curl -L https://github.com/operator-framework/operator-lifecycle-manager/releases/download/v0.17.0/install.sh -o install.sh
chmod +x install.sh
./install.sh v0.17.0
kubectl apply -f https://github.com/operator-framework/operator-lifecycle-manager/releases/download/v0.17.0/crds.yaml
kubectl apply -f https://github.com/operator-framework/operator-lifecycle-manager/releases/download/v0.17.0/olm.yaml
v0.17.0 (2020-10-30)
Closed issues:
- packagemanifests not created #1831
- Origin Console: http: proxy error: dial tcp connect: connection refused #1825
- no matches for kind "CustomResourceDefinition" in version "apiextensions.k8s.io/v1" #1818
- Catalogsource of type internal are going into crashloopbackoff state #1806
- OLM 0.16.1 allows downgrading a dependency to older version by switching channels. #1772
- olm spin loop when trying to install operator #1757
- Find a typo in the installplan error message #1740
- New release 0.16.1 request for kube 1.19 fixes #1663
- Questions about the all namespaces and single namespace install mode #1506
- Method to trigger catalog container refresh #1469
- TestCatalogImageUpdate e2e test does not work locally on kind clusters #1380
- What is the best practice to upgrade operator nightly builds using OLM? #1321
Other changes:
- Generate manifests for v0.17.0. #1849 (benluddy)
- Bump version to 0.17.0. #1842 (benluddy)
- Bug 1891898: Set default, min, and max values on Webhook ports #1835 (awgreene)
- Bug 1889838: fix race in Operator reconcilation #1823 (sjenning)
- Bug 1888073: prevent no-op hotlooping on Operators #1816 (sjenning)
- [release-4.5] Bug 1887944: ensure installplan step resource manifests reference configmaps #1809 (exdx)
- Bug 1879248: OLM mounts CA Certs where Kubebuilder expects #1808 (awgreene)
- fix typo #1807 (dongwenjuan)
- Bug 1885403: Improve transitionCSVState error logs #1803 (awgreene)
- Updating operator-lifecycle-manager builder & base images to be consistent with ART #1799 (jupierce)
- Bug 1880473: remove extraneous manifests in installplan #1798 (exdx)
- Bug 1885398: Retrieve CA from conversion webhooks for CA Hash #1797 (awgreene)
- Bug 1884641: Regenerate downstream InstallPlan CRD manifest. #1791 (benluddy)
- Bug 1881222: Annotate CSVs with the properties used during dependency resolution. #1781 (benluddy)
- Bug 1882077: Bump k8s dependencies to v0.18.9 #1775 (njhale)
- Bug 1881584: fix check from previous polling implementation #1773 (exdx)
- BUG 1872584: Fix conversion webhooks #1767 (awgreene)
- Bug 1873030: Make a subscription without at least one candidate fail resolution. #1766 (benluddy)
- Bug 1878163: Updating Dockerfile baseimages to mach ocp-build-data config #1763 (openshift-bot)
- Bug 1868712: OLM should reuse existing CA if they have not expired #1761 (awgreene)
- doc: default polling behavior #1756 (exdx)
- Bug 1877835: update catalog image pull policy #1755 (exdx)
- Genereate 0.16.1 changelog #1751 (awgreene)
- 0.16.1 Release: Generate Manifests #1750 (awgreene)
- Bug 1875247: Add package check for the channel head querying #1748 (jianzhangbjz)
- Bug 1874938: Set RevisionHistoryLimit per Deployment #1745 (awgreene)
- fix typo in the error message #1741 (horis233)
- Bug 1869441: Add skips information to Operator representation #1735 (dinhxuanvu)
- Bug 1829735: fix(operator): map top-level csv phase to component conditions #1732 (njhale)
- Bug 1867802: shorten catalog sync interval if polling is enabled #1731 (exdx)
- Bug 1870453: Should not compare the digest if cannot the new update pod's imageID #1729 (jianzhangbjz)
- Bug 1866444: remove duplicate catalog source pod when polling #1723 (exdx)
- Replace assertions in Catalog-e2e to use Gomega's Matcher library #1502 (harishsurf)
- Convert scoped_client_test to ginkgo #1500 (harishsurf)
- doc: add reporting bugs doc and small nit improvements in the README #1480 (camilamacedo86)