- laravel 8
- php 8
- IpRegistry
- IpInfo
- IpData
- Ip-Api
- Ip-Api-Pro
- IpApi.com
- IpHub
- ProxyCheck
- GeoPlugin
- ipgeolocation
- MaxMind - database
- MaxMind - api
Provider | Require Api | Free Limit | Paid Limit | Support Languages | Support Security | Support Currenices | Support Location |
IpHub | ✔ | 1k/day | up to 200k/day | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | ✔ |
IpRegistry | âś” | 100k/once | Per Paid Package | âś” | âś” | âś” | âś” |
Ip-Api | ❌ | 45/minute | unlimited | ❌ | ✔ | ❌ | ✔ |
IpInfo | ✔ | 50k/month | up to 2.5m/month | ❌ | ✔ | ❌ | ✔ |
IpData | âś” | 1.5k/day | up to 100k/day | âś” | âś” | âś” | âś” |
IpApi.com | âś” | 1k/month | up to 2m/month | âś” | âś” | âś” | âś” |
ProxyCheck | ❌ | 1k/day | up to 10m/day | ❌ | ✔ | ❌ | ✔ |
GeoPlugin | ❌ | Unknown | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | ✔ | ✔ |
IpGeoLocation | ✔ | 1k/day | up to 20m/month | ✔ | ❌ | ✔ | ✔ |
This package can be used to handle all ip services as a Laravel package. It Can Help With:
- Determine the geographical location of website visitors based on their IP addresses
- Detected Vpn, Proxy, Tor and Hosting Ip's.
- retrieve Language, Currencies and Location Data.
- Block connections via Connections Type Filters.
- Cache ip data in cache drivers
- Block Connections by country(dev).
You can install the package via composer:
composer require oravil/laravel-guard
You can publish the config file with:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Oravil\LaravelGuard\LaravelGuardServiceProvider"
This is the contents of the published config file:
// config for Oravil/LaravelGuard config/guard.php
return [
// laravel guard version
'version' => '1.2',
| Cache Driver
| To use cache tags you should support one of cache drivers Redis / Memcached / Array
'cache_enable' => false, // set true to enable cache
'cache_tag_name' => 'lg-location', // cache tag name
'cache_expires' => 30, // seconds
| Provider
| The default provider you would like to use for geo ip retrieval.
'provider' => 'ip-api',
| Driver Fallbacks
| The providers you want to use to retrieve the users geo ip
| if the above selected driver is unavailable.
| These will be called upon in order (first to last).
'fallbacks' => [
| Location
| Here you may configure the position instance that is created
| and returned from the above drivers. The instance you
| create must extend the built-in Position class.
'location' => Oravil\LaravelGuard\Support\Location::class,
| Localhost Testing
| If your running your website locally and want to test different
| IP addresses to see location detection, set 'enabled' to true.
| The testing IP address is a Google host in the United-States.
'testing' => [
'enabled' => env('GUARD_TESTING', false),
'valid_ip' => '',
'cloud_ip' => '',
'proxy_ip' => '',
'tor_ip' => '',
'bogon_ip' => '',
| Security Filters
'security' => [
'enabled' => env('GUARD_SECURITY', false),
'middleware' => [
//\Oravil\LaravelGuard\ShouldBlockMiddleware::class, copy to Http/kernel.php
'enabled' => false,
'block_message' => 'Your connection has been blocked, Our system has identified you as a threa',
'abort_code' => 403
'filters' => [
'is_cloud' => true,
'is_anonymous' => true,
'is_threat' => true,
'is_bogon' => true,
| Providers List Configure
'providers' => [
'ipregistry' => [ // ip registry https://ipregistry.co/docs/
'class' => \Oravil\LaravelGuard\Providers\IpRegistry::class, //provider class path
'api_key' => env('IPREGISTRY_API_KEY', null), // api key
'api_url' => 'https://api.ipregistry.co/', // api base url
'currencies_enabled' => env('GUARD_CURRENCIES', true), // if you need currencies data
'language_enabled' => env('GUARD_LANGUAGE', true), // if you need langauge data
'security_enabled' => env('GUARD_SECURITY', true), //security status
'iphub' => [ // ip hub https://iphub.info/
'class' => \Oravil\LaravelGuard\Providers\IpHub::class, //provider class path
'api_key' => env('IPHUB_API_KEY', null), // api key
'api_url' => 'http://v2.api.iphub.info/ip/', // api base url
'security_enabled' => env('GUARD_SECURITY', true), //security status
'ip-api' => [ // ip api https://ip-api.com/
'class' => \Oravil\LaravelGuard\Providers\IpApi::class, //provider class path
'pro_api_url' => 'https://pro.ip-api.com/json/', // pro services
