curl -L https://github.com/operator-framework/operator-lifecycle-manager/releases/download/0.13.0/install.sh -o install.sh
chmod +x install.sh
./install.sh 0.13.0
kubectl apply -f https://github.com/operator-framework/operator-lifecycle-manager/releases/download/0.13.0/crds.yaml
kubectl apply -f https://github.com/operator-framework/operator-lifecycle-manager/releases/download/0.13.0/olm.yaml
0.13.0 (2019-11-15)
Closed issues:
- Issue 2 #1127
- Issue 1 #1126
- Slack channel? #1117
- InstallPlans not being generated on OpenShift 3.11 with OLM 0.12.0 #1113
- MinKubeVersion error msg as a requirement can cause misunderstandings #1093
- Instances of Clusterwide CRDs are not displayed properly in InstalledOperators #1077
- CSV required CRDs are resolved from an unpredictable catalog #1076
- Missing channels from package.yaml definition #1072
- Security: new CVEs in 0.12.0 release AND in master, new fixes/release coming? #1066
- How to troubleshot what is happening with a subscription #1063
- 0.12.0 release isn't versioned correctly #1061
Other changes:
- [docs] - update release docs #1131 (gallettilance)
- [release] - version bump #1130 (gallettilance)
- Fixing doc typo #1115 (bandrade)
- Fix several flaky e2e test cases #1111 (dinhxuanvu)
- Alerts for failing OLM operators #1104 (anik120)
- feat(resolver): use provided and required apis from grpc #1101 (ecordell)
- feat(metrics) Report subscription channel #1100 (awgreene)
- feat(metrics) Limit Cardinality of CSV metrics #1099 (awgreene)
- fix: t.Fatal should be used in main goroutine #1096 (beautytiger)
- docs: Corrected CSV upgrade version. #1095 (gyliu513)
- fix(olm): No longer report status if minKubeVersion not specified #1094 (dinhxuanvu)
- fix: refresh architecture and philosophy docs for clarity purposes #1092 (Denton24646)
- Updated values.yaml location. #1089 (gyliu513)
- fix: fix particular typo in clusterserviceversion_types.go #1086 (Denton24646)
- Fix log message in resolver #1085 (ecordell)
- URL with modified manifest directory structure #1083 (sbose78)
- Bug 1762769: Prioritize APIs from same CatSrc #1080 (awgreene)
- Update Owners #1079 (alecmerdler)
- Bug 1761924: Update PackageManifest table handler #1078 (awgreene)
- bugfix: assignment to nil map will cause panic #1071 (beautytiger)
- Proposal: RelatedImages #1069 (ecordell)
- Add
apk upgrade
to upstream builder #1067 (ecordell) - Fix links to console repo for moved packages #1065 (spadgett)
- bug(install) Fix packageserver name in install.sh #1062 (awgreene)
- Bug 1758008: Manual approval strategy ignored for subsequent releases #1059 (dinhxuanvu)
- feat(subscription) Config Volume and VolumeMounts #1058 (awgreene)
- Bug: Fix olm chart #1056 (awgreene)
- feat(metrics) record CSV failures #1055 (awgreene)
- [WIP] (proposal) Make bundle accessible to a cluster #1054 (tkashem)
- Bump openshift/client-go version #1052 (njhale)
- (release) Update changelog #1051 (awgreene)
- (release) Generate manifests for 0.12.0 #1050 (awgreene)
- chore(deps): bump to kube 1.16 #1048 (ecordell)
- fix(subscriptionconfig): add missing merge struct tags #996 (njhale)
- refactor(operatorstatus): make monitor constructor variadic #995 (njhale)
- feat(scripts): add shell lib with some common helper funcs #994 (njhale)