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- This codes shows the radar based flood mapping with three options (1) Enhancing GFM derived Flood maps with Digital Terrain Models (S1), (2) Enhancing GFM derived Flood maps with DTMs and Sentinel-2 (S1_S2), and (3) Flood Mapping and Damage Assessment in Urban Areas with Sentinel-1 Interferometric Coherence (S1_Coherence).
Public- The following is a Python example of the Google Earth Engine API in QGIS, for monitoring and tracking wildfires. In addition, it includes some examples adapted from the examples developed as recommended practices of the UN-SPIDER program.
PublicThis repository is a collection of basic scripts - explained in English and Spanish - for analysing landslides using space-based data in Google Earth Engine (GGE), Sentinel Playground or EO Browser. It aims to facilitate working with big data in the cloud as an alternative to using desktop software.Spatial_Data_in_R