched namespace selector #851 (dinhxuanvu)
- Bug 1705649: fix olm-operators tolerations #850 (ravisantoshgudimetla)
- fix(deploy): add missing descriptions to manifests #848 (jpeeler)
- fix(catalog): fix issue where subscriptions sometimes get "stuck" #847 (ecordell)
- fix(deploy): add missing descriptions #845 (jpeeler)
- Add Termination Message to Failing OLM Pods #844 (alecmerdler)
- Fix tolerations #843 (ravisantoshgudimetla)
- fix(catalog): Fix subscriptions without a sourceNamespace hang forever #839 (dinhxuanvu)
- fix(resolver): fixes a bug where resolved dependent subscriptions don't #838 (ecordell)
- Refactor to avoid cache races #837 (jpeeler)
- Set limit on length of Status.Conditions of a csv #836 (tkashem)
- Fix gRPC registry pod recreation #835 (njhale)
- Support semver ranges of versions to skip in the head of a channel #834 (ecordell)
- test(e2e): wait for deployment to exist in csv replacement test #833 (ecordell)
- Always set LastTransitionTime in OperatorStatusCondition #830 (soltysh)
- Revert "chore(cvo): remove ClusterOperator from manifests" #828 (ecordell)
- fix(olm): Fix the issue with missing events due to rate limit #827 (dinhxuanvu)
- chore(cvo): remove ClusterOperator from manifests #826 (ecordell)
- Add node-selector annotation to namespace #824 (ravisantoshgudimetla)
- chore(cvo): update openshift/api so that OperatorFailing is changed to OperatorDegraded #823 (ecordell)
- Add validation details for
field #821 (tlwu2013) - Subscription Status InstallPlan References #820 (njhale)
- Add priorityClassName #817 (jianzhangbjz)
- Update catalog if image changes #816 (ecordell)
- feat(packageserver): add additional info to package server output #813 (ecordell)
- feat(rbac): restrict permissions for namespace admins #812 (ecordell)
- chore(cvo): report progressing=true if the version has updated #811 (ecordell)
- add logging and separate muxer for metrics #809 (jpeeler)
- fix(catalog): recreate registry pods when deleted #807 (njhale)
- documentation: Fix a few typos. #806 (marcoderama)
- Garbage Collection for OperatorGroup RBAC #795 (alecmerdler)
- fix(olm): generate aggregated clusterroles for ownnamespace operatorgroups correctly #794 (ecordell)
- Fixing indentation for spec field #787 (bergerhoffer)
- Add support for Windows WSL in run_console_local.sh #768 (leszko)
- fix the labels.provider of packagemanifest issue #766 (jianzhangbjz)
- fix(deployment): Clean up orphaned deployments #759 (dinhxuanvu)
- Add Provided APIs to PackageManifest #754 (alecmerdler)
- Fix small typo. #751 (lveyde)
- fix(olm): add deletion monitoring for api services #750 (jpeeler)
* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator