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monaco-editor / 0.0.9

monaco-editor 0.0.9

Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @jvalue/monaco-editor@0.0.9
Install via package.json:
"@jvalue/monaco-editor": "0.0.9"

About this version


This library contains a React component that will spawn an instance of the Monaco Editor. This instance can only be used to edit Jayvee language files.

How to use the component

Install both the monaco editor and the language server via npm:

npm install @jvalue/monaco-editor @jvalue/language-server-web-worker

Enable Web Workers in your React project as the language server will run in its own Web Worker. Open tsconfig.json and add "WebWorker" to the lib array:

  "compilerOptions": {
-    "lib": ["dom", "dom.iterable", "esnext"],
+    "lib": ["dom", "dom.iterable", "esnext", "WebWorker"],

The following sample code spawns an instance of the monaco editor and runs the corresponding language server in a separate Web Worker:

import { MonacoEditor } from '@jvalue/monaco-editor';
import React from 'react';

function startJayveeWorker(): Worker {
  const worker = new Worker(
    // TODO adjust the path / URL to the language server:
    new URL('<path-to-language-server-web-worker>/main.js', import.meta.url), {
      type: 'module',
  return worker;
export const EditorExample: React.FC = () => {
  return (
    <div style={{ height: '500px' }}>
        editorText={'Add example code here'}
        onDidChangeEditorText={(newText): void => console.log(newText)}

In case you bundle your React app with webpack, you are able to use a hard-coded relative path to the main.js file included in @jvalue/language-server-web-worker. Such a path looks like ../../node_modules/@jvalue/language-server-web-worker/main.js but probably needs slight adjustments, so it navigates to the desired file location.

Alternatively, you can host the main.js file of @jvalue/language-server-web-worker and make it available under a certain URL. Then, you can use that URL for instantiating the Web Worker instead of the previously mentioned file path.

Development set-up

The following guide explains how to install this component without relying on a npm registry or the like. This is particularly useful to manually test the component locally before publishing it.


We expect the component to be used in a (default) Create-React-App project. This project should ideally be created outside of the directory where the Jayvee repository is stored.

Build the language server Web Worker

The language-server-web-worker project provides a ready-to-use language server to be run in a Web Worker. It is required by the monaco editor in order to provide features like autocompletion and code diagnostics. Build the project using

npx nx build language-server-web-worker

This creates a file main.js in the folder <jayvee project root>/dist/apps/language-server-web-worker which is required in a later step.

Building and packing the monaco editor

To build and pack the monaco editor, navigate to the project root folder and run

npx nx pack @jvalue/monaco-editor

Now, in the directory <jayvee project root>/dist/libs/monaco-editor, you will find a file named monaco-editor-<version>.tgz with <version> being the version of the monaco editor package.

We want to be able to use the package in another project. To make the package behave as if it was directly pulled from a registry, we first want to pack it. To do this, run npm pack in the directory <jayvee project root>/dist/libs/monaco-editor.

Now, you will find a file named jvalue-monaco-editor-<version>.tgz in that directory, with <version> being the version of the monaco editor package.

Installation of the monaco editor

We want to be able to use the package in the React project as if it was directly pulled from a registry. To achieve that, switch to the React project where you want to test the editor. Open package.json and add the following dependency:

  "dependencies": {
    "@jvalue/monaco-editor": "file:../../../jayvee/dist/libs/monaco-editor/jvalue-monaco-editor-0.0.0.tgz"

You might have to adjust the paths to the files (and especially the version at the end).

Now, run npm install.

Tip: Whenever you create a new version of the packages using npm pack, you have to install them again. This sometimes results in errors regarding the package integrity, because the two packages will contain new content, leading to a new hash. A fairly easy way to deal with this is to uninstall the two packages (i.e. to remove them from the dependencies and to call npm install), and then to re-install them. If you need to do this frequently, you could also symlink the packages directly, but this might require you to install the peer dependencies manually. Another important point: CreateReactApp seems to cache the build output a bit too aggressively in some cases. After installing a new version of the package, you might need to delete node_modules/.cache/.

Enable Web Workers

Furthermore, we need to enable Web Workers in the React project. Open tsconfig.json and add "WebWorker" to the lib array:

  "compilerOptions": {
-    "lib": ["dom", "dom.iterable", "esnext"],
+    "lib": ["dom", "dom.iterable", "esnext", "WebWorker"],

Create the actual editor

Now, create a new file my-editor.tsx where the actual editor will be contained. Add the following file content:

import { MonacoEditor } from '@jvalue/monaco-editor';
import React from 'react';

const exampleCode = 'Add example code here';

function startJayveeWorker(): Worker {
  // TODO adjust the path to the language server:
  const worker = new Worker(new URL('<jayvee project root>/dist/apps/language-server-web-worker/main.js', import.meta.
      url), {
    type: 'module',

  return worker;
export const EditorExample: React.FC = () => {
  return (
    <div style={{ height: '500px' }}>
        onDidChangeEditorText={(newText): void => console.log(newText)}

Make sure to adjust the path of the URL so it refers to the main.js file of the built language server created earlier.

That's it! You can now use the editor in your React project.

Source Maps warnings

When compiling your React project, you might get a large number of Webpack warnings, saying that Source Maps from vscode-languageserver cannot be parsed. It is not clear why this is happening. Maybe, this is related to and (even though these issues seem to be resolved).

Development notes

Webpack URLs

When using new URL('something'), Webpack uses static analysis to bundle the referenced item. So this is not just runtime code - it is used during compilation. It was mentioned somewhere in the long discussion here: Also refer to the corresponding webpack documentation.


The following resources were pretty useful when building the component:



  • monaco-editor-0.0.9.tgz

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