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pay-js-metrics / 1.0.1

pay-js-metrics 1.0.1

Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @alphagov/pay-js-metrics@1.0.1
Install via package.json:
"@alphagov/pay-js-metrics": "1.0.1"

About this version


GOV.UK Pay Express middleware for prometheus metrics instrumentation

Usage instructions

Setting up

To enable pay-js-metrics in your Express app, use the middleware like so:

const express = require('express')
const metrics = require('pay-js-metrics')

const app = express()

pay-js-metrics will begin collecting the following baseline metrics automatically:

  • Node runtime metrics
  • Process CPU and memory metrics
  • Express HTTP request metrics

These metrics will be published on



This middleware supports ECS metadata as labels for all metrics, when the ECS_CONTAINER_METADATA_URI_V4 environment variable is available (automatically injected into ECS tasks) the middleware will contact the endpoint and retrieve the metadata. The following fields are extracted and included automatically:

  • containerImageTag
  • ecsClusterName
  • ecsServiceName
  • ecsTaskID
  • awsAccountName
  • instance

IMPORTANT: If the NODE_ENV is set to production then these fields are mandatory, the /metrics endpoint will not initialise without these labels being present.

Optional configuration

pay-js-metrics takes an optional configuration object that has the following properties:

type MetricsConfigurationOptions = {
  defaultMetricsLabels?: {
    [key: string]: string

defaultMetricsLabels is an object of KV strings that will be applied as labels to all metrics. These labels will be included with the ECS labels (if enabled).

Registering custom metrics

pay-js-metrics supports the following metric types:

  • Histograms
    • A histogram samples observations (usually things like request durations or response sizes) and counts them in configurable buckets
  • Counters
    • A counter is a cumulative metric that represents a single monotonically increasing counter whose value can only increase or be reset to zero on restart
  • Gauges
    • A gauge is a metric that represents a single numerical value that can arbitrarily go up and down

Custom metrics can be registered via the exported helper functions:

metrics.registerCounter(name: string, help: string, labelNames: string[])
metrics.registerGauge(name: string, help: string, labelNames: string[])
metrics.registerHistogram(name: string, help: string, labelNames: string[], buckets?: number[])

Example registration of a custom Counter metric:

const hello_counter = metrics.registerCounter('hello_counter', '/hello example counter metric', ['http_method'])

name is the name of your metric, it is exported as

# TYPE hello_counter counter

help is the description of your metric, it is exported as

# HELP hello_counter /hello example counter metric

labelNames is an array of label keys that are assigned values when your metric is observed, for example:

hello_counter.labels({ http_method: 'GET' }).inc(1)

would be exported as:

hello_counter{http_method="GET"} 2

Histogram metrics take an additional optional buckets parameter that customises the bucket values for observed events, this is an array of type number

IMPORTANT: Custom metrics are not viewable before they have been observed at least once

For more examples of how metrics can be registered and used, see the demo code.


npm run test checks the code formatting and executes the Jest test suite

npm run build complies the project to CommonJS, outputs to dist

npm run format runs the formatter rule set and will automatically update any src files that are failing

npm run demo starts the ecs metadata stub and the demo express app


MIT License

Vulnerability Disclosure

GOV.UK Pay aims to stay secure for everyone. If you are a security researcher and have discovered a security vulnerability in this code, we appreciate your help in disclosing it to us in a responsible manner. Please refer to our vulnerability disclosure policy and our security.txt file for details.



  • pay-js-metrics-1.0.1.tgz

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