curl -L https://github.com/operator-framework/operator-lifecycle-manager/releases/download/0.11.0/install.sh -o install.sh
chmod +x install.sh
./install.sh 0.11.0
kubectl apply -f https://github.com/operator-framework/operator-lifecycle-manager/releases/download/0.11.0/crds.yaml
kubectl apply -f https://github.com/operator-framework/operator-lifecycle-manager/releases/download/0.11.0/olm.yaml
Change Log
0.11.0 (2019-07-26)
Closed issues:
- Get OLM version from cluster #935
- Is there documentation for a ClusterServiceVersion install.strategy=image? #905
- ignore #899
- Wrong steps in the Release notes (0.10.0) #895
- Ignore #894
- Unable to use OLM tool when the operator is cluster-scoped and has not the role #888
- Unable to run UI console for OLM #886
- Docs - Add a better explanation over the install commands #782
- ignore #781
Other changes:
- Bug 1732613: Follow up for pod configuration #958 (tkashem)
- test(e2e): remove extra resource comparison #938 (njhale)
- (release) cut a release for 0.11.0 #962 (tkashem)
- Bug 1732302: Fix panic when binding already exists #959 (cblecker)
- fix(manifest): fix env var projection in command #957 (ecordell)
- feat(deploy): add resource requests to all pods #955 (jpeeler)
- chore(modules): pin k8s deps to 1.14 #954 (njhale)
- feat(metrics): record sync count for Subscriptions, labeled with name and installedCSV #951 (ecordell)
- Pod configuration #950 (tkashem)
- Minor fixes #945 (jpeeler)
- Add simple benchmark for namespaced subscription resolution #943 (njhale)
- Remove package server subscription #942 (ecordell)
- proposal(operator-config): initial proposal for persisting configuration #941 (ecordell)
- 1723818: package server 4.1 to 4.2 upgrade should not fail #937 (tkashem)
- Validate existing Custom Resources against new schema prior updating #933 (dinhxuanvu)
- feat(csv): detect changes to a deployment and persist them #931 (ecordell)
- Add optional profiling #929 (njhale)
- manifests: move ServiceMonitor manifest to runlevel 90 #928 (paulfantom)
- Bug 1723818: CSV name change should not cause upgrade to fail #925 (tkashem)
- Add Subscription InstallPlan Status #923 (njhale)
- Add a target for compiling bare e2e #921 (jpeeler)
- fix(test): fixup bare test imports and vars #920 (jpeeler)
- fix(build): set GO111MODULE=on #918 (jpeeler)
- Update CHANGELOG to include changelogs from 0.10.0 and 0.10.1 #917 (dinhxuanvu)
- docs(release): add additional clarifying details #916 (jpeeler)
- Bug 1723851: fix(catalog): do not add owner references to clusterroles or crbs (4.1 cherrypick) #915 (ecordell)
- Switch to go 1.12 in the root Dockerfile #914 (ecordell)
- Add webhook proposal #913 (jpeeler)
- fix(build): don't use helm in src image #912 (ecordell)
- Add config options to QueueInformer constructors #911 (njhale)
- fix(chart): add missing descriptions to operator group #910 (jpeeler)
- allow KUBECONFIG to be set from env in run_e2e_bare.sh #909 (jpeeler)
- add -l option to $POD_MANAGER attach #907 (madorn)
- Fix PackageManifest Server Crashes #904 (alecmerdler)
- Allow CRD updates with multiple owners #902 (jpeeler)
- Bug 1691546: fix(catalog): do not add owner references to clusterroles or crbs #900 (ecordell)
- Add support for user defined ServiceAccount for OperatorGroup. #892 (tkashem)
- Change Package Server Global Namespace #890 (alecmerdler)
- make release 0.10.1 #889 (dinhxuanvu)
- repair run_console_run.sh script #885 (madorn)
- Subscription CatalogSource Status #881 (njhale)
- (proposal) Add user defined service account #880 (tkashem)
- Enable OLM to update CRD when there is only one owner of that CRD #878 (dinhxuanvu)
- Package API server monitoring #863 (tkashem)
* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator