b2c-mapp-ui 9.6.0
Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @lana/b2c-mapp-ui@9.6.0
Install via package.json:
"@lana/b2c-mapp-ui": "9.6.0"
About this version
Lana B2C µApp UI library.
You can install it as a standard npm package.
npm install @lana/b2c-mapp-ui
- Import
import { Button } from '@lana/b2c-mapp-ui'
- Consume
We can build the package by npm run build
All documentation can be found inside of Storybook: npm run storybook
The tests are configured to 'verbose', so, that means when you run you should see a list of all current test, their descriptions and a report with the current coverage status.
yarn test
A list of the technologies used in this project:
- VueJS
- Vuex
- Storybook
- CSS Modules + PostCSS
- Babel for ES6
- Webpack(for dev server to test the component in realtime)
- libphonenumber-js
- Jest