'api_key' => env('IPAPI_API_KEY', null), // api key
'api_url' => 'http://ip-api.com/json/', // api base url
'currencies_enabled' => true, // support currenices code only
'security_enabled' => env('GUARD_SECURITY', true), //security status
'proxycheck' => [ // ip api https://proxycheck.io/
'class' => \Oravil\LaravelGuard\Providers\ProxyCheck::class, //provider class path
'api_key' => env('PROXYCHECK_API_KEY', null), // api key
'api_url' => 'http://proxycheck.io/v2/', // api base url
'security_enabled' => env('GUARD_SECURITY', true), //security status
'block_score' => 33
'ipapicom' => [ // ip api https://ipapi.com/
'class' => \Oravil\LaravelGuard\Providers\IpApiCom::class, //provider class path
'api_key' => env('IPAPICOM_API_KEY', null), // api key
'api_url' => 'http://api.ipapi.com/api/', // api base url
'security_enabled' => env('GUARD_SECURITY', false), //security status
'security_plan_enable' => false, // if you plan is BUSINESS PRO
'currency_plan_enable' => false, // if you plan is STANDARD or above
'ipdata' => [ // ip data https://ipdata.co/
'class' => \Oravil\LaravelGuard\Providers\IpData::class, //provider class path
'api_key' => env('IPDATA_API_KEY', null), // api key
'api_url' => 'https://api.ipdata.co/', // api base url
'currencies_enabled' => env('GUARD_CURRENCIES', true), // if you need currencies data
'language_enabled' => env('GUARD_LANGUAGE', true), // if you need langauge data
'security_enabled' => env('GUARD_SECURITY', true), //security status
'ipinfo' => [ // ip data https://ipdata.co/
'class' => \Oravil\LaravelGuard\Providers\IpInfo::class, //provider class path
'api_key' => env('IPINFO_API_KEY', null), // api key
'api_url' => '//ipinfo.io/', // api base url
'security_enabled' => env('GUARD_SECURITY', true), //security status
'geoplugin' => [ // ip data http://www.geoplugin.net
'class' => \Oravil\LaravelGuard\Providers\GeoPlugin::class, //provider class path
'api_url' => 'http://www.geoplugin.net/json.gp?ip', // api base url
'currencies_enabled' => env('GUARD_CURRENCIES', true), // if you need currencies data
'ipgeolocation' => [ // ip data https://ipgeolocation.io
'class' => \Oravil\LaravelGuard\Providers\IpGeoLocation::class, //provider class path
'api_key' => env('IP_GEO_LOCATION_API_KEY', null), // api key
'api_url' => 'https://api.ipgeolocation.io/ipgeo', // api base url
'currencies_enabled' => env('GUARD_CURRENCIES', true), // if you need currencies data
'language_enabled' => env('GUARD_LANGUAGE', true), // if you need langauge data
#global functions
echo getIp(); // get location instance for client ip | testing ip if testing_enable => true
echo getIp(''); // LaravelGuard::get('');
echo laravelGuard(''); // LaravelGuard::get('');
echo laravelGuard()->echoApiResponse(''); // LaravelGuard::echoApiResponse('');
echo laravelGuard()->echoApiResponse(); // LaravelGuard::echoApiResponse('');
echo laravelGuard()->testing('type'); // testing connection type(valid, proxy, vpn, tor, cloud, bogon), default: valid
laravelGuard()->flushCache(); // flushed locations cache
//laravel facade
use Oravi/LaravelGuard/Facades/LaravelGuard;
echo LaravelGuard::get(); // get location instance for client ip | testing ip if testing_enable => true
echo LaravelGuard::get(''); // get location instance
echo LaravelGuard::echoApiResponse(''); // get request from api for client ip
echo LaravelGuard::echoApiResponse(); // get request from api for client ip | testing ip if testing_enable => true
echo LaravelGuard::testing('type'); // testing connection type(valid, proxy, vpn, tor, cloud, bogon), default: valid
LaravelGuard::flushCache(); // flushed locations cache
// app/http/kernel.php
protected $middleware = [
'security' => [
'enabled' => env('GUARD_SECURITY', true), //set true to enable security filters
'middleware' => [
//\Oravil\LaravelGuard\ShouldBlockMiddleware::class, copy to Http/kernel.php
'enabled' => true, // set true to enable middleware
'block_message' => 'Your connection has been blocked, Our system has identified you as a threa', //edit block message
'abort_code' => 403 //edit abort code
'filters' => [
'is_cloud' => true,
'is_anonymous' => true,
'is_threat' => true,
'is_bogon' => true,
// set security true
'middleware' => [
//\Oravil\LaravelGuard\ShouldBlockMiddleware::class, copy to Http/kernel.php
'enabled' => false, // set false to disable block connections
