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Lazy infinite stream of Ramanujan numbers in Haskell

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One weird trick for calculating Ramanujan numbers

or, Ramanujan numbers – an exercise in laziness


Ramanujan numbers, also called Hardy-Ramanujan numbers or Taxicab were born in an anecdote:

When Ramanujan heard that Hardy had come in a taxi he asked him what the number of the taxi was. Hardy said that it was just a boring number: 1729. Ramanujan replied that 1729 was not a boring number at all: it was a very interesting one. He explained that it was the smallest number that could be expressed by the sum of two cubes in two different ways.

See also Wikipedia and The Online Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences.


Code in ramanujan.hs.

A friend wondered how to produce Ramanujan numbers functionally. He had an imperative C implementation that iterated over x and y over a range and updated a large table: counts[x*x*x + y*y*y]++. After that he iterated through the table and collected the Ramanujan numbers.

I knew that if I could produce numbers of the form x^3 + y^3 in order, it would be easy to produce the Ramanujan numbers:

ramanujan :: [Integer]
ramanujan = map head . filter multiple . group $ sumsOfCubes
  where multiple [x] = False
        multiple _   = True

Producing all sums of cubes is relatively easy. By adding the condition y<=x I both ensure that each sum is only produced once, and that I eventually produce all sums:

[ x^3 + y^3 | x <- [1..], y <- [1..x]]

This sequence consists of segments, one for each x. Within a segment, y is increasing and so is the value x^3 + y^3. I can express this explicitly as a list of lists:

cubelists = [[ x^3 + y^3 | y <- [1..x]] | x <- [1..]]

Not only are the sequences themselves increasing, but they are ordered by their first element. Thus if I want to know if k is a sum of two cubes I can do it easily: look in every list in cubelists until I find k or hit a list that starts with a value larger than k.

This is what cubelists look like:


Generator view

You can think of cubelists as a list of generators, each eager to give you their next number. The generators are queued in the order of the number they want to give you.

To get the smallest number, you take the number the first generator is trying to give you. Then you put that generator back in the queue in the right place (as determined by the next number it wants to give you).

Putting a generator into the queue is done with insert:

insert :: Ord a => a -> [a] -> [a]
insert x (y:ys)
  | x < y = x:y:ys
  | otherwise = y : insert x ys
insert x [] = [x]

It relies on the fact the Ord instance for lists does the right thing: compares the first elements (and then the second elements, and so forth, but that won't happen in our use case).

Finally, here's the function that just repeatedly takes the smallest number available and calls insert:

merge :: Ord a => [[a]] -> [a]
merge ((x:xs):xss) = x : merge (insert xs xss)
merge ([]:xss) = merge xss
merge [] = []

We can now define

sumsOfCubes :: [Integer]
sumsOfCubes = merge cubelists

Heap view

Another way to look at cubelists is to see it as a sort of heap. Visualize the list of lists as a two dimensional structure:

 | | | |
 | | | |
 . . . .

The smallest number is in the top left corner, and when I further away along the links I get larger and larger numbers.

The fundamental heap operation is pop: removing the smallest element. I'll just do that:

|  | | |
|  | | |
.  . . .

I'm left with a dangling ordered list (the list that was the first list of the heap) and a heap (the rest of the lists still form a valid heap). So I just need to figure out how to add the dangling list to the remaining heap.

That's easy: the only invariant I need to respect is that the lists are ordered by their first element. This is the insert function.

And here's how you pop using it:

pop :: [[Int]] -> (Int,[[Int]])
pop ((x:dangle):heap) = (x, insert dangle heap)

Now you can see that merge is just an iterated pop.

See also

The Genuine Sieve of Erastothenes by Melissa E. O'Neill presents an infinite sequence of primes using the same methodology.


Lazy infinite stream of Ramanujan numbers in Haskell







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