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Cogito Ergo Sum standardgalactic
   Standard Galactic Alphabet

Xanadu Canada

Jan Oppelt janoppelt

St. Anna CCRI Vienna, Austria


Houston, Texas

Sam Bryce-Smith SamBryce-Smith
Recent PhD graduate from UCL with Pietro Fratta and Maria Secrier @frattalab

UCL London, UK

Yanfeng Zhang youngorchuang
Genomics, Epigenetics, Non-coding RNA, Cancer Genetics, Autoimmune Disease, chromatin regulation

University of Alabama at Birmingham Birmingham, AL

GuoZhihao JeremyQuo
A beginner of Bioinformatic.& An experienced programmer

CityU HK HongKong


Nanjing Medical University

Darek Kedra darked89
bioinformatics/Linux NGS, Slurm, AWS, Singularity

Barcelona, Spain

Pawel Krawczyk smaegol
I am interested in the analysis of all kinds of NGS data, from metagenomics and bacterial genomics, to transcriptomics, TAILseq and long-read sequencing data

International Institute of Molecular and Cell BIology Warsaw, Poland

Shaojun Xie xies4
Bioinformatician at FNLCR


ledak LedaKatopodi
chemical engineer posing as a computational biologist ~ PhD student @crg @novoalab

CRG Barcelona

Luca Cozzuto lucacozzuto
NGS data analysis Coordinator @ Bioinformatics Core Facility @CRG-CNAG

Centre for Genomic Regulation Barcelona

Leszek Pryszcz lpryszcz
It's okay if you failed today. You can try again tomorrow.
Liu Yuansheng Liu-yuansheng
Health Toxicology, Python R and SAS user

School of Public Health ,Capital Medical University Beijing