Ansible modules for interacting with Opsview Monitor!
# Replace /etc/ansible with wherever your playbooks live
sudo pip install 'pyopsview>=5.3.3'
sudo mkdir /etc/ansible/library/
sudo mkdir /etc/ansible/module_utils/
git clone
sudo cp -p opsview-ansible-modules/library/*.py /etc/ansible/library
sudo cp -p opsview-ansible-modules/module_utils/*.py /etc/ansible/module_utils
All of the documentation is available with ansible-doc
- hosts: webservers_eu_west
connection: local
opsview_username: admin
opsview_password: initial
- name: Reload Opsview
username: '{{ opsview_username }}'
endpoint: '{{ opsview_endpoint }}'
token: '{{ opsview_login.token }}'
# Handle failures in case there's already a reload in progress.
register: reload_status
ignore_errors: true
until: reload_status|succeeded
retries: 3
delay: 30
# Speed up operations by logging into Opsview first and using the
# auth token directly
- name: Log into Opsview
username: '{{ opsview_username }}'
password: '{{ opsview_password }}'
endpoint: '{{ opsview_endpoint }}'
register: opsview_login
delegate_to: localhost
- name: Create the WebServer hostgroup
username: '{{ opsview_username }}'
token: '{{ opsview_login.token }}'
endpoint: '{{ opsview_endpoint }}'
name: Web Servers
parent: Production EU West 1
notify: Reload Opsview
delegate_to: localhost
run_once: true
register: webserver_host_group
- debug:
msg: 'Web Server Host Group ID: {{ webserver_host_group.object_id }}'
- name: Add WebServer to Opsview
username: '{{ opsview_username }}'
token: '{{ opsview_login.token }}'
endpoint: '{{ opsview_endpoint }}'
name: '{{ ansible_hostname | default(inventory_hostname) }}'
address: '{{ ansible_default_ipv4.address }}'
monitored_by: Master Monitoring Server
host_group: Web Servers
- Network - Base
- OS - Opsview Agent
- OS - Unix Advanced
# Lists can be specified in a simple format:
- Apache current requests
# Or in a dictionary format if more fields need to be supplied:
- name: Zombie Processes
remove_service_check: true
notify: Reload Opsview
delegate_to: localhost
- Fork it!
- Create your feature branch:
git checkout -b my-new-feature
- Commit your changes:
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
- Push to the branch:
git push origin my-new-feature
- Submit a pull request