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refactor the library to make use of the ConvertValue method without a…
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Nikolas committed Oct 21, 2019
1 parent 9c83ff0 commit e461343
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Showing 4 changed files with 105 additions and 73 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions Makefile
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Expand Up @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ all: help

.PHONY: test-plugins
-${POWERSHELL_BIN} -Command Install-Module Pester -Force
-${POWERSHELL_BIN} -Command Import-Module Pester -Force
@for f in ${SCRIPTS_DIR}/*.ps1; do \
${POWERSHELL_BIN} -Command Invoke-Pester $(TEST_DIR)/TestPlugNpshell.Tests.ps1 -CodeCoverage "$${f}"; done

Expand All @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ test: test-plugins

.PHONY: script-analyzer-plugins
-${POWERSHELL_BIN} -Command Install-Module PSScriptAnalyzer -Force
-${POWERSHELL_BIN} -Command Import-Module PSScriptAnalyzer -Force
@for f in ${SCRIPTS_DIR}/*.ps1; do \
${POWERSHELL_BIN} -Command Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer "$${f}"; done

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138 changes: 71 additions & 67 deletions PlugNpshell/metric.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ class Metric {
[string] $Name
[double] $Value = [long]::MinValue
[string] $UOM = ''
[string] $UOMprefix = ''
[string] $WarningThreshold = $null
[string] $CriticalThreshold = $null
[boolean] $SiBytesConversion = $false
Expand All @@ -23,15 +22,38 @@ class Metric {
[string] $PerfOutput = ''
[string] $DisplayName = ''
[string] $DisplayFormat = "{name} is {value}{unit}"
[System.Object[]] $ByteConversionValuesP
[System.Object[]] $DecConversionValuesP
[System.Object[]] $DecConversionValuesN
[System.Collections.ArrayList] $ByteUnits = @('b', 'B', 'bps', 'Bps')
[System.Collections.ArrayList] $ConvertableUnitsN = @('s', 'Hz', 'W')
[System.Collections.ArrayList] $ConvertableUnitsP = @('Hz', 'W')
[System.Collections.ArrayList] $ConvertableUnits

[System.Collections.ArrayList] static $ByteUnits = @('b', 'B', 'bps', 'Bps')
[System.Collections.ArrayList] static $ConvertableUnitsN = @('s', 'Hz', 'W')
[System.Collections.ArrayList] static $ConvertableUnitsPositive = @('Hz', 'W')
[System.Collections.ArrayList] static $ConvertableUnitsP = [metric]::ConvertableUnitsPositive + [metric]::ByteUnits
[System.Collections.ArrayList] static $ConvertableUnits = [metric]::ConvertableUnitsN + [metric]::ConvertableUnitsP
[int] $PRECISION = 2

[UnitCollection] static $EiB = [UnitCollection]::New("ExbiByte", "E", [Math]::Pow(1024, 6))
[UnitCollection] static $PiB = [UnitCollection]::New("PebiByte", "P", [Math]::Pow(1024, 5))
[UnitCollection] static $TiB = [UnitCollection]::New("TebiByte", "T", [Math]::Pow(1024, 4))
[UnitCollection] static $GiB = [UnitCollection]::New("GibiByte", "G", [Math]::Pow(1024, 3))
[UnitCollection] static $MiB = [UnitCollection]::New("MebiByte", "M", [Math]::Pow(1024, 2))
[UnitCollection] static $KiB = [UnitCollection]::New("KibiByte", "K", 1024)
[System.Object[]] static $ByteConversionValuesP = @([metric]::EiB, [metric]::PiB, [metric]::TiB, [metric]::GiB, `
[metric]::MiB, [metric]::KiB)

[UnitCollection] static $EB = [UnitCollection]::New("ExaByte", "E", 1e18)
[UnitCollection] static $PB = [UnitCollection]::New("PetaByte", "P", 1e15)
[UnitCollection] static $TB = [UnitCollection]::New("TeraByte", "T", 1e12)
[UnitCollection] static $GB = [UnitCollection]::New("GigaByte", "G", 1e9)
[UnitCollection] static $MB = [UnitCollection]::New("MegaByte", "M", 1e6)
[UnitCollection] static $KB = [UnitCollection]::New("KiloByte", "K", 1000)
[System.Object[]] static $DecConversionValuesP = @([metric]::EB, [metric]::PB, [metric]::TB, [metric]::GB, `
[metric]::MB, [metric]::KB)

