Experience all the pleasures of sharing with CloudApp now in your terminal and Ruby.
requires Ruby 1.9.3 or greater. Windows is not yet supported. If
you're willing to lend a hand, we'd love to officially support it.
uses libcurl
(by way of typhoeus
). It can be
installed using apt-get
sudo apt-get install libcurl3-dev
$ gem install cloudapp
$ cloudapp screenshot.png
$ cloudapp --direct screenshot.png
$ cloudapp http://getcloudapp.com
For a good time, install gem-man
and read the man page or
read it online.
$ gem install gem-man
$ gem man cloudapp
Upload a file or share a bookmark. The drop's share link will be printed to
standard output and copied to the system clipboard. Use the --direct
for the drop's direct link suitable for use in places where a link to a file
is expected. An HTML IMG tag or Campfire, for example.
$ cloudapp screenshot.png
Uploading screenshot.png... http://cl.ly/image/3U2U2f3B1O0x
$ cloudapp *.png
Uploading screenshot-1.png... http://cl.ly/image/1E1F1k3Q3919
Uploading screenshot-2.png... http://cl.ly/image/3P1s3p0c3545
Uploading screenshot-3.png... http://cl.ly/image/0E3k0h353X0w
$ ls *.png | cloudapp
Uploading screenshot-1.png... http://cl.ly/image/1E1F1k3Q3919
Uploading screenshot-2.png... http://cl.ly/image/3P1s3p0c3545
Uploading screenshot-3.png... http://cl.ly/image/0E3k0h353X0w
$ cloudapp http://getcloudapp.com
Bookmarking http://getcloudapp.com... http://cl.ly/352T3Z2G0G2S
$ cloudapp screenshot.png http://getcloudapp.com
Uploading screenshot.png... http://cl.ly/image/3U2U2f3B1O0x
Bookmarking http://getcloudapp.com... http://cl.ly/352T3Z2G0G2S
$ cloudapp --direct screenshot.png
Uploading screenshot.png... http://cl.ly/image/3U2U2f3B1O0x/screenshot.png
$ cloudapp --no-copy screenshot.png
Uploading screenshot.png... http://cl.ly/image/3U2U2f3B1O0x
A few simple commands to allow scripting and input from other Unix programs would be ideal.
- Download a drop:
cloudapp http://cl.ly/abc123
- Encrypt and share a file:
cloudapp --encrypt launch_codes.txt
- Download and decrypt and encrypted drop:
cloudapp --key=def456 http://cl.ly/abc123