// get ip data
//check should block connection
// check block type
// testing using ipregistry provider
return laravelGuard()->testing(); // or laravelGuard()->testing('valid');
//output: {"ip":"","countryName":"Egypt","countryCode":"EG","regionCode":"EG-C","regionName":"Al Q\u0101hirah","cityName":"Cairo","zipCode":"09893","latitude":"30.07795","longitude":"31.28525","areaCode":1001450,"isEU":false,"currencyStatus":true,"currencyName":"Egyptian Pound","currencyCode":"EGP","currencySymbol":"EGP","langStatus":true,"langName":"Arabic","langNative":"\u0627\u0644\u0639\u0631\u0628\u064a\u0629","langCode":"ar","timeZone":"Africa\/Cairo","currentTime":"2021-11-05T06:57:33+02:00","securityStatus":true,"isCloudProvider":false,"isThreat":false,"isAnonymous":false,"isBogon":false,"provider":"IpRegistry","provider_class":"Oravil\\LaravelGuard\\Providers\\IpRegistry","isCached":null}
return laravelGuard()->testing('cloud');
// output: {"ip":"","countryName":"United States","countryCode":"US","regionCode":null,"regionName":null,"cityName":null,"zipCode":null,"latitude":"37.75096","longitude":"-97.822","areaCode":9629091,"isEU":false,"currencyStatus":true,"currencyName":"US Dollar","currencyCode":"USD","currencySymbol":"$","langStatus":true,"langName":"English","langNative":"English","langCode":"en","timeZone":"America\/Chicago","currentTime":"2021-11-04T23:59:59-05:00","securityStatus":true,"isCloudProvider":true,"isThreat":false,"isAnonymous":false,"isBogon":false,"provider":"IpRegistry","provider_class":"Oravil\\LaravelGuard\\Providers\\IpRegistry","isCached":null}
return laravelGuard()->testing('proxy'); // or laravelGuard()->testing('vpn');
//output: {"ip":"","countryName":"Germany","countryCode":"DE","regionCode":"DE-BE","regionName":"Berlin","cityName":"Berlin","zipCode":"10178","latitude":"52.51965","longitude":"13.40687","areaCode":357021,"isEU":true,"currencyStatus":true,"currencyName":"Euro","currencyCode":"EUR","currencySymbol":"\u20ac","langStatus":true,"langName":"German","langNative":"Deutsch","langCode":"de","timeZone":"Europe\/Berlin","currentTime":"2021-11-05T06:00:43+01:00","securityStatus":true,"isCloudProvider":false,"isThreat":true,"isAnonymous":false,"isBogon":false,"provider":"IpRegistry","provider_class":"Oravil\\LaravelGuard\\Providers\\IpRegistry","isCached":null}
return laravelGuard()->testing('tor')
//output: {"ip":"","countryName":"Indonesia","countryCode":"ID","regionCode":"ID-BT","regionName":"Banten","cityName":"Tangerang","zipCode":null,"latitude":"-6.17836","longitude":"106.63184","areaCode":1919440,"isEU":false,"currencyStatus":true,"currencyName":"Indonesian Rupiah","currencyCode":"IDR","currencySymbol":"IDR","langStatus":true,"langName":"Indonesian","langNative":"Indonesia","langCode":"id","timeZone":"Asia\/Jakarta","currentTime":"2021-11-05T12:02:37+07:00","securityStatus":true,"isCloudProvider":true,"isThreat":true,"isAnonymous":true,"isBogon":false,"provider":"IpRegistry","provider_class":"Oravil\\LaravelGuard\\Providers\\IpRegistry","isCached":null}
return laravelGuard()->testing('bogon')
//output: {"ip":"","countryName":null,"countryCode":null,"regionCode":null,"regionName":null,"cityName":null,"zipCode":null,"latitude":"-4.0E-5","longitude":"4.0E-5","areaCode":0,"isEU":false,"currencyStatus":true,"currencyName":null,"currencyCode":null,"currencySymbol":null,"langStatus":true,"langName":null,"langNative":null,"langCode":null,"timeZone":"Africa\/Sao_Tome","currentTime":"2021-11-05T05:03:28Z","securityStatus":true,"isCloudProvider":false,"isThreat":true,"isAnonymous":false,"isBogon":true,"provider":"IpRegistry","provider_class":"Oravil\\LaravelGuard\\Providers\\IpRegistry","isCached":null}
// console
php artisan guard:flush
return laravelGuard()->flushCache();
- add api service providers.
- push to Github
- push Pre-release
- add to Packagist
- add cache driver
- add cache flush console command
- add global functions
- push version 1.1
- block connections via filters
- block connections via midlleware
- push version 1.2
- add create custom provider console command
- push version 1.3
- add fallbacks for limit requests
- add github documentation
- push version 2.0
Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.
Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.