[UnitCollection] static $Pico = [UnitCollection]::New("Pico", "p", [Math]::Pow(0.001, 4))
[UnitCollection] static $Nano = [UnitCollection]::New("Nano", "n", [Math]::Pow(0.001, 3))
[UnitCollection] static $Micro = [UnitCollection]::New("Micro", "u", [Math]::Pow(0.001, 2))
[UnitCollection] static $Milli = [UnitCollection]::New("Milli", "m", [Math]::Pow(0.001, 1))
[System.Object[]] static $DecConversionValuesN = @([metric]::Milli, [metric]::Micro, [metric]::Nano, [metric]::Pico)

Object to represent Metrics added to a Check object.
Expand All @@ -58,23 +80,20 @@ class Metric {
$this."$key" = $_.Value
catch {
throw [ParamError] "Invalid Parameter '$key'. Check the correct naming of the argument."
throw [ParamError]::new("Invalid Parameter '$key'. Check the correct naming of the argument.")
if ($this.Name -And $this.Value -ne [long]::MinValue) {
else {
throw [ParamError] "Insufficient parameters. You must specify the Name and the Value of the metric."
throw [ParamError]::new("Insufficient parameters. You must specify the Name and the Value of the metric.")

[void] Init() {
$this.DisplayName = $( if ($this.DisplayName) { $this.DisplayName } else { $this.Name } )
$this.ConvertableUnitsP += $this.ByteUnits
$this.ConvertableUnits = $this.ConvertableUnitsN + $this.ConvertableUnitsP
if ($this.DisplayInSummary) {
Expand All @@ -85,60 +104,39 @@ class Metric {


[void] CreateConversionTables() {
$EiB = [UnitCollection]::New("ExbiByte", "E", [Math]::Pow(1024, 6))
$PiB = [UnitCollection]::New("PebiByte", "P", [Math]::Pow(1024, 5))
$TiB = [UnitCollection]::New("TebiByte", "T", [Math]::Pow(1024, 4))
$GiB = [UnitCollection]::New("GibiByte", "G", [Math]::Pow(1024, 3))
$MiB = [UnitCollection]::New("MebiByte", "M", [Math]::Pow(1024, 2))
$KiB = [UnitCollection]::New("KibiByte", "K", 1024)
$this.ByteConversionValuesP = @($EiB, $PiB, $TiB, $GiB, $MiB, $KiB)

$EB = [UnitCollection]::New("ExaByte", "E", 1e18)
$PB = [UnitCollection]::New("PetaByte", "P", 1e15)
$TB = [UnitCollection]::New("TeraByte", "T", 1e12)
$GB = [UnitCollection]::New("GigaByte", "G", 1e9)
$MB = [UnitCollection]::New("MegaByte", "M", 1e6)
$KB = [UnitCollection]::New("KiloByte", "K", 1000)
$this.DecConversionValuesP = @($EB, $PB, $TB, $GB, $MB, $KB)

$Pico = [UnitCollection]::New("Pico", "p", [Math]::Pow(0.001, 4))
$Nano = [UnitCollection]::New("Nano", "n", [Math]::Pow(0.001, 3))
$Micro = [UnitCollection]::New("Micro", "u", [Math]::Pow(0.001, 2))
$Milli = [UnitCollection]::New("Milli", "m", [Math]::Pow(0.001, 1))
$this.DecConversionValuesN = @($Milli, $Micro, $Nano, $Pico)

[UnitCollection[]] GetConvertableUnitsArr($Val, $Unit) {
[UnitCollection[]] static GetConvertableUnitsArr($Val, $Unit, $SiConversion) {
# Returns the correct array to convert the value
$ConversionArr = @()
if ($Val -ge 1 -And $this.ConvertableUnitsP.Contains($Unit)) {
if ($this.ByteUnits.Contains($Unit) -And -not($this.SiBytesConversion)) {
$ConversionArr = $this.ByteConversionValuesP
if ($Val -ge 1 -And [Metric]::ConvertableUnitsP.Contains($Unit)) {
if ([Metric]::ByteUnits.Contains($Unit) -And -Not($SiConversion)) {
$ConversionArr = [Metric]::ByteConversionValuesP
else {
$ConversionArr = $this.DecConversionValuesP
$ConversionArr = [Metric]::DecConversionValuesP
elseif ($Val -lt 1 -And $this.ConvertableUnitsN.Contains($Unit)) {
$ConversionArr = $this.DecConversionValuesN
elseif ($Val -lt 1 -And [Metric]::ConvertableUnitsN.Contains($Unit)) {
$ConversionArr = [Metric]::DecConversionValuesN
return $ConversionArr

