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Test a list of sequences

Antoine Lorence edited this page May 6, 2014 · 1 revision


To easily test a CAL generated decoder with many sequences at a time, we use a python script.


Better than a long explanation, the output of --help option:

⇒  ./util/ --help
                          [-d DIRECTORY] [--check-yuv] [--no-nb-frames]
                          [--loops NBLOOP] [--verbose] [--version] [-h]

Test a list of video sequences. All unrecognised arguments given to this
script will be used when on EXECUTABLE command line

Mandatory arguments:
  -e EXECUTABLE, --executable EXECUTABLE
                        Main executable to run
                        Path to the file containing list of sequences to

Other options:
  -f FILTER, --filter FILTER
                        Filter INPUTLIST entries with a wildcard (ex:
  -re REGEXP, --regexp REGEXP
                        Same as --filter, but use classic regexp instead
  -d DIRECTORY, --directory DIRECTORY
                        Path to directory containing sequences. If INPUTLIST
                        contains relative paths, you must set this variable to
                        the root directory they are relative to.
  --check-yuv           Search for a reference YUV file corresponding to each
                        sequence, and check its consistency while decoding
  --no-nb-frames        Set to true if you don't want to limit the number of
                        frames to decode. Resulting command line will not
                        contains '-f' option.
  --loops NBLOOP        Number of times the input file will be read. Default
                        is 1. Value passed will be used as multiplier on
                        number of frames to decode ('-f' option).
  --verbose             Verbose mode
  --version             Print the current version of this script
  -h, --help            Display this message
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