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gallery-block / 5.17.1-arc-themes-release-version-

gallery-block 5.17.1-arc-themes-release-version-

Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @wpmedia/gallery-block@5.17.1-arc-themes-release-version-
Install via package.json:
"@wpmedia/gallery-block": "5.17.1-arc-themes-release-version-"

About this version

Gallery block

The Gallery block shows a carousel with images and captions. It is used to display a collection of images. It imports the Themes Ads Block if that is available for Arc ads handling.


| Prop | Required | Type | Description | | ------------------------------------- | ------------ | --------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --- | -------------------------- | --- | ------- | ---------------- | --- | ---------------------------- | --- | ------- | ------------------ | | customFields.inheritGlobalContent | no | Boolean | Determines whether or not the feature will use global content instead of the provided content config at the feature level. This is used by default. | | customFields.galleryContentConfig | no | Fusion Content Config | Content config that will be used if inheritGlobalContent is false. | | customFields.lazyLoad | no | Boolean | Prevent the block from being rendered on the page until it is nearly in-view for the user | | customFields.hideCredits | no | Boolean | Hide image credits | | customFields.hideTitle | no | Boolean | Hide image title | | customFields.hideCaption | no | Boolean | Hide image caption |

Themes Setting

This is set in the blocks.json.

Prop Required Type Description
galleryCubeClicks no integer If present sets the interval at which ads will be shown between gallery images. The click count do not take into account direction.

ANS Schema

ANS Fields

  • globalContent.headlines.basic (optional)
  • globalContent.content_elements (see below) for Engine Theme SDK Gallery component
  _id: string;
  url: string;
  alt_text?: string;
  subtitle?: string;
  caption?: string;
  credits?: {
      by?: ImageAttribution[];
      affiliation?: ImageAttribution[];
  resized_params: {
      [key: string]: string;
  breakpoints: {
      small: number;
      medium: number;
      large: number;

Internationalization fields

Phrase key Default (English) Expand Autoplay Pause autoplay %{current} of %{total}


The following is a list of events that are emitted by this block.

Event Name Description
galleryImageNext The next image is viewed
galleryImagePrevious The previous image is viewed
galleryExpandEnter The full screen preview is activated
galleryExpandExit The full screen preview is de-activated
galleryAutoplayStart The autoplay mode starts
galleryAutoplayStop The autoplay mode stops

Event Listening

If you want to listen to these events, the first thing is to import the EventEmitter object into your code: import { EventEmitter } from '@wpmedia/arc-themes-components'

Then create a callback function such as:

const myGalleryImageNext = (event) => {console.log('Here is the event: ', event);} const myGalleryImagePrevious = (event) => {console.log('Here is the event: ', event);}

Then use you use your callback in subscribing to the event:

EventEmitter.subscribe('galleryImageNext', (event) => myGalleryImageNext(event)); EventEmitter.subscribe('galleryImagePrevious', (event) => myGalleryImagePrevious(event));

The event object for these events will contain the following information:

eventName (String): The event name fired.
ansGalleryId (String): The id of the gallery.
ansGalleryHeadline (String): The headline for the gallery.
ansImageId (String): The id for the current image.
caption (String): The caption for the current image.
orderPosition (Number): The position in the carousel for the current image.
totalImages (Number): Total number of images in the carousel.
autoplay (boolean): whether or not the event triggered during autoplay. Value is either true or false.

Additional Considerations

In case galleryCubeClicks is used, an Ad of type 300x250 will be shown on all the cases.