curl -L https://github.com/operator-framework/operator-lifecycle-manager/releases/download/0.16.1/install.sh -o install.sh
chmod +x install.sh
./install.sh 0.16.1
kubectl apply -f https://github.com/operator-framework/operator-lifecycle-manager/releases/download/0.16.1/crds.yaml
kubectl apply -f https://github.com/operator-framework/operator-lifecycle-manager/releases/download/0.16.1/olm.yaml
Change Log
0.16.1 (2020-09-04)
Other changes:
0.16.1 (2020-09-03)
Closed issues:
- Issue Installing OLM in Openshift Namespace #1683
- Evicted CatalogSource pod causes failure #1677
- Unable to use OLM to create operator in kubernetes native cluster #1660
- An old version of a dependent package is installed #1620
- Can't recreate operator if the installplan exist in 4.4 #1570
- What is the significance of "internalversion" package? Is it advisable to use it? #1527
- Leader election for olm-operator and catalog-operator #1405
- How to make operator installation method in OCP 4.2+ compatible with OCP 4.1 #1320
- Question: optional dependency #819
Other changes:
- Bump OLM Version #1749 (awgreene)
- Update OWNERS #1739 (kevinrizza)
- Bug 1872080: Updating Dockerfile baseimages to mach ocp-build-data config #1738 (openshift-bot)
- Bug 1869523: Fix nodeSelector subscription config override #1728 (awgreene)
- Update Owners file #1727 (awgreene)
- Bug 1868497: Fix install plan creation for subscriptions that omit channel. #1725 (benluddy)
- Bug 1861636: fix(operator): re-adopt manually disowned crds #1721 (njhale)
- Bug 1861605: Update manifests to include the bug fix #1720 (simrandhaliw)
- Add Total Test Number to report #1717 (Bowenislandsong)
- Bug 1860035: Fix SubscriptionConfig NodeSelector field #1716 (awgreene)
- Bug 1867169: Fix stale content in configmap due to stale bundle image in the node #1715 (dinhxuanvu)
- Bug 1861605: Reduce length of explanation of status of Operator resource #1713 (simrandhaliw)
- Add Catalog Source priority for dependency resolution #1706 (Bowenislandsong)
- Remove spurious check for duplicate operators in resolver. #1702 (benluddy)
- feat(resolver): filtering deprecated bundles in resolver #1699 (dinhxuanvu)
- chore(clean): Remove legacy resolver #1696 (ecordell)
- change default catalog to index image #1695 (dmesser)
- Enable the Operator API by default #1694 (njhale)
- Remove unnecessary ENV directives from base.Dockerfile. #1692 (benluddy)
- feat(resolver): Add label dependency type to new resolver #1687 (dinhxuanvu)
- Bug 1860185: fix(install): account for installplans when calculating generation #1684 (njhale)
- Remove unneeded toleration from catalog source pod #1680 (kramvan1)
- Rebuild busybox operator index image #1678 (awgreene)
- feat(operator): adopt referenced installplans #1661 (njhale)
- [metrics] Dependency resolution metrics #1657 (anik120)
- New SAT-based dependency resolver #1652 (ecordell)
- Add Conversion Webhook support for OLM #1649 (simrandhaliw)
- Bug 1853601: use server-side-apply for catalog source pod update #1624 (ankitathomas)
- add InstallplanApproval (automatic/manual) to OLM metrics #1613 (konsotirop)