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cli-core-test / 1.0.179

cli-core-test 1.0.179

Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @leanupjs/cli-core-test@1.0.179
Install via package.json:
"@leanupjs/cli-core-test": "1.0.179"

About this version

GitHub CI - Publish to NPM

downloads npm license

dependencies devDependencies peerDependencies optionalDependencies

vulnerabilities install-size

lernajs prettier


This module contains some test (mocha) feature for the @leanup/cli.


Package Size Vulnerabilities
@babel/register install size of @babel/register vulnerabilities of @babel/register
@types/chai install size of @types/chai vulnerabilities of @types/chai
@types/mocha install size of @types/mocha vulnerabilities of @types/mocha
@types/sinon install size of @types/sinon vulnerabilities of @types/sinon
babel-plugin-istanbul install size of babel-plugin-istanbul vulnerabilities of babel-plugin-istanbul
chai install size of chai vulnerabilities of chai
cross-env install size of cross-env vulnerabilities of cross-env
esm install size of esm vulnerabilities of esm
jsdom install size of jsdom vulnerabilities of jsdom
jsdom-global install size of jsdom-global vulnerabilities of jsdom-global
mocha install size of mocha vulnerabilities of mocha
mock-local-storage install size of mock-local-storage vulnerabilities of mock-local-storage
nyc install size of nyc vulnerabilities of nyc
sinon install size of sinon vulnerabilities of sinon



  • cli-core-test-1.0.179-npm.tgz

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