[double] ConvertValue($OldValue, $ConversionTable, $Precision) {
[HashTable] static ConvertValueMethod($OldValue, $Unit, $ConversionTable, $Precision) {
# Converts values with the right prefix for display.
[double] $NewValue = $OldValue
$UOMprefix = ''
[hashtable] $conversion = @{ }
[double] $newValue = $OldValue
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $ConversionTable.Count; $i++) {
if ($OldValue -ge $ConversionTable[$i].GetValue()) {
$NewValue = $OldValue / $ConversionTable[$i].GetValue()
$this.UOMprefix = $ConversionTable[$i].GetUnitPrefix()
$newValue = $OldValue / $ConversionTable[$i].GetValue()
$UOMprefix = $ConversionTable[$i].GetUnitPrefix()
$NewValue = [math]::Round($NewValue, $Precision)
return $NewValue
$conversion.Value = [math]::Round($newValue, $Precision)
$conversion.UOM = "$UOMprefix$Unit"
return $conversion

[void] ValidateName() {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -167,32 +165,31 @@ class Metric {
return $ReturnCode

[double] ConvertThreshold($Threshold) {
[double] static ConvertThreshold([string]$Threshold, [string]$Uom, [boolean]$SiConversion) {
# Convert threshold value.
[string] $Threshold
$ConvertVal = 1
$Unit = $Threshold -replace ('\d|\.', '')
$Val = $Threshold -replace ("([^\d]|\.)+", '')
$Val = $Threshold -replace ('([^\d.])+','')
$ConvertUnit = $Unit.Substring(0, 1)
$Unit = $Unit.Substring(1)
If ($Unit -ne $this.UOM) {
throw [InvalidMetricThreshold]
If ($Uom -ne $Unit) {
throw [InvalidMetricThreshold]::new("Unit '$Uom' doesn't match '$Unit'")

try {
$NumericValue = [float]::Parse($Val)
catch {
throw [InvalidMetricThreshold]
throw [InvalidMetricThreshold]::new("'$Val' is not a numeric value")
$ConversionArr = $this.GetConvertableUnitsArr($NumericValue, $Unit)
$ConversionArr = [Metric]::GetConvertableUnitsArr($NumericValue, $Uom, $SiConversion)
if ($ConversionArr) {
$ConvertVal = ($ConversionArr | Where-Object {
$_.UnitPrefix -eq $ConvertUnit
else {
throw [InvalidMetricThreshold]::new("Error make sure the '$Uom' is correct")
return $NumericValue * $ConvertVal
Expand All @@ -209,7 +206,7 @@ class Metric {
if ($Val.Substring($Val.length - 1) -Match '\d') {
return $Val
return $this.ConvertThreshold($Val)
return [Metric]::ConvertThreshold($Val, $this.UOM, $this.SiBytesConversion)

[HashTable] ParseThreshold($Threshold) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -241,8 +238,8 @@ class Metric {
$Return.end = $this.ParseThresholdLimit($end, $false)
catch {
throw [InvalidMetricThreshold] ("Invalid Threshold Syntax '$Threshold'")
catch [InvalidMetricThreshold] {
throw [InvalidMetricThreshold]::new("Invalid Threshold Syntax '$Threshold'. $($_.Exception.ErrorMessage)")
return $Return
Expand All @@ -259,25 +256,32 @@ class Metric {
return !$isOutsideRange

[hashtable] static ConvertValue($Value, $Unit, $SummaryPrecision, $SiConversion) {
$convertableUnitsArr = [Metric]::GetConvertableUnitsArr($Value, $Unit, $SiConversion)
$convertedMetric = [Metric]::ConvertValueMethod($Value, $Unit, $convertableUnitsArr, $summaryPrecision)
return $convertedMetric

