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cookies-initializer 1.1.0

Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @finderau/cookies-initializer@1.1.0
Install via package.json:
"@finderau/cookies-initializer": "1.1.0"

About this version


This frontend JS module creates cookies used especially for tracking:

  • __futm_op - bot flag
  • __futm_source - user's original utm_source param from the 1st visit recently
  • __futm_session - indicating user's active session
  • __futm_data - all the tracking data like utm_source, utm_medium, utm_landing_page_id etc. from query params and other sources of truth


The module exposes one main function to import from its index:

import { initCookies } from '@finderau/cookies-initializer';'

The function can be run with no arguments:


which will initialize cookies of __futm_data, __futm_op, __futm_session and __futm_source.

You can also pass it a partial or full configuration which is an object with any of the following properties:

    additionalCookieCreators: CookieCreator[]; // handlers for your custom cookies
    cookieAccess: CookieAccess; // your custom handler for cookie access, by default it just uses document.cookie directly
    errorHandler: ErrorHandler; // your custom error handler, by default it goes to console.error
    currentUrl: string; // customized currentUrl to assume in the app, default: window.location.href
    searchEngines: string[]; // custom list of search engine keywords (e. g. "google", "bing" etc) to scan for in the referrer
    referrer?: string; // custom referrer URL, by default: document.referrer
    dataCookieName: string; // custom UTM data cookie name, default: __futm_data
    dataEnabled: boolean; // whether to enable __futm_data cookie, default: true
    sessionCookieName: string; // custom UTM session cookie name, default: "__futm_session"
    sessionEnabled: boolean; // whether to enable __futm_session cookie, default: true
    sourceCookieName: string; // custom UTM source cookie name, default: "__futm"
    sourceEnabled: boolean; // whether to enable __futm cookie, default: true
    botCookieName: string; // custom bot detection cookie name, default: "__futm_op"
    botEnabled: boolean; // whether to use bot detection cookie, default: true
    botTrapPaths: string[]; // paths which entered cause raising the bot cookie, default: [] (none)
    internalUrlParamPrefix: string; // for replacing internal URL tracking params into UTM params, default: "futm_"
    searchEngineUrlParamPrefix: string; // for replacing internal URL tracking params into UTM params, default: "utm_"
    pageData: Partial<PageData>; // page data to store in the data cookie, by default - {} (no data)



  • cookies-initializer-1.1.0.tgz

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