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qt5compat_x64-linux 6.7.2-vcpkgdfed7a3b21d2458ea0453ef3c941173de6fc8aa2b00428c87ba47532a55f0d5c

Install from the command line:
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$ dotnet add package qt5compat_x64-linux --version 6.7.2-vcpkgdfed7a3b21d2458ea0453ef3c941173de6fc8aa2b00428c87ba47532a55f0d5c

About this version

NOT FOR DIRECT USE. Automatically generated cache package.

The Qt 5 Core Compat module contains the Qt 5 Core APIs that were removed in Qt 6. The module facilitates the transition to Qt 6.

Version: 6.7.2 Triplet: x64-linux CXX Compiler id: GNU CXX Compiler version: 11.4.0 Triplet/Compiler hash: 8966d717973922180a46664cecd9a481d3eb8d1abf9f6f0ae0784e487bb190d8-8f20f723a25e9787363b95fcfd14b63d82b71ac3e295a73c97d09e681decb90c-a9cc48706cca742e5b6b955b1702a49b2a65371e Features: big-codecs, codecs, core, default-features, qml, textcodec Dependencies: qtbase qtdeclarative