[void] CreateMetricSummary() {
# Creates the summary data output string for the Check"""
$ConvertedValue = $this.Value
[hashtable] $convertedMetric = @{}
$convertedMetric.Value = $this.Value
$convertedMetric.UOM = $this.UOM
if ($this.ConvertMetric) {
$ConvertableUnitsArr = $this.GetConvertableUnitsArr($this.Value, $this.UOM)
$ConvertedValue = $this.ConvertValue($this.Value, $ConvertableUnitsArr, $this.SummaryPrecision)
$convertedMetric = [Metric]::ConvertValue($this.Value, $this.UOM, $this.SummaryPrecision, $this.SiBytesConversion)
$DisplayUOM = $this.UOMprefix + $this.UOM
$displayUOM = $convertedMetric.UOM
if ($this.DisplayInSummary) {
$this.DisplayFormat = $this.DisplayFormat -Replace ('{name}', $this.DisplayName)
$this.DisplayFormat = $this.DisplayFormat -Replace ('{unit}', $DisplayUOM)
$this.DisplayFormat = $this.DisplayFormat -Replace ('{value}', $ConvertedValue)
$this.DisplayFormat = $this.DisplayFormat -Replace ('{value}', $convertedMetric.Value)
$this.Summary = $this.DisplayFormat

[void] CreateMetricPerfOutput() {
# Creates the performance data output string for the Check"""
$MetricValue = [math]::Round($this.Value, $this.PerfDataPrecision)
$MetricValue = [Math]::Round($this.Value, $this.PerfDataPrecision)
$MetricName = $( if ( $this.Name.Contains(' ')) { "'{0}'" -f $this.Name } else { $this.Name } )
$HasThresholds = $this.WarningThreshold -Or $this.CriticalThreshold
$this.PerfOutput = "{0}={1}{2}{3}{4}{5}{6} " -f $MetricName, $MetricValue, $this.UOM,
Expand Down
17 changes: 15 additions & 2 deletions
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@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
# PlugNpshell

*A Simple PowerShell Library for creating [Opsview Opspack plugins](*
*A Simple Powershell Library for creating [Opsview Opspack plugins](*

* **category** Libraries
* **copyright** Copyright (C) 2003 - 2019 Opsview Limited. All rights reserved
* **license** Apache License Version 2.0 (see [LICENSE](LICENSE))
* **link**
* **link**

## Installing the Library
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -269,6 +269,19 @@ This would produce the following output:

`METRIC WARNING - Disk Usage is 30.56% + CPU Usage is 70.75% | 'Disk Usage'=30.56%;70;90 'CPU Usage'=70.75%;70;90`

## Helper methods

The **Metric** class includes a helper method to make developing service checks easier.

The **ConvertValue()** method converts a given value and unit to a more human friendly value and unit.

$value = 2400; $unit = 'B'; $decimalPrecision = 2; $siBytesConversion = $false
$converted = [Metric]::ConvertValue($value, $unit, $decimalPrecision, $siBytesConversion)

The above example will return a hashtable, where **$converted.Value** will be `2.34` and **$converted.UOM** will be `'KB'`.
Both methods support the **SiBytesConversion** field. See [**Checks with automatic conversions**](#checks-with-automatic-conversions) above for more details.

## Using the Exceptions

Expand Down
19 changes: 17 additions & 2 deletions Test/TestPlugNpshell.Tests.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ Describe 'CheckExitCodes'{
$out = {
$MetricC = [Metric]::New(@{Name = 'Metric'; Value = 10000; WarningThreshold = '1Kdd'})
} | Should -Throw -PassThru
$out.Exception.ErrorMessage | Should -Be "Invalid Threshold Syntax '1Kdd'"
$out.Exception.ErrorMessage | Should -Be "Invalid Threshold Syntax '1Kdd'. Unit '' doesn't match 'dd'"

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -347,7 +347,6 @@ Describe 'CheckPrecision'{
$Expected = "METRIC OK - Disk Usage is 30.554% | disk_usage=30.5543%;50;60 "
(Get-Final($Check) | Should -Be $Expected)


Expand Down Expand Up @@ -387,6 +386,22 @@ Describe 'CheckCompleteOutputWhenNotConverting'{

Describe 'Check Static methods'{
$value = 10000
$unit = 'b'
$precision = 2
$siBytesConversion = $false
it 'Should convert the value without an object'{
$converted = [Metric]::ConvertValue($value, $unit, $precision, $siBytesConversion)
$converted.value | should -be 9.77
$converted.UOM | Should -Be 'Kb'

it 'Should convert the threshold'{
$converted = [Metric]::ConvertThreshold('10MB','B',$false)
$converted | Should -Be 10485760

Expand Down

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