Note: During the 0.15.0 release publication of olm, an error resulted in post-0.15.0 changes being built into the 0.15.0 release image, and therefore this release is being recalled. Please use the 0.15.1 release, or any release before 0.15.0 instead.
Change Log
0.15.0 (2020-05-19)
Closed issues:
- Is it possible install an operator to a specific namespace via olm? #1490
- InstallPlan/Update spam with multiple catalogsources containing different operator versions #1471
- How to communicate with application registry without OperatorSource #1450
- [Best Practise] How to release a product with operator #1427
- [Best Practise] Airgap install operators #1420
- [Best Practise] How to define channel name when certify my operator for RH #1409
- Tit #1384
- Stop working on my device immediately. #1376
- OLM fails to install packageserver with FailedDiscoveryCheck error #1368
- Docs: Clarification opportunities in the Architecture document #1346
- When delete CSV and subscription, how to make operator waiting for its CR deleted #1302
- Deploy Operator through OLM that selects only one namespace #1297
- Unable to specify ImagePullSecrets for private registry in ClusterServiceVersion #1294
- How to deliver fixpak for operand (operator instance) #1287
- Add optional flag for having CSV's owned by their Subscription. #1283
- Patch releases needed for CVE to remove unneeded major release churn (0.13.1?) #1269
- There is error reported during olm installation #1155
- Expected handling of minor release updates #1124
- Can't install APIService that doesn't introduce a new Kind #1122
- how to shutdown operator instance when last subscription is removed? #1088
- catalog-operator no version tags for configmap-operator-registry image #1045
- What is the Security guidelines for OLM fixing known CVEs? #1036
- Support for K8S 1.16 CRD API V1 Changes #1034
- Configuring deployment limits and environment #999
- Make fails when GOPATH contains more than one entry #956
- The CRD for the ClusterServiceVersion is missing field #930
- Restricting visibility of specific CRDs to some namespaces #734
- Api service certificates are created for each api group #727
- There seems to be no proper way to uninstall #557
Other changes:
- Bug 1812019: PackageManifests should include Keywords #1520 (awgreene)
- Bug 1833426: Update Webhook E2E Namespace Labels #1515 (awgreene)
- Bug 1834136: fix(queues): use a single gc queue #1513 (njhale)
- Bug 1833419: Detect WebhookDescription changes in CSVs #1509 (awgreene)
- Bump OLM version to 0.15.0 #1503 (anik120)
- Bug 1830031: Update OLM to use UID for OG Labels #1496 (awgreene)
- Bug 1826446: (fix) Admission Webhook names must be unique #1489 (awgreene)
- Bug 1818788: Fix Operator Generation code #1483 (awgreene)
- Bug 1825330: support creating v1beta CRDs to avoid data loss #1470 (exdx)
- (Rebased disc)^2 #1468 (njhale)
- Switch api definitions to operator-framework/api #1464 (ecordell)
- chore(deps): bump to kube 1.18 #1462 (ecordell)
- Fix failing E2E bundle unpacking test. #1460 (benluddy)
- Add an operator cache for use by the resolver. #1458 (benluddy)
- fix: add empty go file to packge to fix make verify #1455 (exdx)
- Regenerate the chart embedded in the test installer as needed. #1454 (benluddy)
- Fix upstream image build #1452 (njhale)
- Added Github workflow for running e2e tests #1451 (harishsurf)
- feat: support secrets from bundle #1447 (exdx)
- chore(docker): add kubebuilder to base image #1446 (njhale)
- fix: use busybox csv for catalog polling e2e test #1444 (exdx)
- Add BugZilla component to OWNERS file #1442 (dinhxuanvu)
- Add initial SAT solver package. #1440 (benluddy)
- Convert package manifest e2e to ginkgo test #1439 (harishsurf)
- Admission webhoooks #1436 (awgreene)
- feat: support configmap creation from the bundle #1434 (exdx)
- Convert gc_e2e_test.go to ginkgo #1429 (harishsurf)
- Modify dynamic_resource_e2e_test to ginkgo #1424 (harishsurf)
- Remove license year 2: Electric Boogaloo #1419 (njhale)
- Create APIService after API server deployment #1418 (awgreene)
- feat: support v1 CRD objects in OLM #1416 (exdx)
- Bug 1817833: Add spec validation and improved status for CatalogSources #1414 (njhale)
- Add tests for GC assumptions. #1411 (benluddy)
- End-to-end test binary can set up test clusters #1410 (benluddy)
- Reconcile Namespace OG Labels in Namespace Syncer #1408 (awgreene)
- Bug 1815761: Fix installplan error when installing from bundles #1401 (ecordell)
- Add OG label to namespaces in OperatorGroup #1398 (awgreene)
- Ignore differences in CSV .status.conditions in unit tests. #1390 (benluddy)
- Bug 1814457: fix(catsrc): remove limits on catalogsource pods #1389 (ecordell)
- Add e2e test for multiple APIServices on a pod #1388 (awgreene)
- Add more CSV information to the PackageManifest #1387 (dinhxuanvu)
- Fix typo in subscription.crd template file #1381 (harishsurf)
- [release-4.2] Bug 1797021: Fix bad opgroup annotations #1373 (ecordell)
- Convert e2e go tests to ginkgo - using ginkgo convert utility #1372 (harishsurf)
- manifests(prometheus): failing operators should be a warning #1371 (ecordell)
- chore(deps): bump to kube 1.17.3 #1370 (anik120)
- Bug 1810698: feat(jitter): add jitter to controllers to smooth out our spiky resource #1353 (ecordell)
- Clarify roles and adds info about Package Server #1350 (flickerfly)
- Bug 1797747: Make provided API ClusterRoles be owned by the corresponding API. #1348 (benluddy)
- Bug 1808113: Fix OwnerReferences for bundled CRs #1341 (njhale)
- Bug 1809294: Update subscription_sync_count to include the package name #1340 (simrandhaliw)
- Bug 1805412: Support multiple APIServices on a single deployment #1339 (awgreene)
- fix(make): build cpb as prereq of e2e-local #1337 (njhale)
- Tolerations & Resources Override using .Subscription.Config #1334 (umangachapagain)
- Unbreak the minikube mode of build_local.sh. #1332 (benluddy)
- Fix kind detection for local builds. #1324 (benluddy)
- Bug 1807128: Don't block on ctx.Done() if startup fails. #1323 (benluddy)
- Bug 1799463: Duplicate packages in packageserver APIService response #1322 (exdx)
- Add stale bot #1319 (Bowenislandsong)
- Bug 1784024: Use generations to prevent duplicate InstallPlans #1316 (njhale)
- Update README to include OLM-Book #1314 (awgreene)
- add link to olm-book definition of subscription #1313 (madorn)
- Bug 1805570: Remove run-level 1 from olm and openshift-operators namespaces #1308 (dinhxuanvu)
- Add some examples for Subscription config feature #1307 (madorn)
- Bug 1804812: fix(deployment): deployment spec hash #1301 (ecordell)
- Bug 1798051: Reinstate v1alpha2 operatorgroup #1300 (awgreene)
- Bug 1786471: fix(packagemanifests): Fix index key func to avoid key collision #1284 (dinhxuanvu)
- Bug 1798645: fix(bundles): execute opm from tooling container #1252 (njhale)
- Add alm-examples-metadata #1224 (Jamstah)
- Bug 1762769: Prioritize APIs from same CatSrc #1080 (awgreene)
- Lock down package server runtime environment #1073 (javanthropus)
* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator